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ASB 301 MODULE 2 ASSIGNMENT 1: You Be the Bioarcheologist

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Instructions OF ASB 301 Module 2 Assignment 1


The purpose of this assignment is to practice creating research questions and hypotheses using multiple sources of data. In studying the history of health, we rely almost entirely on inductive reasoning, bringing together a range of evidence to create the best set of explanations. Hypotheses are used to lay out several explanations so they can be tested systematically against the evidence. In this assignment, you will pretend to be a bioarchaeologist hired to generate good hypotheses for a museum seeking to learn more about the history of health in Britain.

Anticipated Time Required: 4-5 hours


1. Read these instructions to the end. Then return to step 2 to get started.
2. Watch the Assignment 1 Introduction video below. (5 min)
3. Listen to the Presentation of Bioarchaeological Data at Berkchister video below. (20 min). PDF of Powerpoint



Note: The presentation below includes images of skeletal remains. For students unable to view images of skeletal remains due to religious and cultural beliefs, please use this PDF without images of skeletal remains



. and the video transcript

4. To situate the data from Berkchister in the broader historical context of Britain, read Roberts and Cox (2007).


. focusing especially on p. 149–153. (20-30 min)
5. Review the Module 2 lecture on Research Design. (20 min)
6. Download and fill in the Assignment 1 Answer Sheet


.Be sure to review the Assignment 1 Rubric so that you know how points will be assigned. (3-4 hours)
7. Turn in the completed assignment sheet. Title your assignment file using LastnameFirstname_Assignment1.doc and ensure your file is in.doc ,.docx,.txt, or pdf format. Click the Submit Assignment button above to submit.

Step-By-Step Guide ASB 301 Module 2 Assignment 1: You Be the Bioarcheologist

Introduction to ASB 301 Module 2 Assignment 1

This How-To ASB 301 Guide is designed to aid students in constructing research questions and hypotheses based on bioarcheological data. As part of the ASB 301 Module 2 Assignment 1: You Be the Bioarcheologist, you will simulate the role of a bioarcheologist, using evidence from the Berkchister data to explore historical health trends in Britain. The objective is to systematically test various explanations against the evidence, fostering an understanding of health dynamics over time.

Hypothesis #1

To start the ASB 301 Module 2 Assignment 1: You Be the Bioarcheologist, we will analyze and form the first Hypothesis.

  • Identifying Evidence: Examine the Berkchister data to find indicators of changes in health outcomes over time. Clearly state this evidence in a sentence.
  • Formulating Research Question: Develop a question that explores the link between the health outcome change and factors like social conditions, environment, or population demographics.
  • Crafting Hypothesis: Propose a hypothesis that predicts a specific direction of relationship based on the evidence. Avoid forming a null hypothesis.


Evidence Identified

Examination of the Berkchister data reveals a marked increase in signs of malnutrition, as evidenced by the prevalence of rickets. The data show a shift from 0% in the Mesolithic samples (Level VI) to 12% in the Neolithic samples (Level IV).

Research Question Formulated

How does the increase in rickets from Level VI to Level IV correlate with dietary changes due to agricultural practices?

Hypothesis Crafted

The transition from a hunter-gatherer to an agricultural lifestyle, with a reduction in dietary diversity and reliance on crop-based diets, may have led to an increase in vitamin D deficiency and, consequently, a higher incidence of rickets observed from Level VI to Level IV.

Hypothesis #2

Next, we will craft the second hypothesis as we did for Hypothesis 01.

  • Identifying Evidence: Locate another data set showing changes in health outcomes. Be explicit in your documentation.
  • Formulating Research Question: Create a second research question addressing another aspect of the relationship between health changes and external factors.
  • Crafting Hypothesis: Formulate a hypothesis that details the expected relationship, ensuring it is a directional hypothesis.


Evidence Identified

Analysis shows an increase in evidence of respiratory diseases, with 0% incidence in the Mesolithic samples (Level VI) rising to 3.5% in the Bronze Age samples (Level III).

Research Question Formulated

What relationship exists between the rise in respiratory diseases from Level VI to Level III and changes in living conditions, particularly increased indoor smoke exposure from new heating and cooking methods?

Hypothesis Crafted

As communities transitioned to settled lifestyles with enclosed living spaces and fire-based heating and cooking systems, increased exposure to indoor smoke could have contributed to the rise in respiratory diseases from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age.

Part II: Summary Report

  • Analyzing Trends in Health: Summarize the overall trends observed at the Berkchister Parish site. 
  • Discuss whether health has improved, declined, or remained constant.
  • Discussing Contributory Factors: Evaluate what social, environmental, cultural, or demographic factors might have influenced these health trends. 
  • Use the module readings for support, citing appropriately.



The comprehensive review of the Berkchister Parish data indicates a decline in general health standards over time, notably through the transition from hunting and gathering to more settled agricultural societies. The evidence points to a noticeable increase in both rickets and respiratory diseases, diseases associated with changes in diet and living conditions, respectively.

The shift towards agriculture introduced significant changes in diet, reducing dietary diversity and increasing reliance on staple crops, which may lack certain nutrients, leading to malnutrition and conditions like rickets. Concurrently, adopting new heating and cooking technologies within more enclosed living environments likely led to increased exposure to indoor smoke, aggravating respiratory conditions. These health trends are supported by the broader historical context discussed in “Roberts and Cox (2007),” which links agricultural practices and sedentary lifestyles with increased disease prevalence due to these environmental and dietary changes.

This summary underscores the complex interplay between cultural evolution, environmental modifications, and health outcomes, highlighting the critical role of bioarcheological research in uncovering these relationships. Through this assignment, students gain insights into how historical shifts in lifestyle can influence health, emphasizing the importance of integrating multiple data sources to form coherent hypotheses in bioarcheological studies.

Instructional Tips

  • Ensure comprehension of the whole assignment before beginning.
  • Engage with introductory and data presentation materials provided in the videos and readings.
  • Familiarize yourself with the historical context by reviewing relevant literature.
  • Review research design principles to enhance your analysis.
  • Complete and review your assignment thoroughly before submission.


In completing the ASB 301 Module 2 Assignment 1: You Be the Bioarcheologist, you will gain practical experience in bioarcheological research, learning to synthesize historical data with theoretical frameworks to build informed hypotheses about past health trends. This How-To Owlisdom Guide will sharpen your analytical skills and deepen your understanding of the factors influencing health through history.

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