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BIOL-1004 Introduction to Biology W1: DISCUSSION

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Instructions of BIOL-1004 Introduction To Biology W1


What makes the sky blue?
How do bees sting?
Why are oceans salty? 

A child might ask these questions based on observations and experiences. Asking questions about one’s observations is a fundamental part of the scientific process. Suggesting possible answers to questions and testing the answers to determine whether they are correct is the scientific method.

The scientific method is not confined to a laboratory—you apply it in your everyday life already. Let’s say that you notice a patch of grass is dead in one area of your yard. That is an observation.

You might question or make an educated guess—a hypothesis—as to why you think the grass is dead in that one area. Maybe it is not getting watered by your sprinkler. You could adjust your sprinkler settings and see if your grass begins to grow again. If the adjustment does not help, you might try a different hypothesis. When you do those things, you apply the scientific method to your everyday life.

As you begin your exploration of biology this week, you consider the nature of science and how the scientific approach to the world differs from others, such as philosophical or spiritual approaches. Then, you apply this understanding by identifying a situation in which you can apply the scientific method and a situation in which you cannot.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Science for All Americans

Concepts of Biology


  • Review Chapter 1 of Science for all Americans
  • Review Chapter 1 of the Concepts of Biology textbook (Scientific Process section)

Post at least 2 paragraphs as follows:

  • Describe a real-life scenario that could be examined using the scientific method.
  • Explain how the scientific method was or might be applied to solve a problem or answer a question within the scenario.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings.


Response 1: Respond to at least one classmate and:

  • Expand on your classmate’s explanation regarding their use of the scientific method to solve a problem or answer a question.
  • Identify any possible ethical concerns.
  • Suggest a way bias could enter the process and how that might be avoided.

Response 2: Remembering that science is a blend of logic and imagination, respond to at least one other classmate with:

  • What might happen in the future with the scenario your classmate described?
  • Could the scenario described have any broader public implications? Why or why not?



Imagine that you are preparing to leave home for several days. You cannot bring along your pets and your houseplants, and they will both need special care because they are alive.

How is a living organism different from a non-living thing?

In what ways is a plant different from a cat?

Biochemistry is the study of the structure, composition, and chemical reactions of substances in living systems (American Chemical Society, 2012).

This week, you explore biochemistry as you learn about the levels of living organisms and the fundamental unit of all living things—the cell. You discover what cells require to live, explore cell structure functions, and examine a critical cell component, the cell membrane.

For this Assignment, you complete the Gummy Bear Chemistry and Osmosis Lab and complete a lab report based on the lab.

NOTE: Please use the worksheet document provided in the Resources and ignore the one embedded in the lab.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Concepts of Biology

Gummy Bear Chemistry and Osmosis Lab



  1. Review Chapter 3 of Concepts of Biology, “Cell Structure and Function,” to learn about cell membrane structure and how molecules pass in and out of a cell.
  2. Download the Gummy Bear Chemistry and Osmosis Lab Report worksheet.
  3. Complete the Gummy Bear Chemistry and Osmosis Virtual Lab.
    Note: A brief knowledge check within the lab helps you review the lab’s content.
  4. Complete the Gummy Bear Chemistry and Osmosis Virtual Lab Report.
    • Review the assignment rubric before submitting your Lab report.

Submit your completed Lab Report as your Assignment.

Questions about this assignment? Post the questions in the Class Café area, so all class members may benefit from the Instructor’s response.

Following the instructions below, submit your Assignment. In order to receive full credit, all assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Contact information for your Instructor can be found under the Class Café area. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

  1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK1Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial
  2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE Week 1: Introduction to the Science of Biology discussion

Introduction to BIOL-1004 Week 1: DISCUSSION

Welcome, Owlisdom, to the first week of your journey in  BIOL-1004 Introduction To Biology W1: Discussion. This week’s focus is on the scientific method—a foundational concept that not only guides scientific inquiry but also enhances our understanding of the world through systematic observation and experimentation. In this guide, we will walk through the steps necessary to complete the discussion and responses required for this week, ensuring you apply the scientific method effectively in real-world scenarios.

Review Chapter 1 of Science for all Americans. Review Chapter 1 of the Concepts of Biology textbook (Scientific Process section)

 Review of Learning Materials

  • Read Chapter 1 of “Science for All Americans,” focusing on how the scientific method is portrayed as a core component of scientific inquiry.
  • Study BIOL-1004 Introduction To Biology W1: Discussion Chapter 1 of “Concepts of Biology”, specifically the “Scientific Process” section, to understand the detailed steps and applications of the scientific method. 

Describe a real-life scenario that could be examined using the scientific method. Explain how the scientific method was or might be applied to solve a problem or answer a question within the scenario. 

Initial Discussion Post 

  • Identify BIOL-1004 Introduction To Biology W1: Discussion a scenario from everyday life or a personal experience where you have applied or could apply the scientific method. For instance, investigating why a plant in your garden is wilting.
  • Explain the Application of the Scientific Method:
  • Detail what was initially observed in the scenario.
  • Formulate a possible explanation based on your observations.
  • Describe the tests or methods you used or could use to confirm or refute your hypothesis.
  • Discuss the outcomes of the experiment and what you learned from applying the scientific method.


In exploring the practical application of the scientific method in everyday life, let’s consider the scenario of a home garden where some tomato plants are showing signs of wilting. The observation here is straightforward: despite regular care, certain tomato plants in the garden are not thriving as expected.

Upon observing the wilting plants, a hypothesis can be formed: perhaps the plants are not receiving adequate water. To test this hypothesis, the variable of water supply can be manipulated. Over a week, the amount of watering is increased for the affected plants, keeping other conditions like sunlight and soil type constant.

Expand on your classmate’s explanation regarding their use of the scientific method to solve a problem or answer a question. Identify any possible ethical concerns. Suggest a way bias could enter the process and how that might be avoided. 

Peer Response 

I know BIOL-1004 Introduction To Biology W1: Discussion is essential to engage with and answer peers’ queries.

  • Offer additional insights or alternative methods they could consider.
  • Identify Ethical Concerns: Suggest potential ethical issues that could arise in their scenario and how they might be mitigated.
  • Propose ways to eliminate bias in their experimental approach. 


Your application of the scientific method to garden management is both practical and enlightening. Expanding on your experiment and considering environmental factors like sunlight and soil quality could also provide deeper insights. For instance, if increased watering doesn’t resolve the wilting issue, assessing the soil pH and nutrient levels might offer further clues. Additionally, ethical considerations in this scenario could include the use of water resources and the environmental impact of added chemicals or treatments.

What might happen in the future with the scenario your classmate described? Could the scenario described have any broader public implications? Why or why not?

  Response 2

  • Speculate BIOL-1004 Introduction To Biology W1: Discussion on what might happen next in the scenario your classmate described.
  • Discuss whether the scenario has broader societal implications, such as environmental, social, or technological impacts. 


Responding to peers is vital to the BIOL-1004 W1 Discussion posts. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


In the BIOL-1004 Introduction to Biology, W1 discussion, mastering the scientific method equips you with a powerful tool for inquiry that transcends academic disciplines. By applying this method, you learn not only to ask relevant questions but also to develop robust, evidence-based answers. This guide serves as your roadmap for effectively engaging with the course material and your peers, helping you harness the full potential of scientific inquiry. Embrace the opportunity to explore, question, and discover, as these activities are at the heart of both scientific and personal growth. In the next module of  BIOL-1004 Introduction to Biology W2 discussion.

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