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Instructions of BIOS 150 2-2 Scientific Misconduct Discussion

Week #2: Scientific Misconduct Discussion Board

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The purpose of this discussion board is for you to synthesize what you have learned about misconduct in scientific research, the implications of misconduct, and how we address misconduct in the scientific community through sharing of your own learning as well as learning from others.


  • Share your own initial thoughts in an initial post by Thursday of Week #2
  • Follow up with a second post by noon the following Monday


Initial post:

Your initial post is due by Thursday at noon and should include reflections on all of the following:

  1. Analyze your list of reasons for retraction from the Retraction Scavenger Hunt (do not just post your list of ten reasons).  What are the most common reasons you found?  Identify 2 of the most common reasons you found and explain what these mean (you may need to do some searching to figure out exactly what a reason means).  Make sure explanations are in your own words and not copied+pasted from another source.
  2. Scientific misconduct and scientific errors have harms outside of the scientific community.  After reading the STAP and Peer Review Scam articles – what do you see as some of the harms that these instances have produced within the scientific community? Identify at least two harms and briefly describe why each is a harm. 
  3. What about harms outside of the scientific community? Identify at least two harms and briefly describe why each is a harm. 
  4. Pick one of the retraction reasons you identified in your scavenger hunt related specifically to misconduct and propose something that could be done to minimize the likelihood that it occurs.  Your proposal should be focused on the process of science itself.  Note that you need to pick something related to misconduct and not to honest mistakes that a scientist might make.  Your initial post is due by Thursday at noon and should include reflections on all of the following:

Your follow up post is due by the following Monday and should include the following:

  1. Read through the posts of your peers and select one to respond to
  2. Identify a modification or alternative to their strategy outlined in #4 above that could further minimize the likelihood that misconduct occurs.  
  3. While this week we searched specifically for examples of retraction and misconduct, remember that the vast majority of scientists trust the process and engage in science ethically and without misconduct (estimates suggest prevalence of scientific misconduct ranges from 1% to 2%Links to an external site.).  Reflect on your own future profession and the ethical responsibilities you will have.  How do those responsibilities align with the responsibilities of ethical scientists to help ensure public trust in the scientific community?

Grading Criteria

Your discussion will be graded by a rubric.  To view the rubric click the three dots at the top of this page (right hand side) and select “Show rubric”)

Step-By-Step Guide BIOS 150 2-2 Scientific Misconduct Discussion


BIOS 150 2-2 Scientific Misconduct Discussion involves reflecting on scientific misconduct by analyzing retraction reasons, understanding the harms within and outside the scientific community, and proposing solutions to prevent such misconduct. BIOS 150 2-2 Scientific Misconduct Discussion guide will help you structure your reflection effectively.

Analyze your list of reasons for retraction from the Retraction Scavenger Hunt (do not just post your list of ten reasons).  What are the most common reasons you found?  Identify 2 of the most common reasons you found and explain what these mean (you may need to do some searching to figure out exactly what a reason means).


  • Identify and explain the most common reasons for retraction you found during the scavenger hunt.


In reflecting upon the Retraction Scavenger Hunt, two predominant reasons for retraction stood out: data fabrication and conflict of interest. Data fabrication involves intentionally altering data to support desired research outcomes, essentially presenting fictitious results as genuine (Hernandez et al., 2022). This form of scientific misconduct directly undermines the reliability and validity of research findings. A conflict of interest, on the other hand, occurs when a researcher’s personal or financial interests potentially influence their professional actions or judgments, leading to biased research outcomes.

After reading the STAP and Peer Review Scam articles – what do you see as some of the harms that these instances have produced within the scientific community? Identify at least two harms and briefly describe why each is a harm.


  • Describe the harms caused by scientific misconduct within the scientific community.


The repercussions of such misconduct are far-reaching within the scientific community. Firstly, these acts erode trust among researchers, which is crucial for collaborative efforts and the mentoring of new scientists. Direct harm seen from incidents like the STAP cell scandal is the misallocation of resources; valuable time and funding are wasted in pursuing fraudulent or compromised research lines (Christensen et al., 2020). Secondly, scientific misconduct can significantly delay genuine scientific progress. When fraudulent results lead researchers astray, efforts that could have been directed toward fruitful exploration are misused, setting back the field.

What about harms outside of the scientific community? Identify at least two harms and briefly describe why each is a harm.


  • Discuss the external harms caused by scientific misconduct.


The harms outside the scientific community are equally grave. Misconduct can lead to public mistrust in scientific findings. For example, public skepticism toward scientific claims, including valid ones, increases when high-profile misconduct cases are publicized. The skepticism can undermine public health efforts, such as in the case of vaccine hesitancy. Another external harm is the potential risk to individual safety and well-being if medical or technological advancements based on falsified data are used in real-world applications.

Pick one of the retraction reasons you identified in your scavenger hunt related specifically to misconduct and propose something that could be done to minimize the likelihood that it occurs.  Your proposal should be focused on the process of science itself. 


  • Propose a measure to minimize a specific type of misconduct.


One effective measure to mitigate misconduct related to data fabrication could be the implementation of mandatory data auditing processes by independent audit teams before publication. The system would involve random checks of raw data against reported results to ensure their authenticity. Such a measure would not only deter the fabrication by increasing the likelihood of detection but also reinforce the integrity of published research.


Christensen, H. B., Maffett, M., & Rauter, T. (2020). Reversing the resource curse: Foreign corruption regulation and economic development. Working Paper Series. https://www.econstor.eu/handle/10419/262706 

Hernandez, I., Ristow, T., & Hauenstein, M. (2022). Curbing curbstoning: Distributional methods to detect survey data fabrication by third-parties. Psychological Methods, 27(1), 99. 

Read through the posts of your peers and select one to respond to. Identify a modification or alternative to their strategy outlined in #4 above that could further minimize the likelihood that misconduct occurs.  


  • Suggest an additional or alternative strategy to a peer’s post.


Greeting Bryan, 

I appreciate the intention to enhance research integrity. However, I propose an additional or alternative strategy: establishing a culture of mentorship and responsibility in research environments.

Misconduct, such as data fabrication, often stems from high pressure to publish and secure funding, which might be mitigated through a supportive research culture. Senior researchers could play a critical role by mentoring younger colleagues on the importance of ethical research practices. The mentoring should emphasize that scientific credibility is far more valuable than the number of publications. Additionally, incorporating routine discussions and workshops about ethical dilemmas and integrity in data reporting could reinforce the importance of maintaining high ethical standards.

Reflect on your own future profession and the ethical responsibilities you will have.  How do those responsibilities align with the responsibilities of ethical scientists to help ensure public trust in the scientific community?


  • Summarize the key points of your reflection and the importance of ethical responsibilities.


Reflecting on my future in psychological research, these principles are directly aligned with my ethical responsibilities to ensure public trust. By promoting transparency and accountability, we safeguard the integrity of our findings and contribute to a more trustworthy scientific community, which is crucial for public engagement and policy-making based on scientific evidence. The approach nurtures an environment where ethical conduct is the norm, reducing the likelihood of misconduct.


By following these guidelines from Owlisdom Guides, you will be able to write a comprehensive and well-structured reflection on scientific misconduct, addressing each aspect of the assignment clearly and effectively. In the next module of BIOS-150, we will explore the 7-1 Dissemination of Scientific Information

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