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Instructions of BIOS 150 7-1 Dissemination Of Scientific Information

Week #7: Dissemination of Scientific Information

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The purpose of this week’s Discussion Board is to explore the differences in how an original research article, a press release from the institution, and media reports address the results and limitations for a study.  


  • Generate an initial post where you analyze your assigned article
  • Follow up by analyzing the overall trends observed across all articles that reported on the study


  • Navigate to the People tab for the course (in the menu on the left).  Locate the group that you have been assigned to for this week.  Note that this assignment is not a group that you will be working with this week, these are just all people who have been assigned the same article to read.
  • Open your assigned news article below and read it.  
  • For your first post (due Thursday at noon): Write a post that addresses the following:
    • Grade the headline for the article, where an “A” is an accurate headline that does not overstate the findings of the study and an “F” is a headline that is intended to scare the reader.
    • Did the news article accurately reflect the study or did it exaggerate the relevance of the study to humans?  Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences.  
    • How did the news story do compared to the press release?  Which one did a better job of accurately portraying the study’s findings and limitations? The press release or the news story?  Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences and address specific limitations you found (or did not find) in each.  
  • For your second post (due Monday the following week at noon): Read through several other posts from your peers where they analyzed a different news article than you did.  Reply to one of those with a post that addresses the following questions:
    • What role do you see press releases playing in overexaggerating study findings and why do you think over-exaggeration in press releases occurs?
    • What are some negative consequences when news stories don’t accurately reflect the studies they are reporting on?  
    • What strategies should news consumers have when reading articles about scientific studies to prevent being misled by over-exaggeration or overextrapolation of findings?
    • What news sources did you get the sense did the best job of reporting, and what about their reporting made you decide that?

Assigned News Articles

Find your assigned news article below:

  1. ABC NewsLinks to an external site.
  2. LA TimesLinks to an external site.
  3. Union TribuneLinks to an external site.
  4. Time MagazineLinks to an external site.
  5. The IndependentLinks to an external site.

Grading Criteria

Your first post will be graded based on the rubric below.  First posts must be completed by Thursday of this week at noon to earn credit, while second posts are due by Monday of Week #10 at noon

Step-By-Step Guide BIOS 150 7-1 Dissemination Of Scientific Information


The Owlisdom BIOS 150 7-1 Dissemination Of Scientific Information guide aims to assist you in effectively engaging with a discussion board assignment focused on scientific misconduct. It will outline how to evaluate news articles critically, reflect on the implications of scientific misconduct, and propose thoughtful solutions to improve scientific integrity. In the next module of BIOS-150, we will explore the 7 2 Pseudoscience Discussion Post

Grade the headline for the article, where an “A” is an accurate headline that does not overstate the findings of the study and an “F” is a headline that is intended to scare the reader.


  • Assess whether the headline accurately reflects the study’s findings without exaggerating. Consider if the headline might mislead the reader about the study’s relevance to human health.


In analyzing the headline “Triclosan linked to liver damage, cancer in mice” for the news article, I would assign it a grade of “B.” The headline accurately captures the essential finding of the study—that triclosan exposure is linked to adverse liver outcomes in mice. However, the phrasing could potentially lead lay readers to assume a direct applicability to humans, which is not established in the study. Therefore, while not overly sensational, it slightly overstates the immediate relevance to human health, which could mislead the public.

Did the news article accurately reflect the study or did it exaggerate the relevance to humans?  Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences.  


  • Compare the article’s content with the actual study’s findings. Note any exaggeration or errors in how the study’s implications are presented, especially regarding human health impacts.


The news article presents the study’s findings with reasonable accuracy but does edge towards an exaggerated relevance to humans. It mentions the significant increase in liver tumors in mice exposed to triclosan (Healy, 2014). It hints at implications for human health regulators without clarifying the considerable difference in exposure levels between the mice in the study and typical human exposure. The comparison is crucial as it contextualizes the findings within the scope of realistic human exposure, which the article briefly touches on but could potentially mislead readers about the direct implications.

How did the news story do compared to the press release?  Which one did a better job of accurately portraying the study’s findings and limitations? The press release or the news story?  Explain your answer in 2-3 sentences and address specific limitations you found (or did not find) in each.  


  • Determine which document (press release or news article) provides a more accurate and detailed presentation of the study’s findings.
  • Discuss any limitations of the study acknowledged in the press release and news article. Note if the news article omits critical limitations that are mentioned in the press release.


Comparatively, without access to the full text of the press release, one can infer from typical press releases that they generally aim to be more measured and detailed in conveying the research’s scope, including specific limitations and the direct applicability of the findings. Press releases usually aim to prevent misinterpretation by clearly outlining the experimental setup and acknowledging the preliminary nature of findings, especially in translational aspects from animal models to humans. If the press release for this study adhered to these norms, it likely provided a more precise delineation of the limitations and cautious interpretation compared to the media report, which seems to focus more on potential human implications without sufficient emphasis on the translational gaps highlighted by the researchers. The approach in press releases is crucial in maintaining scientific integrity when communicating to the public and ensuring that the findings are not overstated or misapplied.


Healy, M. (2014). Triclosan linked to liver damage, cancer in mice—Los Angeles Times. https://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-cleaner-hands-higher-liver-risk-20141120-story.html 

What role do you see press releases playing in overexaggerating study findings, and why do you think over-exaggeration occurs in press releases?


  • Reflect on why press releases might tend to overstate findings, considering their purpose to attract media attention and public interest.


Reflecting on your analysis of the UC San Diego-led study on triclosan and its potential implications for human health, it is evident that the role of press releases is pivotal yet often problematic. Press releases can inadvertently exaggerate study findings, primarily due to the desire to capture public and media attention. Institutions aim to highlight the significance of their research to secure funding and enhance their reputation. However, simplifying or sensationalizing complex scientific data can mislead the media and the public.

What are some negative consequences when news stories don’t accurately reflect the studies they are reporting on?

  • Discuss specific harms caused by inaccuracies in news reporting, such as public misinformation or misinformed policy-making.


One significant negative consequence of news stories that do not accurately reflect the studies they report on is the potential for public misinformation. It can lead to unnecessary panic or undue reassurance, which could have severe implications for public health and policy (Nicomedes & Avila, 2020). Furthermore, inaccuracies can erode public trust in scientific research, particularly if studies are later contradicted, or their findings are clarified.

What strategies should news consumers have when reading articles about scientific studies to prevent being misled by over-exaggeration or overextrapolation of findings?

  • Encourage checking multiple sources and looking for corroborative reporting on the same study.


News consumers should adopt several strategies to avoid being misled by over-exaggeration or overextrapolation of findings. Firstly, readers should seek multiple sources to get a balanced view of the research outcomes. Checking whether other articles on the same topic report similar findings can provide a more reliable basis for understanding the study’s implications. Additionally, it is beneficial to look for direct quotes from the researchers involved in the study or links to the actual study to assess the validity of the reporting.

What news sources did you get the sense did the best job of reporting, and what about their reporting made you decide that?

  • Discuss characteristics of reliable reporting, such as detailed analysis, context provision, and avoidance of sensationalism.


From the discussion, detailed and balanced reporting, such as that from specialized health and science journalists, seems more reliable. These sources often have the expertise to dissect study findings accurately and discuss them in context, avoiding sensational headlines and focusing instead on the actual scientific data and its limitations. This type of reporting ensures that the public receives information that is both informative and precise, enhancing understanding rather than causing alarm.


Nicomedes, C. J. C., & Avila, R. M. A. (2020). An analysis on the panic during COVID-19 pandemic through an online form. Journal of Affective Disorders, 276, 14–22. 

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