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BMGT8410 Week 4 Discussion: Motivation Theories

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Instructions of BMGT-8410 Week 4 Discussion: Motivation Theories

Week 4 Discussion: Motivation Theories

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You have explored four concepts of motivation in this week’s Studies, with two focused on the job and the characteristics of the job, and two looking at how employees think about inputs at work. Many HR professionals find that this combination of theories, which focus on job characteristics and how employees view job inputs, goes a long way in explaining what motivates most employees in today’s complex job market.

A search for America’s “best places to work” yields a number of sources. Using a source of your choice, select any three companies it lists as the best place to work and describe how that company uses any of the motivation theories discussed in this week to develop a motivated workforce. Be sure to specify which theory you are referring to and how you think the company applies it to its work environment.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least one other learner’s post, continuing the conversation about job characteristics and employee perspectives as you see fit.


Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

Step-By-Step Guide BMGT-8410 Week 4 Discussion: Motivation Theories

Introduction to BMGT-8410 Week 4 Discussion

Welcome to the BMGT-8410 Week 4 Discussion: Motivation Theories! This week, we dive into various motivation theories, focusing on job characteristics and employee perspectives. You will analyze how different companies use these theories to develop motivated workforces. This guide will help you navigate the BMGT-8410 Week 4 Discussion: Motivation Theories, ensuring you address all necessary components thoughtfully and thoroughly.

A search for America’s “best places to work” yields a number of sources. Using a source of your choice, select any three companies it lists as the best place to work and describe how that company uses any of the motivation theories discussed in this week to develop a motivated workforce. 

Company Selection and Theory Application

As mentioned in the MBMGT-8410 Week 4 Discussion: Motivation Theories instructions, I must start this by analyzing various sources related to America’s “best places to work.”  Then, I will select three companies with excellent work environments from the source of my choice. After this, I will describe how that company uses the motivational theories discussed this week to develop a motivational workforce.

  • Select three companies listed as the best places to work.
  • For each company, describe how it uses one of the motivation theories discussed this week.
  • Explain how the selected theory is applied to enhance the company’s work environment and motivate employees.


One company consistently listed as a great place to work is Google. Google applies the Job Characteristics Model by ensuring jobs are designed to provide employees with skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and feedback. This approach helps employees find their work meaningful and engaging, leading to higher motivation and job satisfaction.

Another excellent company is Salesforce, which uses Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to motivate its workforce. By promoting a culture of autonomy, competence, and relatedness, Salesforce ensures that employees feel empowered and connected to their work and colleagues, fostering intrinsic motivation.

Finally, Zappos applies the Expectancy Theory by creating clear links between employee performance and rewards. Zappos has a robust reward system that includes financial incentives, recognition programs, and career development opportunities, which motivate employees to achieve high performance by aligning their efforts with desired outcomes.

Be sure to specify which theory you are referring to and how you think the company applies it to its work environment.

Specify and Explain

Then in the next section of Motivation Theories Week 4 Discussion of BMGT-8410, I will discuss which motivational theory I have selected and then I will discuss how my selected theory can be applied to the company’s work environment. 

  • Clearly specify which motivation theory you are referring to for each company.
  • Provide examples or scenarios to illustrate how each company applies the theory in practice.


Google’s application of the Job Characteristics Model includes designing roles that allow employees to use a range of skills and receive regular feedback. Salesforce fosters intrinsic motivation by creating an environment where employees have the autonomy to make decisions and feel competent in their roles. Zappos motivates employees through Expectancy Theory by clearly communicating how performance leads to specific rewards, thus encouraging employees to strive for excellence.

Respond to at least one other learner’s post, continuing the conversation about job characteristics and employee perspectives as you see fit.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of BMGT-8410. We need to provide at least one other learner’s post. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Engage with at least one peer’s post by providing a thoughtful and meaningful response.
  • Enhance the discussion by contributing additional insights, posing questions, or offering alternative viewpoints.
  • Ensure your response is courteous, constructive, and backed by relevant scholarly sources where appropriate.


Hi Alex, great post! Your analysis of how Microsoft uses Equity Theory to maintain a motivated workforce is spot on. Ensuring fairness in rewards and recognition is crucial for employee satisfaction. Additionally, it would be interesting to explore how Microsoft’s focus on transparency and communication reinforces this theory. Do you think there are any potential challenges Microsoft might face in maintaining equity as the company grows?


This How-To Owlisdom guide aims to assist you in navigating the BMGT-8410 Week 4 Discussion: Motivation Theories effectively. By thoughtfully considering how companies use motivation theories and engaging in meaningful dialogue with your peers, you will gain valuable insights into developing motivated and productive workforces. Good luck with your discussion!

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