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BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments

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Instructions of BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments

Week 7 Overview: Creating Flexible Work Environments

After reviewing the course readings, answer the following questions:

  • Where are flexible work environments most effective, and where might they be problematic?
  • What organizational policies would need to change to address the flexible work environment?
  • Would there need to be more policies or fewer policies? Support your statements with research.
  • Are flexible work environments applicable to the organization you are focusing on for your course project?

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least two other learners. Do you agree with their assessments of flexible work environments? What other factors or options might be worth considering?

Step-By-Step Guide BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments

Introduction to BMGT 8412 Week Seven Discussion

The BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments involves analysing the effectiveness and challenges of flexible work environments, identifying necessary organisational policy changes, determining the appropriate quantity of policies, and assessing the applicability of flexible work environments to the organisation you are focusing on for your course project. Additionally, this Owlisdom How-To Guide will help you provide thoughtful feedback and consider other factors or options.

Where are flexible work environments most effective, and where might they be problematic?

Effectiveness of Flexible Work Environments

To start the BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments, we will determine where flexible work environments are most effective.

  • Reflect on the types of roles, industries, and organisational cultures that benefit most from flexible work environments. 
  • Consider factors such as job nature, employee autonomy, and technological infrastructure. Use examples and research from credible sources to support your analysis.


Flexible work environments are particularly effective in roles that require high levels of autonomy and can be performed digitally. At Apple Inc., roles such as software development, marketing, and design greatly benefit from flexible work arrangements. These arrangements can lead to increased productivity and job satisfaction by allowing employees to work in environments that best suit their needs. Research shows that flexible work options can significantly reduce burnout and improve work-life balance, ultimately leading to higher employee engagement and retention (Mikus et al., 2022).

Potential Problems with Flexible Work Environments

Next, in BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments, identify where flexible work environments might be problematic.

  • Consider roles and industries where flexible work might not be feasible or effective, such as positions requiring physical presence or close supervision. 
  • Discuss potential issues such as communication barriers, reduced team cohesion, and challenges in performance management. 
  • Support your points with evidence from research and case studies.


However, flexible work environments can present challenges in roles that necessitate physical presence or close supervision, such as those in manufacturing, retail, and certain administrative functions. For example, Apple Store employees and those involved in hands-on product development may face difficulties with remote work. Issues such as communication barriers, reduced team cohesion, and challenges in performance management can arise. Studies indicate that these problems can negatively impact team dynamics and overall productivity (Kniffin et al., 2021).

What organisational policies would need to change to address the flexible work environment?

Necessary Organizational Policy Changes

Now, identify the organisational policies that must be changed to address the flexible work environment.

  • Analyse existing policies that might need to be revised, such as attendance, performance evaluation, and communication protocols
  • Consider introducing new policies that support flexible work arrangements, such as remote work guidelines and digital communication standards. 
  • Use examples from organisations that have successfully implemented flexible work policies.


To effectively support flexible work environments, Apple needs to revise several organisational policies. These include updating attendance policies, performance evaluation methods, and communication protocols. New policies should emphasise remote work guidelines, digital communication standards, and performance metrics focused on outcomes rather than hours worked. Successful examples from other tech companies like Google and Microsoft demonstrate the importance of clear and supportive policies in implementing flexible work arrangements (Kho et al., 2020).

Would there need to be more policies or fewer policies? Support your statements with research.

Quantity of Policies Required

For this section of the week 7 discussion, determine whether more policies or fewer policies are needed to support a flexible work environment.

  • Discuss the balance between providing sufficient structure and allowing flexibility. 
  • Argue whether additional policies are necessary to ensure clarity and consistency or if fewer, more streamlined policies would be more effective. 
  • Support your argument with research and examples from organisations with flexible work environments.


Balancing structure with flexibility is crucial. While additional policies might provide clarity and consistency, fewer, more streamlined policies could better support flexibility. I recommend adopting a focused approach with key policies addressing remote work, communication, and performance evaluation. Research suggests that streamlined policies can effectively maintain flexibility while ensuring organisational alignment (Bellmann & Hübler, 2020).

Are flexible work environments applicable to the organisation you are focusing on for your course project?

Applicability to Your Chosen Organization

In this section of BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments, we will assess whether flexible work environments apply to the organisation you are focusing on for your course project.

  • Evaluate the specific characteristics and needs of your chosen organisation. 
  • Consider factors such as the nature of work, technological readiness, and organisational culture. 
  • Provide a reasoned argument supported by research and evidence from your course project.


Flexible work environments are highly applicable to Apple Inc., given its emphasis on innovation and creativity. The company’s robust technological infrastructure supports remote work. However, it is essential to tailor flexible work practices to different roles within the organisation, ensuring both remote and on-site employees are adequately supported.

Implementing flexible work environments at Apple Inc. requires careful consideration of their effectiveness, potential challenges, and necessary policy changes. By balancing structure and flexibility and tailoring practices to different roles, Apple can enhance employee engagement and productivity. Engaging with peers’ insights and exploring additional factors will further deepen understanding of effective Z flexible work strategies.

Respond to at least two other learners. Do you agree with their assessments of flexible work environments? What other factors or options might be worth considering?

Peer Responses

According to BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week 7 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Read your peers’ responses carefully. 
  • Provide thoughtful feedback, stating whether you agree or disagree with their points. 
  • Support your feedback by using reasons and evidence from the readings or your understanding.


Response 01

Hey Max, nice post! I agree with your analysis of the effectiveness and challenges of flexible work environments at Apple Inc. Your point about the need for clear and supportive policies is particularly strong. Research by Brown (2019) supports the importance of well-defined remote work guidelines in enhancing productivity and engagement. Additionally, considering the role of leadership in promoting a flexible work culture is crucial. Leaders who model and support flexible practices can significantly influence their success.

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the BMGT 8412 Week 7 Discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


The BMGT 8412 WEEK seven discussion: Creating Flexible Work Environments, aims to enhance your understanding of flexible work environments and their implementation within organisations. By analysing the effectiveness, challenges, necessary policy changes, and applicability to your chosen organisation, you will develop a comprehensive approach to fostering adaptive and innovative workplaces. Engaging with your peers’ insights will further deepen your understanding and foster a collaborative approach to addressing workplace flexibility. In the Upcoming module of BMGT-8412, we will explore Physical Workspaces.


Bellmann, L., & Hübler, O. (2020). Working from home, job satisfaction, and work-life balance – robust or heterogeneous links? International Journal of Manpower, 42(3), 424–441. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-10-2019-0458

Kho, J., Gillespie, N., & Martin-Khan, M. (2020). A systematic scoping review of change management practices used for telemedicine service implementations. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 815. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05657-w

Kniffin, K. M., Narayanan, J., Anseel, F., Antonakis, J., Ashford, S. P., Bakker, A. B., Bamberger, P., Bapuji, H., Bhave, D. P., Choi, V. K., Creary, S. J., Demerouti, E., Flynn, F. J., Gelfand, M. J., Greer, L. L., Johns, G., Kesebir, S., Klein, P. G., Lee, S. Y., … Vugt, M. van. (2021). COVID-19 and the workplace: Implications, issues, and insights for future research and action. American Psychologist, 76(1), 63–77. https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000716

Mikus, J., Rieger, J., & Grant-Smith, D. (2022). Eudaemonic Design to Achieve Well-Being at Work, Wherever That May Be. In Ergonomics and Business Policies for the Promotion of Well-Being in the Workplace (pp. 1–32). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7396-9.ch001 

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