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BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

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Instructions of BUS 225 7-1 project three submission


Your presentation to the leadership panel of your company was well received. Now you must create a presentation for a wider audience—stakeholders from inside and outside the company—and include your decisions and recommendations, which were approved by the leadership panel. Remember that your presentation must convey professionalism and be visually appealing as well as informative.


Create a presentation of your research and data findings from Project Two including your decision and rationale.

  1. Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders.

    1. Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.

    2. Illustrate your key points using visualizations.

    3. Tell your story.

Specifically include the following in your presentation:

  1. Communicate your decision about diversification based on your analysis of the data and research.

  1. Use visualizations to tell the story of the (quantitative and qualitative) data.

  2. Determine the likelihood of success based on the data and research collected.

  3. Discuss the impact that moving to the new industry will have on the organization and its internal and external stakeholders.

  1. Detail your recommendations for moving forward.

  1. Summarize findings of the research performed.

  2. Include research conclusions and reasoning.

  3. Describe the rationale behind your recommendations.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit a Powerpoint presentation of 10 to 15 slides including speaker notes. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Step-By-Step GUIDE on BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Introduction to Module 7 Project Three

The BUS 225 7-1 project three submission involves crafting a polished business presentation for internal and external stakeholders. The presentation will encapsulate the findings and decisions from previous research projects, mainly focusing on diversification strategies. The goal is to effectively communicate complex data and strategic decisions, ensuring clarity, professionalism, and engagement from varied audiences.

You must use the data you generated in Module Three, Project One, and Module Five, Project Two.

1. Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders.

  • Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.

  • Illustrate your key points using visualizations.

  • Tell your story.

Understanding the Audience

We will first identify our key stakeholders to start the BUS 225 7-1 project three submission. We will give a brief overview of our project in a short paragraph.

  • Internal Stakeholders: Focus on how the decisions will impact their roles, responsibilities, and future operations within the company. Your message should be reassuring and detail-oriented, highlighting benefits and addressing potential concerns.
  • External Stakeholders: Emphasize the broader impact on the industry, potential market growth, and how the decision aligns with market trends. Ensure the tone is confident and forward-looking, suitable for investors, partners, and industry analysts.
  • Data Visualization: Evident, visually appealing charts and graphs represent quantitative data such as market trends, financial forecasts, and consumer behavior analytics.
  • Narrative Construction: Tell a coherent story from the beginning of the research to the final decisions. Link each presentation part logically to keep the audience engaged and informed.

2. Communicate your decision about diversification based on your analysis of the data and research.

  • Use visualizations to tell the story of the (quantitative and qualitative) data.

  • Determine the likelihood of success based on the data and research collected.

  • Discuss the impact moving to the new industry will have on the organization and its internal and external stakeholders.

Detailing the Decision on Diversification

Next, in BUS 225 7-1 project three submission. We will discuss the diversification and decisions made by analyzing the data and research.

  • Visual Storytelling with Data: Use comparative graphs to show before and after scenarios or market conditions. This helps illustrate the ‘why’ behind diversification.
  • Success Likelihood Analysis: Present data analytics that model potential outcomes of the diversification. Use predictive analytics if available, and discuss confidence levels or uncertainties.
  • Stakeholder Impact Discussion: Discuss how the diversification will affect various stakeholder groups. Use scenario analysis to depict potential impacts, helping stakeholders visualize the change.

3. Detail your recommendations for moving forward.

  • Summarize the findings of the research performed.

  • Include research conclusions and reasoning.

  • Describe the rationale behind your recommendations.

Formulating Recommendations

We will formulate recommendations based on our data analysis and research for the last section of the BUS 225 7-1 project three submission.

  • Research Summary: Concisely summarize the key findings from the data analyzed. Focus on those findings that directly support your recommendations.
  • Conclusion and Reasoning: Clearly state the logical reasoning that connects your data findings to the proposed recommendations. This section should underscore the thought process behind the strategic choices.
  • Recommendation Rationale: Describe why these recommendations were chosen over others, focusing on their benefits to the organization and internal and external stakeholders.


The BUS 225 Project Three encapsulates the critical task of translating complex data and research into actionable strategic decisions communicated effectively to a diverse audience. This exercise not only enhances your problem-solving and decision-making skills but also hones your ability to convey information in a professional, accessible manner. As future business leaders, mastering these skills will prove invaluable in your career, equipping you to handle complex business scenarios with confidence and clarity. You can also read BUS-225 complete modules to ace the course!

Presentation Example

Speaker’s Notes

Slide 1 is the Title Slide.

Slide 2: The automotive sector plays a significant role in the U.S. economy. As competition intensifies, companies need to adapt their strategies to meet the continuously changing preferences of consumers. The pandemic has reshaped travel behaviors, changing how car manufacturers market their products. These firms must branch into emerging markets to sustain their competitive edge and increase shareholder value. Moreover, the increasing focus on hybrid and electric vehicles transforms industry standards, compelling the sector to innovate and evolve (Iyer, 2022).

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 3: Historically, the automotive industry saw minimal returns on investment in research and development, which meant that despite their significant impact on global warming, automakers invested sparingly in R&D. However, this trend has significantly shifted, with industry leaders like Toyota and GM boosting their R&D expenditures from 16% to 30%, prompting their rivals to follow suit. This increase in investment has particularly enhanced electric vehicle (EV) production, with a new emphasis on creating autonomous vehicles (Llopis-Albert et al., 2021).

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 4:  Technology companies are increasingly equipped to offer continuous and flawless services to their customers, significantly impacting other sectors striving for exceptional customer service. Machine learning has become a pivotal technology that enables smooth interactions between businesses and their clients amid rapid technological advancements. Machine learning enhances service quality by mimicking human behaviors using algorithms and data. This advancement allows machines to replicate human interactions, offering a customer experience comparable to human agents. Consequently, consumers enjoy superior services, transforming business operations and executing tasks (Upadhyay et al., 2020).

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 5: Numerous insiders play a vital role in the automotive industry’s success, with the United States frequently viewed as a leading force globally. Most stakeholders in the automobile sector are internal, encompassing owners, managers, and employees. The responsibilities and expectations of each internal stakeholder must be explicitly outlined. For example, corporate investors should invest sufficiently to guarantee the company’s smooth operation. Managers bear the responsibility of making impactful decisions that affect the entire organization. Similarly, employees are expected to actively contribute to the company’s goals and success (Agwu, 2019).

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 6: The automobile industry must maintain strong relationships with suppliers and customers, as competition drives innovation and distinctive offerings. Government regulations also significantly influence the industry. To effectively manage these relationships, the industry needs a robust communication strategy that clarifies organizational goals and enhances stakeholder understanding (Lechler et al., 2020).

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 7: The quantitative data method can be applied to study the automobile industry, focusing on consumer preferences, market size, and demographics. Automakers can leverage this data to make informed decisions. The methodologies for deriving quantitative data from gathered information may have been effective. For example, by analyzing their mean values, t-tests could determine whether two data sets originate from the same sample or population. While t-tests are beneficial for comparing two groups, additional testing is often necessary to evaluate more variables and larger sample sizes.

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 8: Qualitative data is crucial in the automotive industry for uncovering valuable insights through engaging and open-ended conversations. Techniques like in-depth interviews, focus groups, and surveys enable car manufacturers to understand better how consumers perceive competing brands. These methods facilitate accurate data collection for research, enhancing knowledge about the automotive industry’s offerings. Detailed interviews with representatives from diverse automakers can provide extensive direct information about their products. Although observational research has its constraints, it remains a valuable tool for examining companies and identifying modifications in their production.

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 9: 

Entering a new market presents multiple challenges for a business, potentially necessitating a comprehensive organizational overhaul that could impact numerous employees. This change could lead to various employee outcomes, from job losses and salary reductions to diminished benefits. Such a transition could profoundly influence the company’s internal and external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders, including employees, might experience salary reductions or job eliminations. Externally, consumer discontent with the offerings of the new industry could lead to a decrease in sales, affecting the business’s performance (Anon, 2020).

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 10: The study emphasizes the essential roles of internal and external stakeholders in the automobile industry. Given the intense competition in today’s market, all participants must exert significant effort to sustain operations. Moreover, integrating quantitative and qualitative data analysis is vital to this research, offering distinct and critical insights into the American automobile industry. Data indicates that a company’s venture into a new market impacts the involved parties. New management practices and objectives might lead some stakeholders to steer clear of the new sectors (Mathivathanan et al., 2018).

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 11: As technological progress in the tech sector continues to accelerate, there are substantial opportunities for revenue expansion through diversification into the industry. The ongoing advancement of technology enhances both the accuracy of customer service and the smoothness of the user experience. Meanwhile, the automobile industry is slowly recovering from the impacts of the pandemic. Consequently, the focus is shifting towards electric vehicles as the industry moves away from fossil fuels and towards electric power. Numerous manufacturers producing electric and traditional gas vehicles have embraced this shift. Therefore, pivoting towards the IT sector is deemed essential for future success.

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 12: The technology and automotive manufacturing industries have many parallels and differences. For example, competition among companies stems from their comparable scale and scope. Both sectors demand substantial upfront investments to rival the large, established entities. A key difference lies in the challenge of substitute products. Substitutes are a significant threat in the technology sector due to similar products’ wide availability and popularity. In contrast, the automotive sector faces less threat from substitutes, as few alternatives match the quality and convenience offered by established automotive products.

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 13: The offerings of IT companies are adapting due to escalating customer expectations within the technology sector. Consumers seek solutions to consolidate their online interactions through a single dashboard or device as the digital environment becomes more segmented. They are eager to streamline processes, safeguard personal data, and reduce expenses in areas such as insurance through automation of mundane data tasks, all of which are steering the course of the digital industry. Ensuring efficient operations, for example, necessitates automating processes utilizing big data.

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 14: The presentation details tactics for the automobile industry to stay competitive in today’s market. Technologies like the Internet of Things can connect companies to their supply chains, enabling employees and inspectors to access critical information remotely, regardless of their proximity to the company. Fostering strong relationships with suppliers may improve component quality and enhance comprehension of internal operations, facilitating the fulfillment of customer requirements. Staying current with industry trends is crucial to prevent lagging behind competitors and to remain informed about advancements in the sector.

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 15: Achieving organizational success through diversification is costly and demands significant commitment, making it crucial to reduce the risk of failure. The company can then concentrate on the elements that influence the ecosystem and make well-informed choices regarding investment timing, amount, and location. While extensive data is available on the IT industry, there remain market gaps that other sectors, such as the automotive industry, can exploit.

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

Slide 16: The two industries can work together to enhance their service efficiencies. Each sector is poised for further growth, which will aid its long-term sustainability. The technology sector is growing, and the automotive manufacturing industry has improved post-Covid-19. With escalating competition and evolving consumer preferences, both industries have been compelled to improve their products and services. Collaborative efforts are essential for both sectors to keep growing and stay competitive. Such cooperation will contribute to sustaining equilibrium within the industry.

BUS 225 7-1 project three submission

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