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BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops

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Instructions of BUS 400 7-1 Discussion


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Feedback loops are an important tool in making sure your product or service meets or exceeds the business and customer expectations. Your business model should include strategies explaining how you will seek and implement feedback from different sources, with a focus on establishing constructive feedback loops that will help improve your product or service and enhance customer retention.

In your initial post, address the following:

  • Who will you ask for feedback from within the company?

    • How do you plan to seek and address feedback and concerns from these sources within the company?

  • Describe strategies you plan to use for seeking and addressing feedback from customers.

  • Outline the internal communication channels you will use to address feedback from internal and external customers.

In your response to two peers, address the following:

  • What are some similarities and differences between your strategies both internally and externally?

  • Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for improving their feedback loops?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide on BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops

Introduction to BUS 400 7-1 Discussion

The BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops revolves around your understanding of Feedback Loops. I will provide brief and descriptive guidelines to solve the 7-1 Discussion post and a dummy solution for each section. This Owlisdom How-To Guide will equip you with guidelines to tackle all the queries related to the BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops. Let us begin with the guide.

Develop Feedback Collection Strategies

To start the BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops, we will discuss how to develop feedback collection strategies.

  • Determine who will provide feedback, including employees from various departments, managers, and executives.
  • Establish formal channels for feedback collection, such as regular meetings, suggestion boxes, surveys, and feedback forms.
  • Encourage open communication and create a culture that values feedback and constructive criticism.


To develop effective feedback collection strategies, start by identifying key stakeholders within the company who will provide feedback, including employees from different departments, managers, and executives (Tong et al., 2021). Next, formal channels such as regular meetings, suggestion boxes, surveys, and feedback forms should be established to facilitate feedback collection. Foster open communication and cultivate a culture that values feedback and constructive criticism, encouraging employees to share their insights and suggestions openly. This approach promotes transparency and collaboration, enhancing the overall feedback-collection process.

Who will you ask for feedback from within the company? How do you plan to seek and address feedback and concerns from these sources within the company?

Addressing Feedback

We will discuss how to address feedback for this section of BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops.

  • Designate responsible individuals or teams to review and address feedback promptly.
  • Implement an organised system for categorising and prioritising feedback based on its impact and urgency.


The company will seek feedback from various stakeholders, including employees from different departments, managers, and executives. To seek and address feedback effectively, responsible individuals or teams will be designated to review and address feedback promptly (Wolcott et al., 2021). An organised system will be implemented to categorise and prioritise feedback based on its impact and urgency, ensuring that all concerns are addressed promptly and efficiently. This structured approach fosters accountability and ensures that feedback is handled effectively to drive continuous organisational improvement.

Describe strategies you plan to use for seeking and addressing feedback from customers.

Customer Feedback Strategies

In this section of BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops, we will describe the strategies for customer feedback.

  • Utilise multiple channels for gathering customer feedback, including surveys, feedback forms on the website, social media monitoring, and customer support interactions.
  • Actively listen to customer concerns and suggestions, acknowledging their input and demonstrating a commitment to improvement.


To gather and address customer feedback effectively, we will employ various strategies. This includes utilising multiple channels such as surveys, feedback forms on the website, social media monitoring, and interactions with customer support. We leverage these channels to capture feedback from diverse sources and gather insights into customer preferences and experiences. Additionally, we will actively listen to customer concerns and suggestions, acknowledge their input, and demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement. This proactive approach ensures that customer feedback is valued and informs our efforts to enhance the quality of our products or services.

Outline the internal communication channels you will use to address feedback from internal and external customers.

Internal Communication Channels

Next, in BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops. We will discuss the internal communication channels.

  • Utilise existing internal communication platforms, such as email, intranet, team meetings, and collaborative tools, to disseminate feedback and ensure it reaches the relevant stakeholders.
  • Foster a collaborative environment where employees feel comfortable sharing feedback and ideas across departments.


We will employ effective internal communication channels to address feedback from internal and external customers. This involves utilising existing platforms like email, intranet, team meetings, and collaborative tools to ensure that feedback reaches the relevant stakeholders promptly. By leveraging these channels, we aim to facilitate transparent communication and collaboration across departments, fostering an environment where employees feel empowered to share feedback and ideas. This collaborative approach enables us to address feedback efficiently and implement necessary improvements to enhance overall customer satisfaction.

What are some similarities and differences between your strategies, both internally and externally? Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for improving their feedback loops?

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Highlight the similarities and differences between your feedback strategies, both internally and externally.
  • Offer constructive suggestions for improving their feedback loops, such as expanding feedback sources, implementing regular feedback review sessions, or enhancing communication channels to ensure prompt response to feedback.

Response 01

In comparing our internal and external strategies, we focus on utilising multiple channels for feedback collection and emphasising open communication. However, a notable difference lies in the specificity of internal communication channels, where we emphasise existing platforms like email and team meetings. I suggest incorporating regular feedback review sessions and diversifying feedback sources to enhance feedback loops and gain comprehensive insights. Additionally, optimising communication channels for prompt responses could further improve effectiveness.


By following these guidelines of BUS 400 7-1 Discussion: Feedback Loops, you can establish effective feedback loops that contribute to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction within your business.
In the next module of BUS-400, we will explore the 7-2 Project Submission.


Tong, S., Jia, N., Luo, X., & Fang, Z. (2021). The Janus face of artificial intelligence feedback: Deployment versus disclosure effects on employee performance. Strategic Management Journal, 42(9), 1600–1631.

Wolcott, M. D., McLaughlin, J. E., Hann, A., Miklavec, A., Beck Dallaghan, G. L., Rhoney, D. H., & Zomorodi, M. (2021). A review to characterise and map the growth mindset theory in health professions education. Medical Education, 55(4), 430–440.

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