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BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations

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Instructions of BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations

COMPLETE Ch 12 Assignment 

  • Due Nov 18, 2023 by 11:59pm

  • Points 35

  • Submitting a text entry box

  • Available until Nov 25, 2023 at 11:59pm

This assignment was locked Nov 25, 2023 at 11:59pm.

V32 Chapter 12 Assignment

In Chapter 12 we explore labor unions in the workplace. There are many facets to labor unions and, ideally, the organization and the union can collaborate to maintain a strong bottom line and a satisfied labor force. However, the world never stands still, and the evolution of business and consumer trends create scenarios not always in the organization’s or the union’s control. At the start of this week’s module, you watched a video explaining how the shift in entertainment from traditional network production to the streaming model was a major impetus for the recent writer’s strike (if you skipped the video, now is the time to go back and watch all of it).

For this assignment you will explore the details of WGA contract negotiations. Watch the two videos below, and then answer the four assignment questions that follow. To earn full credit, incorporate chapter 12 content and provide sufficient detail to meet the sentence requirement for each question.


Answer the four assignment questions bellow. To earn full credit, incorporate chapter 12 content and provide sufficient detail to meet the sentence requirement for each question.

  1. The writer’s and studios reached a bargaining impasse, as described in the chapter, lecture, and slides 41 and 42. Describe the type(s) of strategies the WGA utilized from slide 41-42. In your opinion, was the strategy effective in resolving the contract dispute? Response must be a minimum of 3 sentences.

  2. Based on the above videos, describe two WGA demands that were unmet and contributed to the strike, in a minimum of 4 sentences (reference slides 28, 33, and 34)

  3. Based on the above videos, describe two AMPTP demands that were unmet and contributed to the strike, in a minimum of 4 sentences (reference slides 28, 32, and 33)

  4. Based on your responses to questions 2 and 3 above, describe the compromises or agreements that were reached in the WGA and AMPTP demands that lead to contract ratification. Describe the demands that were unmet in this contract negotiation, if any. Response should be a minimum of 4 sentences.



Student Submission

Michael Aina

  1. The WGA utilized an economic strike. I think the strike was effective due to the fact that they were able to win a wage increase. I also think the strike was effective because it showed the company that they were willing to fight for what they deserved.

  2. The WGA demanded that they would get a guaranteed amount of pay that would allow them to live comfortably. Even though they did get an increase, it still was not enough. They also wanted residuals. If a show did well, they wanted to be rewarded for that as well.

  3. The WGA contract included that they would receive a 5% increase on AI protections, streaming bonuses and transparency, meaning writers would be able to monitor how well a show was doing. They also received an increase in healthcare.

Step-By-Step Guide on BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations

Precap from Week 10 Discussion

In the week 10 discussion, we explored workplace bullying and discussed strategies for managing such incidents effectively. This week, we will delve into labor union dynamics and examine a real-world case involving the Writers Guild of America (WGA).

Introduction to BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment

Welcome to BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations! This week, we will focus on labor unions in the workplace and the complexities of contract negotiations. This Owlisdom How-To guide will help you navigate the Week 10 assignment, ensuring you address all necessary components thoroughly.

Describe the type(s) of strategies the WGA utilized from slides 41-42. In your opinion, was the strategy effective in resolving the contract dispute?

Describe the Strategies Used by the WGA

As mentioned in the BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations instructions, I will describe the strategies WGA used and explain their effectiveness. 

  • Identify the strategies utilized by the WGA from slides 41-42.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies in resolving the contract dispute.
  • Provide a minimum of 3 sentences.


The WGA utilized a combination of negotiation tactics and public pressure strategies, including organizing rallies and leveraging social media to garner public support. These strategies aimed to highlight the unfair practices faced by writers and create a unified front against the studios. The effectiveness of these strategies can be seen in the eventual agreement, which addressed several key concerns raised by the WGA.

Based on the above videos, describe two WGA demands that were unmet and contributed to the strike.

Discuss Two Unmet WGA Demands

Next, in the BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations instructions, I will explain two WGA demands that were not fulfilled and resulted in a strike.  

  • Identify two WGA demands that were unmet and contributed to the strike.
  • Use the videos and slides 28, 33, and 34 as references.
  • Provide a minimum of 4 sentences.


Two significant demands of the WGA that were initially unmet included higher residuals for streaming content and protections against the use of artificial intelligence in writing. The demand for higher residuals was based on the growing revenue from streaming platforms, which the writers felt should be reflected in their compensation. Additionally, the WGA sought assurances that AI would not replace human writers, ensuring job security in an evolving industry.

Based on the above videos, describe two AMPTP demands that were unmet and contributed to the strike.

Discuss Two Unmet AMPTP Demands

Then, in the BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations instructions, I will explain two AMPTP demands that were not fulfilled and resulted in a strike.  

  • Identify two AMPTP demands that were unmet and contributed to the strike.
  • Use the videos and slides 28, 32, and 33 as references.
  • Provide a minimum of 4 sentences.


The AMPTP had demands related to maintaining flexibility in hiring practices and keeping production costs low. One unmet demand was the ability to hire non-union writers for specific projects to reduce costs. Another demand was to limit the financial commitments towards health and pension benefits, which the studios argued were unsustainable given the current economic climate. These unmet demands contributed to the prolonged strike.

Based on your responses to questions 2 and 3 above, describe the compromises or agreements that were reached in the WGA and AMPTP demands that led to contract ratification. Describe the demands that were unmet in this contract negotiation, if any.

Describe the Compromises or Agreements

Finally, in the BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations instructions, I will analyze the previous research and explain what agreements or compromises were made in WGA and AMPTP demands. 

  • Discuss the compromises or agreements that led to contract ratification.
  • Identify any unmet demands in this contract negotiation.
  • Provide a minimum of 4 sentences.


The final agreement included compromises such as a moderate increase in residuals for streaming content and a commitment to further discussions on the impact of AI. While the WGA did not secure all their demands, they achieved significant progress in addressing their primary concerns. The AMPTP agreed to maintain union hiring practices but secured some flexibility in other areas. However, certain demands related to long-term financial commitments remained unresolved, indicating areas for future negotiations.


This How-To guide aims to assist you in navigating the BUS V32 Week 10 Assignment: Exploring Labor Unions and Contract Negotiations effectively. By understanding the dynamics of labor union negotiations, you will gain insights into managing complex employee relations. Engaging in meaningful dialogue with your peers will further enrich your learning experience. Good luck with your assignment!
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