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BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage

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Instructions of BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage

Discussion Post Guidelines:

This is a “post first” forum, which means you must first post your response to the discussion prompt before you can see any other posts (posting a blank response will result in a zero score).

The discussion forums are designed to simulate live class discussions, so please use your own words and give a substantive reply to at least 2 peers to earn full credit. 

To earn credit, be certain your discussion responses are directly tied to the material we covered this week – no credit will be given for creative writing or opinion editorials – it must be based on the course material!

After reading the second half of Chapter 6, reviewing the posted slides, watching the posted videos, and reading the articles, read over the National Association of Insurance Commissioners overview of Cannabis and Health Insurance: ARTICLE: Cannabis & InsuranceLinks to an external site.


Assume you are an HR Manager in California, where recreational and medical cannabis use is legal. Your organization’s CEO has asked you to decide whether the company’s health care coverage should include medical cannabis use. In your discussion post:

  1. explain whether you WOULD or would NOT include cannabis in your company’s health coverage and WHY (at least 3 sentences, please)
  2. discuss at least ONE additional impact to the organization from your decision (use Chapter 6 material)
  3. describe at least ONE additional cost or cost savings to the organization from your decision  (use Chapter 6 material)

Be certain to incorporate the material covered in chapter 6.

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Student Submission

Michael Aina

  1. I would include cannabis in my health coverage because some people use it for medical reasons. However I would make sure my workers are able to complete their tasks and have a doctors note. I feel like with the legalization of marijuana, more workplaces and becoming more lenient on the matter.
  2. An impacted area of the organization based on my decision would be in improve in the equity theory, I think by helping in employee with special needs, they can perform better at their job.
  3. An area affected by cost from my decision would be that my healthcare expenses would go up as the company is paying for benefits other companies wouldn’t pay for.

from COMPLETE Ch 6 Discussion

Oct 11, 2023 12:46PM

Michael Aina

Hi Vanessa, I thought the same thing but I think with a doctors note and under some weeks of supervision, depending on the job I would allow the use of marijuana.

Step-By-Step Guide on BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage

Introduction to BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion

Welcome to BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage! This week, we will discuss the inclusion of medical cannabis in company healthcare coverage, focusing on the implications for the organization and the associated costs or savings. This Owlisdom How-To guide will help you navigate the Week 5 discussion and assignments, ensuring you address all necessary components thoroughly.

Explain whether you WOULD or would NOT include cannabis in your company’s health coverage and WHY.

Inclusion of Cannabis in Health Coverage

As mentioned in the BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage instructions, I must start by understanding and explaining if I would want to add cannabis to my company. 

  • State your position on including cannabis in health coverage.
  • Provide reasons for your decision, incorporating insights from Chapter 6.


As an HR Manager in California, I would include medical cannabis in our company’s health coverage. Given the legal status of medical cannabis in California and its proven benefits for certain medical conditions, including it in our health plan aligns with supporting employee health and well-being. Additionally, offering comprehensive health benefits can enhance employee satisfaction and retention, making our organization more attractive to potential hires.

Discuss at least ONE additional impact to the organization from your decision.

Impact on the Organization

Then, in the BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage instructions, I will explain what impact has been produced on the company because of my decision. 

  • Discuss how your decision would affect the organization.
  • Use Chapter 6 material to support your discussion.


One significant impact of this decision would be the need to establish clear guidelines and policies regarding the use of medical cannabis in the workplace. These policies would ensure that employees understand their rights and responsibilities while using medical cannabis. Additionally, it would be essential to train managers on how to handle situations involving medical cannabis use, ensuring compliance with both company policies and state laws.

Describe at least ONE additional cost or cost savings to the organization from your decision.

Cost or Cost Savings

Finally, in the BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage instructions, I will explain how my decision has helped my company financially. 

  • Describe any additional costs or savings associated with your decision.
  • Use Chapter 6 material to explain these financial implications.


Including medical cannabis in our health coverage could result in cost savings by potentially reducing the need for more expensive prescription medications. For instance, if employees use medical cannabis as a cost-effective alternative to managing chronic pain or other conditions, the overall healthcare costs for the organization could decrease. Additionally, improving employee health and reducing absenteeism could lead to increased productivity and lower health-related costs in the long term.

Please reply to at least TWO other students to earn full credit.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage. We need to provide responses to at least two other learners’ posts. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Read at least two of your peers’ posts and provide a meaningful response.
  • Offer additional insights, ask questions, or suggest alternative perspectives.
  • Ensure your response is respectful, constructive, and supported by relevant sources where appropriate.


Response 1

Hi Melissa, your decision to include medical cannabis in health coverage is well-supported by your reasoning. I agree that providing comprehensive health benefits can improve employee satisfaction and retention. Have you considered any potential challenges in implementing this policy? Great job!

Response 2

Hello, Alia. I found your discussion on the need for clear guidelines and policies very insightful. Establishing these policies is crucial for ensuring compliance and understanding among employees. Do you think additional training for managers could also help in managing these new policies effectively? Excellent insights!


This How-To guide aims to assist you in navigating the BUS V32 Week 5 Discussion: Cannabis in Health Insurance Coverage effectively. By considering the inclusion of medical cannabis in health coverage and discussing its impact and costs, you will enhance your understanding of health benefits management. Engaging in meaningful dialogue with your peers will further enrich your learning experience. Good luck with your discussion!
In the next module of BUS V32, we will explore the Week 5 Assignment on Designing A Training Program Framework For CSR.

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