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BUSN 501 Week 6 PAPER: Argumentative Essay

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Step-By-Step Guide BUSN 501 Week 6 Paper: Argumentative Essay

Introduction to BUSN 501 Week 6 Paper

This How-To BUSN 501 Guide is designed to assist students in crafting a well-structured argumentative essay about a current event within their discipline. The BUSN 501 Week 6 Paper: Argumentative Essay will present a clear position and support it with comprehensive arguments and evidence while considering and refuting opposing viewpoints. A structured approach will ensure the essay is persuasive and meets academic standards.

Essay Outline

To start the BUSN 501 Week 6 Paper: Argumentative Essay, we will revise the outline and write the argumentative essay accordingly.

I am choosing “The Ethics of Digital Surveillance” for my sample argumentative essay.


  • Developing the Introduction: Provide background information to set the context. This should include recent developments related to the event.
  • Crafting a Thesis Statement: Conclude the introduction with a strong thesis statement stating your position.


In today’s digital age, the pervasive scope of technology extends far beyond simple communication, delving deep into personal surveillance. The revelation of extensive digital surveillance programs by entities such as the National Security Agency (NSA) has ignited debates about the balance between national security and individual privacy rights (ACLU, 2001). This essay contends that the widespread practice of digital surveillance is ethically untenable, arguing that it infringes on personal privacy, breeds societal distrust, and frequently circumvents established legal frameworks.

Body of the Essay

  • Identify at least three compelling reasons why your claim is valid.
  • Structure each paragraph around a single argument.
  • Support each argument with relevant, timely, and accurate evidence such as facts, statistics, and expert opinions.
  • Use a warrant to explain how the evidence supports your claim, avoiding personal opinions.
  • Dedicate one or two paragraphs to discussing notable opposing viewpoints.
  • Provide a reasoned response to why these views are outdated, irrelevant, or underinformed, effectively refuting them.


One of the most glaring ethical issues with digital surveillance is its inherent violation of individual privacy. Reports have continually highlighted how organizations like the NSA have intercepted the communications of millions without their consent or awareness. For instance, disclosures by whistleblowers have pointed out the indiscriminate collection of phone records and Internet communications on a global scale. Such actions starkly contravene principles in international human rights standards, such as Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which guarantees protection against arbitrary interference with one’s privacy (UN, 2024). The ethical breach is evident: surveillance practices, as currently conducted, infringe upon the foundational right to privacy endorsed by global human rights doctrines.

Beyond violating privacy, extensive surveillance cultivates an environment of distrust, which is detrimental to the fabric of any democratic society. Empirical research suggests that the awareness of being watched can lead individuals to engage in self-censorship, thereby stifling free expression—a cornerstone of democratic engagement. The psychological impact of surveillance extends to the degradation of public trust in governmental institutions as citizens grow wary of overreach. While surveillance aims to protect, it paradoxically undermines the trust and openness required for a democratic society to flourish.

Compounding the ethical concerns is how digital surveillance often sidesteps the traditional checks and balances designed to curb abuses of power. Many surveillance activities, including collecting metadata and personal communications, have been conducted under dubious legal justifications, bypassing the scrutiny typically required for such invasive measures (Greenwald, 2014). This lack of transparency and accountability raises legal issues and highlights a profound ethical crisis. Effective governance is predicated on accountability and adherence to the rule of law—principles that are compromised when surveillance operations are conducted without rigorous oversight.

Proponents of digital surveillance argue that such measures are crucial for ensuring national security, particularly in preventing terrorism. However, this perspective often overlooks the significant risks associated with such surveillance practices, including potential abuses and the erosion of civil liberties (Mueller & Stewart, 2014). Moreover, the argument that mass surveillance effectively prevents terrorist acts is not robustly supported by data. Instead, targeted surveillance, conducted with proper judicial oversight, is often more effective and less ethically fraught.


  • Synthesizing the Essay Content: Reiterate how your arguments support the thesis without introducing new information.
  • Reinforcing the Importance of the Topic: Conclude by emphasizing why the discussion is relevant and significant in the current context.


The practice of digital surveillance, as it is currently implemented, presents significant ethical challenges. This essay has highlighted how such surveillance violates privacy, breeds distrust among citizens, and often operates outside the robust frameworks of legal oversight. While the goal of national security is undoubtedly important, it should not serve as a carte blanche for the widespread infringement of fundamental rights. Therefore, a more balanced approach that ensures transparency, accountability, and respect for civil liberties is imperative for maintaining the ethical integrity of our surveillance practices. In this digital era, the importance of such a discussion extends far beyond individual rights, touching the very pillars of democratic governance and ethical conduct.

Formatting and Submission

  • Adhering to APA Style: Ensure your essay follows APA format, including in-text citations and a reference list.
  • Final Checklist Before Submission: Review the essay for formatting errors, ensure all sources are cited, and confirm that the argument flows logically from the introduction to the conclusion.


Completing this assignment will enhance your ability to think critically and argue effectively within your discipline. You develop a compelling and persuasive academic essay by structurally presenting your arguments and supporting them with solid evidence while addressing counterarguments. Remember, clarity, logical coherence, and adherence to academic standards are crucial to crafting an impactful argumentative essay.


ACLU. (2001). Surveillance Under the USA/PATRIOT Act. American Civil Liberties Union. https://www.aclu.org/documents/surveillance-under-usapatriot-act 

Greenwald, G. (2014). No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State. Metropolitan Books. 

Mueller, J., & Stewart, M. G. (2014). Responsible counterterrorism policy. Cato Institute Policy Analysis, 755.

UN. (2024). Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations; United Nations. https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights

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