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COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy

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Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy

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Maria is 14 years old, Hispanic, and Catholic. She recently found out after taking a home pregnancy test that she is nine weeks pregnant. She has told her best friend, Angela, and they both agree that Maria cannot tell her parents and that the best course of action is to secretly have an abortion. Angela also has recommended that Maria visit the school counselor for help and direction on what to do and where to go for an abortion.

Pretend that you are the school counselor. What options might you present to Maria? Be sure to address how you will handle the issues of confidentiality, abortion, and any other choice present for Maria. Mention at least one relevant state law and rule regarding minors and abortion as well as specific ACA ethical codes that apply to this scenario.

Response Guidelines

Reply to at least one of your peers’ posts. Select a post in which the recommendations are different from yours, and compare and contrast the posts. How can you use what you have learned to help you handle this type of issue in your own counseling practice?

In your responses, be sure to be considerate of other learners’ perspectives, the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics [PDF]Links to an external site., and the potential for yourself to have a strong personal response to the materials presented. If you find you have a strong personal response to the materials, please discuss how you believe this will impact your work with clients and describe an action plan to address your strong response to the topic.


Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

Step-By-Step Guide on Week 3 Discussion

Introduction to COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy

In COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy, we delve into the complex scenario of adolescent pregnancy through the case of Maria, a 14-year-old facing an unplanned pregnancy. As future counsellors, your task is to explore sensitive topics such as confidentiality, abortion, and the ethical considerations in handling such cases. This Owlisdom How-To guide of COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy assignment will challenge you to apply legal knowledge and ethical guidelines to ensure Maria’s well-being while respecting her rights and those of her family.

What options might you present to Maria?

Presenting Options to Maria

  • Outline a range of choices Maria could consider, including parenting, adoption, and abortion, ensuring each option is presented without bias.
  • Include supportive services such as counselling and healthcare that Maria can access to help her make an informed decision.
  • Ensure your discussion reflects an understanding of the emotional and psychological impacts of each option on a young adolescent. 


As the school counsellor, I would present Maria with several options, emphasising her autonomy in making an informed decision. These include continuing the pregnancy with plans to raise the child, considering adoption, or exploring abortion as a medically safe option, given her circumstances. Importantly, each option would be discussed in detail, exploring both the short-term and long-term implications on her physical health, emotional well-being, and educational prospects.

Be sure to address how you will handle the issues of confidentiality

Handling Confidentiality

In this section of COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy, we will discuss Handling Confidentiality.

  • Clarify the legal rights Maria has to confidentiality under your state’s laws concerning minor health decisions.
  • Discuss the circumstances under which you might have to break confidentiality, such as risk to Maria’s well-being.
  • Emphasise the importance of building trust with Maria by respecting her privacy as guided by ACA ethical codes.


Confidentiality is paramount in counselling sessions, especially with sensitive issues such as adolescent pregnancy. I would reassure Maria of her privacy rights, highlighting that our discussions are confidential, with certain legal exceptions concerning her safety. This assurance aims to create a trusting environment where Maria feels safe to express her feelings and fears about her pregnancy.

Abortion and any other choice present for Maria.

Discussing Abortion and Other Choices

In this section of COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy, we will discuss Abortion and Other Choices.

  • Provide a balanced view on abortion, including the procedural aspects, risks, and emotional considerations.
  • Mention state-specific laws that affect Maria’s ability to obtain an abortion without parental consent.
  • Explore alternative options thoroughly, ensuring Maria understands all possible outcomes and the support available for each. 


Abortion is a legally protected right in many jurisdictions, yet it involves several considerations, including Maria’s emotional readiness, health implications, and the legal need for parental consent, depending on state law. Alternatives to abortion, such as adoption, would also be explored, discussing how each choice aligns with her personal beliefs and long-term desires. Providing Maria with comprehensive information and support is crucial for her to make a decision that she feels is right.

Mention at least one relevant state law and rule regarding minors and abortion, as well as specific ACA ethical codes that apply to this scenario.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

In this section of COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy, we will discuss Legal and Ethical Considerations.

  • Research and cite specific state laws that pertain to minors seeking abortion services.
  • Discuss ACA ethical codes related to confidentiality, dual relationships, and beneficence.
  • Explain how these laws and ethical codes will guide your actions and recommendations in counselling Maria.


In counselling Maria, it is essential to adhere to state laws regarding minors’ rights to abortion and health care. For instance, some states allow minors to seek certain medical treatments without parental consent. According to the ACA Code of Ethics, maintaining Maria’s confidentiality is ethical unless disclosure is necessary to prevent serious harm. This ethical framework guides the counselling approach, ensuring Maria’s rights and safety are prioritised.

Reply to at least one of your peers’ posts. Select a post in which the recommendations are different from yours, and compare and contrast the posts.  

Peer Interaction

  • Select a peer’s post that approaches Maria’s situation differently.
  • Compare and contrast your approaches thoughtfully, focusing on the benefits and potential drawbacks of each perspective.
  • Reflect on how this discussion might influence your own counselling practice, particularly in handling sensitive adolescent issues.

Peer Response

I appreciate your emphasis on immediate parental involvement in Maria’s situation, highlighting the potential benefits of family support. While I agree that family can provide significant emotional and practical support, it’s crucial to consider the individual context of each case. Maria’s fear of parental reactions suggests a need for a more cautious approach. Balancing her autonomy with the benefits of parental support is delicate. This discussion highlights the importance of tailoring our approach based on the client’s specific circumstances and comfort, ensuring we uphold both ethical standards and the client’s best interests in sensitive situations.


Successfully navigating the counselling of adolescent pregnancy requires a delicate balance of empathy, legal knowledge, and ethical integrity. This COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy assignment not only broadens your understanding of the direct counselling process but also enhances your ability to engage with complex ethical issues. Use the insights gained from this exercise to refine your approach, ensuring that you always prioritise the welfare and autonomy of your young clients. Let this COUN-5225 Week 3 Discussion: Dealing With Adolescent Pregnancy guide serve as a framework for your ongoing professional development in handling sensitive cases effectively and compassionately. In the next module of COUN-5225, we will explore the Week Three Quiz.

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