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COUN-5238 Week 10 Discussion: Resilience in Counseling

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Week 10 Discussion: Resilience in Counseling

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As counselors working from a strength’s-based model, it’s important to be able to find points of resilience and healing for the individuals and communities we help move forward from crisis and trauma. Here are some ideas for your post to get you started:

  • Some theorists contend that resilience is an inner trait that people possess. A person is either resilient or they are not. In this chapter, the authors contended that resilience is relational and social in nature. Just as people can move in and out of connections, people can move in and out of resiliency. How do you see resilience changing?
  • The structures of social systems are embedded in communities and cultures. Counselors can use their power and voice for those with less power to create systemic changes. What are some ways counselors can advocate for others?
  • What are your thoughts on appreciative inquiry and dignity to create positive change?
  • What about this week’s content did you find to be of most interest?

Response Guidelines

  • Your Writing: Each post should be courteous, succinct, professional, well-written, and organized, using proper writing mechanics, grammar, and punctuation.
  • Your Post: Please post something to the discussion board related to the content covered this week.
  • Responding to Peers: As you respond to your classmates, share your professional experiences and feedback regarding their posts. How have your experiences resonated with their ideas? What can you add to their ideas, building upon the connections you have made to the material so far?


Discussion Participation Scoring Guide.

Step By Step Guide COUN-5238 Week 10 Discussion: Resilience in Counseling

As counselors working from a strength’s-based model, it’s important to be able to find points of resilience and healing for the individuals and communities we help move forward from crisis and trauma. Here are some ideas for your post to get you started: Some theorists contend that resilience is an inner trait that people possess. A person is either resilient or they are not. In this chapter, the authors contended that resilience is relational and social in nature. Just as people can move in and out of connections, people can move in and out of resiliency. How do you see resilience changing?

Guidelines for Completing the Assignment

  1. Introduction to Resilience in Counseling
  • Begin by introducing the concept of resilience as explored in this week’s content. Briefly summarize how the strength-based model in counseling seeks to identify and nurture resilience in individuals and communities.

The structures of social systems are embedded in communities and cultures. Counselors can use their power and voice for those with less power to create systemic changes. What are some ways counselors can advocate for others?

2. Resilience as a Dynamic Trait

  • Discussing the nature of resilience: Reflect on the idea presented in the course that resilience is not a fixed trait but a dynamic one, influenced by relational and social factors.
  • Examples of fluctuating resilience: Provide insights or personal observations where resilience varied over time due to changing relationships or social contexts.

What are your thoughts on appreciative inquiry and dignity to create positive change?

3. Counselor Advocacy for Systemic Change

  • Ways to use counselor influence effectively: Discuss specific strategies counselors can employ to advocate for individuals with less power. Consider how counselors can work within and beyond the therapy room to facilitate systemic changes.

What about this week’s content did you find to be of most interest

4. Appreciative Inquiry and Dignity

  • Exploring concepts for positive change: Delve into how appreciative inquiry can be used as a tool to focus on what works well, rather than what is lacking. Discuss how promoting dignity can lead to empowerment and positive change.

5. Personal Reflection

  • Engaging with this week’s content: Share what you found most compelling about the week’s readings and discussions. Highlight any new perspectives you gained or particular elements that resonated with your own experiences.

6. Conclusion

  • Conclude by summarizing your key takeaways from the COUN-5238 Week 10 Discussion: Resilience in Counseling discussion on resilience and the role of counselors in advocating for change. Emphasize the importance of these concepts in your future professional practice. You can also read COUN-5238 complete modules to ace the course!


Levy, I. P., & Lemberger-Truelove, M. E. (2021). Educator–Counselor: A Nondual Identity for School Counselors. Professional School Counseling, 24(1_part_3), 2156759X2110076. https://doi.org/10.1177/2156759X211007630 

Nerlich, A. P., Landon, T. J., & Keegan, J. P. (2022). A vision for rehabilitation counseling: Appreciative inquiry through the eyes of our legacy leaders. Rehabilitation Counselors and Educators Journal, 11(1). https://rcej.scholasticahq.com/article/31744.pdf 

7. Engagement with Peers

  • Guidelines for responding to classmates: Provide thoughtful feedback that builds upon your classmates’ posts. Offer additional examples or alternative perspectives that enrich the discussion. Be supportive and constructive in your responses.

Response to a Peer’s Post

Your exploration of resilience as both relational and dynamic is insightful. I agree with your perspective that resilience can be developed and is not merely an inherent trait. This understanding is crucial as it shifts how we approach counseling, emphasizing growth and adaptation. Your point about counselors’ roles in advocating for systemic changes resonates with me, especially considering the social injustices that often underpin many crises individuals face. By advocating for structural changes, counselors can indeed extend their impact beyond the individual, contributing to a more resilient society. Additionally, your mention of appreciative inquiry aligns with my views on its effectiveness in highlighting and building upon existing strengths in clients. This method not only reinforces the positive aspects of an individual’s life but also actively engages them in their healing process, potentially accelerating recovery and promoting lasting change.

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