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ENG 101 Module 4: Project 1 Drafting

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Instructions of ENG 101 Module 4

Overview and Purpose

Estimated Time: Your feedback draft Links to an external site. will take approximately 4-6 hours to complete.

Process Step: Drafting 

Learning Outcomes: Practice using flexible, culturally relevant, audience-specific language for a specific purpose; learn to negotiate and integrate ideas that differ from and/or challenge your own, and develop a writing project through multiple drafts.

Instructional Materials: Before beginning, review the following.

In this drafting assignment, you will synthesize your thinking related to the local business or community organization you are analyzing by writing a draft of your rhetorical analysis. You will then submit this draft and a self-assessment for instructor feedback. 


Complete the requirements below in one Microsoft Word file or PDF.

Step 1: Compose a Draft of your Rhetorical Analysis

After reviewing the instructional materials listed above, compose a complete draft of your rhetorical analysis for feedback from your instructor and peers. 

Step 2: Assess Your Own Project 1 Feedback Draft

At the end of your draft document, write a one-paragraph self-assessment of your draft, in which you respond to these questions: 

  • What was the main idea you wanted to communicate to your readers? 

  • How do you feel your draft turned out? 

  • How does it meet the expectations discussed in the Project 1 project description and rubric

Then, write a list of the top 4-5 concerns/questions you have about your draft (use the Project 1 description and rubric for inspiration!).

This assessment and list will help your readers engage with the concerns you identify. They will also help you set goals for how you will further develop your analysis. Make sure your self-assessment and list are clearly separated from your draft, ideally on a new page.

Step 3: Submit Draft and Self-Assessment

After you complete a full draft of your rhetorical analysis and assess your project, submit your assignment to Canvas. To do this, click Start Assignment and then upload the correct Microsoft Word file or PDF. For additional help uploading an assignment, visit the Canvas Guide on how to upload a file as an assignment Links to an external site..

Then, navigate to the next module to learn about how to participate in peer review. Note that you will be submitting your draft in two places: here for instructor review, and in Module 5 for peer review.

Submission Requirements

  • A complete draft of your Project 1 rhetorical analysis. As a reminder, here are the main project requirements listed in the project description document:

    • Genre: A rhetorical analysis meant to be read/viewed online

    • Subject: A small business or nonprofit organization in your local community

    • Audience: Members of your local community interested in the business/organization or who want to learn more about communication strategies

    • Title: Something creative that indicates the topic and purpose of the analysis

    • Length: 750-1250 words

    • Multimodality: Include at least four visual examples that support and enhance your rhetorical analysis

    • Format: Microsoft Word file or PDF

  • A one-paragraph self-assessment and list of concerns/questions, included at the end of your draft document.


How to View Instructor Feedback Links to an external site

Step-By-Step Guide ENG 101 Module 4: Project 1 Drafting

Introduction to ENG 101 Module 4 Project Draft

The ENG 101 Module 4: Project 1 Drafting involves writing your rhetorical analysis of a local business or community organization. This How-To ENG 101 Guide aims to help you practice using culturally relevant and audience-specific language, integrating diverse ideas, and developing a writing project through multiple drafts. You will submit your draft and a self-assessment for instructor feedback, which will help refine your analysis.

After reviewing the instructional materials listed above, compose a complete draft of your rhetorical analysis for feedback from your instructor and peers.

Compose a Draft of Your Rhetorical Analysis

To start the ENG 101 Module 4: Project 1 Drafting, before starting, review the instructional materials provided in the course.

  • Write a complete rhetorical analysis draft addressing all required elements.
  • Analyze the communication strategies of the chosen local business or nonprofit.
  • Discuss how they use ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos to engage their audience.
  • Ensure your draft covers all aspects mentioned in the project description.


TOMS Shoes effectively establishes credibility, or ethos, through transparent impact reports and reputable partnerships. By openly sharing detailed reports on the impact of its unique “One for One” program, where for every pair of shoes purchased, a pair is donated to a child in need, TOMS builds trust with its audience. These reports provide insights into how the company’s initiatives have positively affected communities worldwide, detailing the number of shoes donated, the lives changed, and the sustainable practices implemented. This transparency allows consumers to see the tangible results of their purchases, reinforcing TOMS’ commitment to social responsibility.

Moreover, TOMS partners with well-known and respected organizations such as Save the Children. These partnerships enhance TOMS’ credibility by aligning the company with established entities already trusted by the public. Collaborating with reputable organizations amplifies TOMS’ efforts and lends additional legitimacy to their cause. Consumers are likelier to trust and support a company that respected partners endorse. This strategic use of ethos ensures that TOMS is seen as a reliable and ethical brand dedicated to making a positive social impact.

Emotional appeal, or pathos, is at the heart of TOMS’ marketing strategy. The company uses compelling stories and images of beneficiaries to evoke empathy and emotional responses from their audience. For example, TOMS frequently shares personal stories of individuals who have directly benefited from their donations. These narratives often highlight the struggles and triumphs of people in underserved communities, creating a powerful connection between the consumer and the cause.

The visual elements used in TOMS’ marketing materials further enhance this emotional appeal. Photographs and videos depicting happy children wearing new shoes or communities thriving because of TOMS’ initiatives are strategically used to tug at consumers’ heartstrings. By showcasing the direct impact of their products, TOMS creates an emotional bond with their audience, motivating them to support the cause. This effective use of pathos drives consumer engagement and fosters a sense of shared purpose and community.

TOMS employs logical appeal, or logos, by clearly explaining its business model and the direct benefits of purchasing its products. The company provides rational reasons for consumers to support their cause by illustrating how their purchases translate into tangible benefits for those in need. TOMS’ “One for One” model is straightforward: for every product sold, a similar item is donated to someone in need.

This clear and logical explanation of their business model makes it easy for consumers to understand the impact of their purchases. TOMS frequently uses statistics and data to support its claims, further enhancing its logical appeal. For instance, they might highlight how many shoes have been donated or the number of people who have received eye care as a result of their eyewear sales. By presenting factual information and data, TOMS appeals to the rational side of consumers, providing them with concrete reasons to support the brand.

TOMS skillfully leverages timely opportunities, or kairos, to enhance the effectiveness of its messaging. The company aligns its campaigns with global events and social movements to make their appeals more relevant and urgent. By doing so, TOMS ensures that their messages resonate with current societal concerns and the immediate interests of their audience.

For example, TOMS might launch a campaign with World Health Day, emphasizing their efforts to improve health and well-being in underserved communities. Similarly, they might align their marketing efforts with environmental initiatives, highlighting their commitment to sustainability during Earth Day celebrations. This strategic use of kairos allows TOMS to capitalize on moments when their audience is already focused on similar issues, thereby increasing the impact and relevance of their campaigns.

Additionally, TOMS stays responsive to emerging social movements and global crises. TOMS maintains a sense of urgency and importance in its campaigns by addressing timely issues and incorporating them into its messaging. This responsiveness keeps its marketing fresh and relevant and demonstrates the company’s adaptability and commitment to addressing current global challenges.

At the end of your draft document, write a one-paragraph self-assessment of your draft in which you respond to these questions: (a) What was the main idea you wanted to communicate to your readers? (b) How do you feel your draft turned out? (c) How does it meet the expectations discussed in the Project 1 project description and rubric?

Assess Your Own Project 1 Feedback Draft

For this section of the ENG 101 Module 4: Project 1 Drafting, we will write a one-paragraph self-assessment at the end of our draft.

Questions to Answer

  • What is the main idea you want to communicate?
  • How do you feel your draft turned out?
  • How does it meet the project expectations?
  • List Concerns/Questions: Write down 4-5 concerns or questions about your draft based on the project description and rubric.
  • Reflect on your draft and write a self-assessment addressing the provided questions.
  • List your top concerns or questions to guide feedback from your instructor and peers.
  • Ensure this section is on a new page and clearly separated from your draft.


The main idea communicated in this draft is how TOMS Shoes uses rhetorical strategies to promote ethical consumerism and engage its audience. The draft effectively analyzes TOMS’ communication strategies by addressing ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos, meeting the project expectations. It provides a comprehensive rhetorical analysis, including relevant visual examples and a precise examination of TOMS’ strategies. By integrating these elements, the draft adheres to the guidelines in the project description and rubric, ensuring a thorough exploration of TOMS’ persuasive techniques and their impact on the target audience. The analysis showcases how TOMS’ communication fosters a sense of community and shared purpose among consumers.


  • Is the analysis of each rhetorical strategy sufficiently detailed?

  • Are the visual examples effectively integrated into the analysis?

  • Does the draft adhere to the word count requirement?

  • Is the thesis statement clear and concise?

  • How can the draft be improved for better coherence and flow?

After completing a full rhetorical analysis draft and assessing your project, submit your assignment to Canvas. To do this, click Start Assignment and then upload the correct Microsoft Word file or PDF.

Submit Draft and Self-Assessment

Next, we will submit our draft to the Canvas.

  • Submit your completed draft and self-assessment to Canvas.
  • Submit in two places – one for instructor review and one in Module 5 for peer review.
  • Follow the steps in Canvas to upload your Microsoft Word file or PDF.
  • Ensure you submit to the instructor review section and the peer review module.


To score the maximum score, we will fulfill these Rubric Requirements.

  • Complete Draft: A full draft of your rhetorical analysis.
  • Genre: Rhetorical analysis meant to be read/viewed online.
  • Subject: A small business or nonprofit organization in your local community.
  • Audience: Local community members interested in the business/organization or communication strategies.
  • Title: Creative title indicating the topic and purpose of the analysis.
  • Length: 750-1250 words.
  • Multimodality: Include at least four visual examples supporting your analysis.
  • Format: Microsoft Word file or PDF.
  • Self-Assessment: A one-paragraph self-assessment and a list of concerns/questions are included at the end of the draft.


By following ENG 101 Module 4: Project 1 Drafting How-To Guide, you will effectively draft and assess your rhetorical analysis, enhancing your understanding of audience-specific language and communication strategies. This process will prepare you for further development and refinement of your analysis through instructor and peer feedback. The key takeaway of the ENG 101 Module 4 Project Draft is the importance of iterative drafting and self-assessment in producing a coherent and impactful rhetorical analysis.

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