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ENG 101 MODULE 6 Discussion: Analyzing Multimodal Evidence

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Instructions of ENG 101 Module 6 Discussion

Overview and Purpose

Estimated Time: 2-3 hours

Process Step: Revision

Learning Outcomes: Practice choosing from and composing in different genres and media for diverse audiences and purposes; gain experience reading and composing in different genres to understand differences in genre conventions and how they are shaped by readers’ and writers’ intentions and purposes.

 Instructional Materials: Before beginning, review the following.

In this discussion, you and your classmates will review sample rhetorical analyses to gain a clearer understanding of how to include and analyze multimodal evidence, as well as consider how to revise your own rhetorical analysis.


Step 1: Read and View Critically 

Study the sample rhetorical analyses linked below. 

As you review these samples, consider how the composers incorporate the visuals they have chosen. Note that these samples aren’t exactly like our rhetorical analysis assignment; they are only meant to help you develop your ability to present and analyze multimodal evidence.





Step 2: Summarize and Apply Your Learning

Next, compose a two-paragraph initial post. Include one visual example from your feedback draft or a new piece of evidence you want to include in your revised draft.

Paragraph 1: Summarize what you have observed about presenting and analyzing multimodal evidence. Refer directly to the samples to support your claims. Discuss the following in your paragraph:

  • Identify which sample you found most effective, and explain why.

  • Identify the specific features of the sample that helped you understand how to use visuals effectively in your analysis.

  • Identify which sample you found least effective, and explain why.

  • Describe specifically how the use of visuals could be improved to help the audience understand the analysis.

Paragraph 2: Describe the multimodal choices you would like to make in your own rhetorical analysis. Discuss the following in your paragraph:

  • Based on what you learned, describe how you want to more effectively integrate visuals into your rhetorical analysis. 

  • Share a screenshot of a piece of visual evidence you are using in your rhetorical analysis (or a new visual you want to add) and explain how it enhances readers’ understanding of your analysis, using at least one of the rhetorical concepts (ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos).

  • List the questions or concerns you have about integrating visuals more effectively into your rhetorical analysis.

Step 3: Respond to Peers

After you complete your initial post for this assignment, read over your peers’ posts. Then, by the due date indicated in the course assignment tracker, respond to two of your peers following the 3CQ approach.

Submission Requirements

  • Note that you will have to use the insert tool in the Discussion Board text box Links to an external site.to add your image and then type (or copy and paste from a Word document) your text under the image.

  • The two-paragraph initial post, including one visual example.

  • Two peer responses following the 3CQ method, each with a fully developed paragraph.

  • Submit posts in the discussion forum below. Click “Reply” below, complete your responses in the box provided, and click “post reply” to submit.


Step-By-Step Guide ENG 101 Module 6 Discussion: Analyzing Multimodal Evidence

Introduction to ENG 101 Module 6 Discussion

The ENG 101 Module 6 Discussion: Analyzing Multimodal Evidence involves reviewing sample rhetorical analyses to understand how to present and analyze multimodal evidence effectively. You will summarize your observations and apply what you have learned to your rhetorical analysis, integrating visuals to enhance your analysis. Additionally, you will engage with your peers’ posts using the 3CQ approach.

Study the sample rhetorical analyses linked below. As you review these samples, consider how the composers incorporate the visuals they have chosen. Note that these samples aren’t exactly like our rhetorical analysis assignment; they are only meant to help you develop your ability to present and analyze multimodal evidence.

Study Sample Rhetorical Analyses

To start the ENG 101 Module 6 Discussion: Analyzing Multimodal Evidence, we will first read and analyze the sample rhetorical analyses.

  • Review Samples: Carefully study the provided sample rhetorical analyses.
  • Focus on Visuals: How each sample incorporates and analyzes visuals.
  • Access and review Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, and Sample 4.
  • Note how each sample uses visuals to support the analysis.

Next, compose a two-paragraph initial post. Include one visual example from your feedback draft or a new piece of evidence you want to include in your revised draft. Paragraph 1: Summarize your observations about presenting and analyzing multimodal evidence. Paragraph 2: Describe the multimodal choices you want to make in your rhetorical analysis.

Summarize and Apply Your Learning

Next, we will summarize what we learned and discuss our understanding.

Paragraph 01

  • Effective Sample: Identify the most effective sample and explain why.
  • Effective Features: Discuss specific features that demonstrate effective use of visuals.
  • Least Effective Sample: Identify the least effective sample and explain why.
  • Improvement Suggestions: Suggest how the visuals in the least effective sample could be improved.
  • Summarize your observations on presenting and analyzing multimodal evidence.
  • Refer directly to the samples to support your claims.
  • Integration of Visuals: Describe how you plan to integrate visuals into your rhetorical analysis.
  • Visual Example: Include a screenshot of a visual you use or plan to use.

The most effective sample was Sample 1 due to its explicit integration of visuals with the text. The analysis seamlessly incorporated images to illustrate points, using captions to provide context and enhance understanding. Specifically, the visual examples were closely tied to the textual analysis, making the argument more compelling. The least effective sample was Sample 3, which used visuals less effectively. The images felt disconnected from the analysis and lacked explanatory captions, reducing their impact. To improve, Sample 3 could better integrate visuals by providing context and clear connections to the text, thereby enhancing the reader’s comprehension.

Paragraph 02

  • Enhancement Explanation: Explain how this visual enhances understanding using rhetorical concepts (ethos, pathos, logos, kairos).
  • Questions/Concerns: List any questions or concerns about using visuals effectively.
  • Describe your planned multimodal choices for your rhetorical analysis.
  • Explain how your chosen visual enhances your analysis.
  • Include your questions or concerns about integrating visuals.

In my rhetorical analysis, I aim to enhance the integration of visuals, drawing inspiration from the successful approach of Sample 1. I plan to incorporate screenshots of TOMS’ marketing campaigns that exemplify ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos. For instance, a poignant image from a campaign showcasing children receiving shoes will be used to evoke pathos. This visual will enhance understanding and create an emotional connection by directly illustrating the impact of TOMS’ mission. However, I am mindful of ensuring all visuals are relevant and well-integrated. Each visual must directly support the textual analysis and include captions that provide context and explanation.

After you complete your initial post for this assignment, read over your peers’ posts. Then, by the due date indicated in the course assignment tracker, respond to two of your peers following the 3CQ approach.

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the ENG 101 discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • 3CQ Approach: Respond to two peers using the 3CQ approach (Compliment, Comment, Connect, Question).
  • Read your peers’ initial posts.
  • Respond to at least two posts by complimenting, commenting, connecting, and questioning their ideas.

Response 01

Hi Sara, your post is excellent! Your analysis of the samples is insightful, particularly your recognition of Sample 1’s effective integration of visuals with context. Your plan to use images from TOMS’ campaigns to evoke pathos is a strong strategy. The inclusion of captions to provide context will further enhance your analysis. It’s commendable that you’re addressing concerns about relevance and integration, as this is a crucial aspect of effective visual integration. Your approach ensures that the visuals will indeed support your rhetorical analysis effectively.

Response 02

We are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 3 Discussion without a hassle.


Completing the ENG 101 Module 6 Discussion: Analyzing Multimodal Evidence will enhance your understanding of effectively incorporating and analyzing multimodal evidence in rhetorical analyses. Engaging with sample analyses and peer feedback will improve your ability to use visuals to support your arguments. The critical takeaway is learning to integrate diverse media into your analysis, enhancing clarity and persuasion. This How-To Owlisdom Guide provides a structured approach to help you effectively review and apply multimodal evidence in your rhetorical analysis. By following these steps, you can create a compelling and well-supported analysis, engaging your audience through thoughtful integration of visuals.

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