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ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life

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Instructions of ENG 122 1-2 Discussion

1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life

First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself. Then address the prompt below in a few paragraphs.

Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your discussion posts and replies.

Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts.

For your initial post, address the following:

  • Consider a time in your life when you had to look at something a little closer to make sense of it.
  • This moment might focus on a document (like the grocery list example in the previous video), a longer piece of writing, a piece of art, a billboard, and so on.
  • Use rich description and detail to describe the moment.

Explain your method of examining the moment and what you discovered as a result.

For your response posts, address the following:

  • What is your reaction to the way your classmates made sense of something in their life?
  • Would you have done the same thing, or would you have approached it differently? Why, or why not?

Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. If you refer to any module resources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) to the resource.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide on ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life

Introduction to ENG 122 1-2 Discussion

Welcome to the ENG 122 English Composition! This is the first discussion post for this course. ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life post revolves around your understanding of moments of critical thinking in real life. I will provide brief and descriptive guidelines to solve the 1-2 Discussion posts and a dummy solution for each section. This Owlisdom How-To Guide will equip you with guidelines to tackle all the queries related to the ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life. Let us begin with the guide.

First, introduce yourself to the class. Include your major and anything you would like to share about yourself.


In ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life. First, we will give a short brief introduction of ourselves to start engaging with the class.

  • Begin by introducing yourself in a few sentences. 
  • Mention your major and any hobbies or interests you feel comfortable sharing with the class.


Hi everyone! I am Alex. I am studying English Composition and have a deep passion for storytelling and poetry. I enjoy hiking through nature and reading classic novels in my free time. I am excited to share ideas and learn from all of you in this class!

Consider when you had to look at something a little closer to make sense of it. This moment might focus on a document (like the grocery list example in the previous video), a longer piece of writing, a piece of art, a billboard, and so on.

Selecting Your Moment

The next step of ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life is to select a moment in our life that would help us explore the discussion.

  • Think of a time when you had to take a second look at something to understand it fully.
  • This could be anything from a text to a personal experience. Make sure this moment has enough depth to explore in your essay.


Once, I encountered a modern art installation that was nothing more than a canvas painted blue. Initially, it seemed too simple, almost lazy. However, prompted by curiosity, I delved deeper into the artist’s statement and discovered it was a commentary on loneliness and the ocean’s vastness. This moment of reconsideration transformed my initial dismissal into a profound appreciation for the artist’s ability to convey complex emotions through minimalistic means. It taught me the importance of looking beyond the surface in art, life, and literature, revealing deeper meanings and connections.

Use rich description and detail to describe the moment.

Describing Your Moment

For this section of the ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life, we will describe the moment we chose in the previous section.

  • Use descriptive language to detail your chosen moment. 
  • Focus on the sights, sounds, and other sensory details that made the moment stand out.


Standing before the vast, singularly blue canvas, the gallery around me faded into a hush. The painting, an expanse of deep azure, seemed to pulse with a life of its own, evoking the endless ocean depths. The room’s silence mirrored the artwork’s isolation, enveloping me in a sea of contemplation. As I leaned closer, the texture of the brush strokes became visible, each a wave cresting and falling. The cool, monochromatic color scheme washed over me, creating a serene melancholy. In that moment, the artwork transcended its simplicity, becoming a window into the artist’s soul and a mirror reflecting the universal experience of solitude.

Explain your method of examining the moment and what you discovered.

Analyzing Your Moment

In this section of ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life, we will analyze the moment.

  • Discuss how you went about examining the moment. 
  • Did you ask questions, research, or reflect on it? 
  • Then, describe what you learned from this closer examination. 
  • Encourage a reflective tone, urging the student to consider how this moment changed their perspective or understanding.


In my quest to understand the blue canvas, I began with introspection, questioning what emotions it stirred within me. Then, I sought out the artist’s statement and read critiques to gain multiple perspectives. This research illuminated the artwork’s intention to evoke the vastness of the sea and the solitude it symbolizes. Through this process, I learned the power of minimalism in art to convey profound messages. The experience reshaped my approach to art and literature, teaching me the importance of delving beneath the surface to uncover more profound meanings. It was a reminder that proper understanding requires patience, openness, and a willingness to engage with the work on its terms.

What is your reaction to how our classmates made sense of something in their lives? Would you have done the same thing, or would you have approached it differently? Why, or why not?

Writing Responses to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the Discussion posts of ENG 122.

  • When responding to classmates, express your initial reaction to their experience or analysis. 
  • Briefly explain your reasoning and whether you would have approached the situation similarly or differently. 
  • Keep your tone respectful and constructive, aiming to add value to the discussion rather than agree or disagree.

Response 01

Reading about how you connected the dots between the items on the grocery list and personal milestones was eye-opening. It never occurred to me to view such a common task through a lens of deep personal significance. Your post made me ponder the hidden stories behind everyday routines. If I were in your shoes, I might have considered how each item reflects our changing needs and priorities over time. It is fascinating how mundane details can reveal so much about our journey through life.

Response 02

According to the ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life instructions, we must write two response posts. I have provided one response post example. I am sure you can write your responses using this example. 


This guide focuses on structuring and approaching your ENG 122 1-2 Discussion: Moment of Critical Thinking in Real Life. Remember, the depth of your reflection and the quality of your engagement with peers’ contributions will enrich your essay and discussions. I hope you ace the ENG 122 1-2 Discussion post. Good luck!

In the next module, we will explore the ENG 122 2-5 Assignment on the Importance of Analysis.

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