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ENG 122 8-1 discussion persuasive writing

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Instructions of ENG 122 8-1 discussion persuasive writing

Discussion Topic

In this course, you worked on analyzing another writer’s choices. In your final essay, you also made your own writing choices to convey your analysis and findings to your audience. In your next composition course, ENG 123, you will build on these analytical skills to make your own writing choices. In ENG 123, you will learn how to make persuasive writing choices.

Persuasion is the act of communicating in order to get your audience to agree with your point of view. Appeals to logic, reason, and credibility are most appropriate for persuasive writing in organizations, though appeals to emotion may be effective in limited circumstances. Persuasive Argument is writing that is designed to convince an audience to adopt the writer’s point of view rather than to strictly inform or express a feeling

Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your discussion post and replies.

Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts.

For your initial post, address the following:

  1. Describe what you think are the elements of an effective argument.

  2. Indicate how you think you might use specific writing styles or choices you learned about this term to create effective arguments.

For your response posts, address the following:

  1. Offer ideas on how the writing styles or choices your peer has presented might be strengthened in a persuasive writing context.

  2. Offer additional persuasive writing styles or choices your peer might consider. Please explain them in your response.

Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide on ENG 122 8-1 discussion persuasive writing

Introduction to ENG 122 8-1 Discussion

This discussion post revolves around your understanding of persuasive writing. I will provide brief and descriptive guidelines to solve the ENG 122 8-1 discussion persuasive writing and a dummy solution for each section. This How-To Owlisdom  Guide will equip you with guidelines to tackle all the queries related to the 8-1 Discussion post. Let us begin with the guide.

Describe what you think are the elements of a compelling argument.

Elements of an Effective Argument

To start ENG 122 8-1 discussion persuasive writing, we will discuss the elements of a compelling argument.

  • Clarity: Your argument should be clear and straightforward, making it easy for your audience to understand your point of view.
  • Evidence: Support your argument with logical reasoning and credible evidence. This can include statistics, quotes from experts, or real-life examples.
  • Structure: Organize your argument logically. Start with an introduction presenting your thesis, then body paragraphs offering support, and conclude with a summary reinforcing your main points.
  • Engagement: Address counterarguments to show you’ve considered multiple viewpoints. This strengthens your position and shows respect for your audience’s intelligence.


A compelling argument hinges on several key elements. First and foremost, clarity is paramount; the argument must be presented straightforwardly, ensuring the audience grasps the intended message without confusion. Supporting the argument with solid evidence, such as statistics, expert testimony, or tangible examples, further validates the claim, lending it weight and credibility. Moreover, a coherent structure that logically flows from introduction to conclusion aids in building a persuasive narrative, guiding the audience through the argument seamlessly. Lastly, engaging with counterarguments is crucial; acknowledging and addressing opposing views demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the issue and reinforces the argument’s strength. These components combined create a compelling argument that resonates with and convinces the audience of the writer’s perspective.

Indicate how you might use specific writing styles or choices you learned about this term to create compelling arguments.

Utilizing Writing Styles for Arguments

Next, in ENG 122 8-1 discussion on persuasive writing, we will discuss how to utilise different writing styles for arguments.

  • Reflect on the writing styles or choices you’ve learned this term, such as persuasive techniques, rhetorical devices, or the importance of tone. 
  • Consider how these can be applied to enhance the persuasiveness of your arguments, such as using a formal tone to establish credibility or rhetorical questions to engage the reader.


Building on the foundation of clear, structured arguments, the writing styles and choices I’ve learned this term greatly enhance persuasiveness. For instance, the strategic use of rhetorical devices, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, has shown me the power of appealing to the audience’s sense of ethics, emotion, and logic, respectively. Employing a formal tone throughout my arguments establishes credibility, signalling to the reader that the discussion is grounded in severe and well-considered analysis. Additionally, posing rhetorical questions can effectively engage readers, prompting them to think deeply about the issue and drawing them into a more interactive engagement with the argument. These techniques strengthen the persuasive element of my writing and ensure that my arguments resonate more profoundly with the audience, building a convincing case that is hard to refute.

Offer ideas on how the writing styles or choices your peer has presented might be strengthened in a persuasive writing context. Offer additional persuasive writing styles or choices your peer might consider. Please explain them in your response.

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the ENG 122 discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • When responding to a peer, offer constructive feedback on how they might enhance their chosen writing style or technique for a persuasive context. For example, suggest ways to make their evidence more compelling or effectively address counterarguments.
  • Recommend other persuasive writing techniques or styles your peer might consider.

Response 01

Hey Max, nice post! You have laid out some excellent points on crafting a compelling argument, particularly highlighting the importance of clarity, structure, and the effective use of evidence. To further strengthen your persuasive writing, consider incorporating storytelling elements. Stories can emotionally connect with the audience and make your points more memorable. Also, varying sentence lengths can create a rhythm that enhances readability and impact. Short sentences can emphasise key points, while longer ones can be used to elaborate on complex ideas, adding dynamism to your writing that keeps the reader engaged. These additions could enhance the persuasiveness of your arguments by making them not only logical but also more relatable and engaging.

Response 02

I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can quickly write your peer responses to ENG 122 8-1 discussion persuasive writing without a hassle.


This ENG 122 8-1 discussion persuasive writing guide will equip you with the foundational steps to develop well-structured and compelling arguments in your writing. By focusing on clarity, evidence, and strategic writing choices, you can effectively persuade your audience and make your points resonate more profoundly. 

In the next module of ENG 122, we will explore the 8-2 Project Two on Feedback and Revision Reflection.

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