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HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

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Instructions of HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Health Topic Presentation

This course has been completed and no further assessments may be submitted.

Record a 30-minute slide presentation (10–15 slides) on a health topic of your choosing to present to patients of a family practice clinic.

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In this final assessment, remember that you are assuming the role of a family practice office manager. Your office offers monthly 30-minute educational sessions for patients on various topics. You have been given the opportunity to present at next month’s session.

In Assessment 3, your faculty member approved your topic and provided you with feedback on it. Since then you have been using credible resources to research your health topic. For this assessment, you are to prepare your slide presentation with speaker’s notes for your educational session. You will also submit an audio recording and transcript of your presentation.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

  • Competency 1: Use medical terminology and abbreviations related to pharmacology.
    • Apply medical terminology related to pharmacology or other treatments to a health topic.
  • Competency 2: Use medical terminology and abbreviations related to general structures and functions of the human body.
    • Apply medical terminology related to the structure and functions of the human body to a health topic.
  • Competency 3: Use medical terminology and abbreviations related to body systems.
    • Apply medical terminology related to human body systems to a health topic.
  • Competency 4: Use medical terminology and abbreviations related to specialized areas of medicine.
    • Apply medical terminology related to a specialized area of medicine, including diagnostic or surgical procedures, to a health topic.
  • Competency 5: Analyze and define medical terminology as used in health information management.
    • Apply medical terminology used in health information management.
  • Competency 6: Spell and pronounce basic medical terms.
    • Pronounce medical terms properly.
    • Spell medical terms correctly.
  • Competency 7: Communicate in a professional manner.
    • Create a presentation that is clearly written, organized, and generally free of grammatical errors.
    • Provide title and reference slides that conform to APA style and format.
    • Use volume, tone, and clarity reflective of professional communication in a health care setting.


To prepare for this assessment:

To prepare for the audio recording of your presentation:

  • Set up and test your microphone or headset using the installation instructions provided by the manufacturer. You only need to use the headset if your audio is not clear and high quality when captured by the microphone.
  • Practice using the equipment to ensure the audio quality is sufficient.
  • Microsoft PowerPoint allows you to record your narration with your slides. If you choose to record your presentation using this tool, simply submit your presentation to the appropriate area of the courseroom. Your narration will be included with your slides.
  • Consult Using Kaltura [PDF] for guidance in how to record your presentation and upload it in the courseroom if you elect not to use Microsoft PowerPoint to submit your slides and narration.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact Disability Services to request accommodations.


Your presentation needs to begin with a definition and description of your topic. Next be sure to address all of the following:

  • Causes.
  • Signs and symptoms.
  • At-risk population(s).
  • Prognosis.
  • Diagnostic or surgical procedures.
  • Treatment protocols, including pharmacology treatments.
  • Support systems.
  • Prevention.

In addition, your presentation will need to include 3–5 HIM terms related to your topic. Please provide a professional yet memorable title slide and a reference slide that lists the references you consulted when developing your presentation. Also, please ensure your title and reference slides conform to APA style and formatting guidelines.

After developing your presentation, delivering it, and audio recording it, submit all of the following to the appropriate area in the courseroom:

  • Your 10–15 slides with speaker’s notes, including title and reference slides in APA format.
  • Your audio recording of your presentation.
  • A transcript of your presentation.

Additional Requirements

  • Writing: Your presentation does not need to conform to APA style and formatting guidelines. It does need to be clear, well organized and generally free of grammatical errors. You do need to provide title and reference slides that conform to APA style and format.
  • Length: Your presentation is not to exceed 30 minutes in length.
  • Scoring Guide: Be sure to read this assessment’s scoring guide so you understand how your faculty member will evaluate your work.


This course has been completed and no further assessments may be submitted.

Use the resources linked below to help complete this assessment.

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Specialized Areas of Medicine

Chabner, D. (2017). The language of medicine (11th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.

  • Chapter 19, “Cancer Medicine (Oncology),” pages 799–848.
  • Chapter 20, “Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,” pages 849–880.
  • Chapter 21, “Pharmacology,” pages 881–920.

Research, Writing, and APA Style and Format

As you prepare to develop and deliver your presentation on your chosen health topic, please consider these resources as needed:

Note: Your presentation does not need to conform to APA style and formatting guidelines. It does need to be clear, concise, organized, and well written. Your title and references slides do, however, need to conform to APA guidelines. Consult Evidence and APA if you need a refresher.

Additional Resources for Further Exploration

While this course has focused on medical terminology, keep in mind that the health care field expands beyond medical terminology. For example, the health information management field has terminology related to reimbursement, documentation, and the electronic health record. The Oachs and Watters textbook—an optional resource for this course—is a great place to learn about this terminology.

Oachs, P. K., & Watters, A. L. (2016). Health information management: Concepts, principles, and practice (5th ed.). Chicago, IL: AHIMA Press. Available in the courseroom via the VitalSource Bookshelf link.

  • Chapter 5, “Clinical Classifications, Vocabularies, Terminologies, and Standards,” pages 141–168.


This course has been completed and no further assessments may be submitted.

Click Vila Health: Medical Terminology to complete an interactive activity in which you will hear an interaction between a nurse and a home health care agency about a patient’s after care. Access the Procedures tab. This activity will give you additional practice in using medical terminology associated with various medical procedures and help you prepare to give your presentation.

This tool needs to be loaded in a new browser window

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE on HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Introduction to HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment SIX

In the HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation, you will assume the role of a family practice office manager and present an educational session on the cardiorespiratory system. This Owlisdom How-To Guide will showcase your knowledge of medical terminology, particularly concerning the circulatory and respiratory systems, their functions, and related diseases. You will create a slide presentation with speaker notes, record your presentation, and submit the slides, audio recording, and transcript.

For this assessment, you must prepare your slide presentation for your educational session.

Creating the Slide Presentation

We will prepare the presentation to start the HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation. I am choosing the topic “Obesity” for this assessment.

Definition and Description of the Topic: Start with a clear definition and description of the cardiorespiratory system and its importance.

Causes: Research and list the primary causes of cardiorespiratory diseases.

Signs and Symptoms: Identify and describe common signs and symptoms of cardiorespiratory conditions.

At-risk Populations: Highlight populations that are at higher risk for cardiorespiratory diseases.

Prognosis: Discuss the prognosis for patients with cardiorespiratory conditions.

Diagnostic or Surgical Procedures: Explain standard diagnostic and surgical procedures for treating cardiorespiratory diseases.

Treatment Protocols, Including Pharmacology Treatments: Outline standard treatment protocols and include information on pharmacology treatments.

Support Systems: Mention the support systems available for patients with cardiorespiratory conditions.

Prevention: Provide tips and strategies for preventing cardiorespiratory diseases.

Including Health Information Management (HIM) Terms

  • Incorporate 3-5 HIM terms related to the cardiorespiratory system into your presentation.
  • Define and explain these terms in the context of your topic.

Title and Reference Slides

  • Create a professional title slide that indicates the topic of your presentation.
  • Compile a reference slide listing all sources used, formatted according to APA guidelines.

Recording and Submitting Your Presentation

  • Use Microsoft PowerPoint or Kaltura to record your presentation with your narration.
  • Ensure your audio is clear and professional.
  • Submit your slides, audio recording, and transcript to the appropriate area in the course room.

Demonstration of Proficiency

  • Competency 1: Use medical terminology related to pharmacology.
  • Competency 2: Use medical terminology related to the structures and functions of the human body.
  • Competency 3: Use medical terminology related to body systems.
  • Competency 4: Use medical terminology related to specialized areas of medicine.
  • Competency 5: Analyze and define medical terminology in health information management.
  • Competency 6: Spell and pronounce medical terms correctly.
  • Competency 7: Communicate professionally.

Note: These competencies are straightforward and designed to help you effectively apply your knowledge of medical terminology. Approach them step-by-step, and you’ll find that they reinforce your learning and understanding of the HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation material.


The HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation is an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the cardiorespiratory system and your ability to communicate medical information clearly and professionally. Following this How-To Guide and focusing on the key areas will create a comprehensive and informative presentation highlighting your medical terminology expertise. You can also read  HIM-FPX 4610 complete modules to ace the course!


Aaseth, J., Ellefsen, S., Alehagen, U., Sundfør, T. M., & Alexander, J. (2021). Diets and drugs for weight loss and health in obesity—An update. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy = Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, 140, 111789. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopha.2021.111789

Avenell, A., Broom, J., Brown, T. J., Poobalan, A., Aucott, L., Stearns, S. C., Smith, W. C. S., Jung, R. T., Campbell, M. K., & Grant, A. M. (2004). A systematic review of the long-term effects and economic consequences of treatments for obesity and implications for health improvement. Health Technology Assessment (Winchester, England), 8(21), iii–iv, 1–182. https://doi.org/10.3310/hta8210 

Klein, S., Gastaldelli, A., Yki-Järvinen, H., & Scherer, P. E. (2022). Why does obesity cause diabetes? Cell Metabolism, 34(1), 11–20.

Sarma, S., Sockalingam, S., & Dash, S. (2021). Obesity as a multisystem disease: Trends in obesity rates and obesity‐related complications. Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 23, 3–16.

Sørensen, T. I., Martinez, A. R., & Jørgensen, T. S. H. (2022). Epidemiology of obesity. In From Obesity to Diabetes (pp. 3–27). Springer.

Tzenios, N. (2023). Obesity is a risk factor for different types of cancer. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development (IJRD), 8(2), 97–100.

WHO. (2024). Obesity and overweight. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight 

Speaker’s Notes

Slide 1 Title Slide

Welcome to my presentation on understanding obesity. Today, we will explore the causes, symptoms, treatments, and prevention strategies related to obesity. This presentation aims to comprehensively overview this significant public health issue and highlight practical ways to manage and prevent obesity.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 2 Definition and Description

Obesity is having excessive body fat, typically measured using Body Mass Index (BMI). A BMI of 30 or higher classifies an individual as obese. This condition poses serious health risks and significantly impacts overall well-being. Understanding obesity is crucial for developing effective prevention and management strategies.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 3 Importance of Understanding Obesity

Understanding obesity is essential due to its wide-ranging health implications. It affects the cardiorespiratory system and increases the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease. By raising awareness and understanding, we can develop better prevention strategies and improve overall health outcomes.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 4 Causes of Obesity

The primary causes of obesity include genetic factors, poor diet, lack of physical activity, environmental influences, and metabolic factors. Each of these elements plays a significant role in the development of obesity, making it a multifaceted condition requiring comprehensive intervention strategies.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 5 Genetic Factors

Genetic predisposition significantly impacts obesity. Family history can increase the risk, with specific genes affecting appetite and metabolism. Understanding the genetic component is vital for creating personalized interventions and highlighting the need for targeted prevention measures.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 6 Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle and high-calorie diets, significantly contribute to obesity. Lack of regular physical activity, stress, and social influences exacerbate the condition. Addressing these factors through lifestyle changes is crucial for effective obesity management.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 7 Signs and Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms of obesity include increased BMI, visible fat accumulation, fatigue, difficulty performing physical activities, and breathlessness. Recognizing these symptoms early is vital for timely intervention and management to prevent further health complications.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 8 At-risk Populations

Populations at higher risk for obesity include children, low-income groups, individuals with certain medical conditions, sedentary professionals, and specific ethnic groups with higher genetic predispositions. Targeted interventions and awareness programs can help mitigate risks in these vulnerable populations.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 9 Prognosis of Obesity

The prognosis of obesity includes potential chronic health conditions, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, and a negative impact on the quality of life. Long-term management and lifestyle changes are essential to improve the prognosis and overall health outcomes.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 10 Diagnostic Procedures

Obesity is diagnosed through BMI calculation, waist circumference measurement, health assessments, blood tests, and imaging tests to evaluate body fat distribution. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for developing effective treatment plans tailored to individual needs.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 11 Surgical Procedures

Surgical interventions for obesity include bariatric surgery, gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric banding, and occasionally liposuction. These procedures are typically considered when other treatments have failed and are crucial for severe obesity management.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 12 Treatment Protocols

Standard treatment protocols for obesity involve dietary modifications, increased physical activity, behavioral therapy, medications, and regular monitoring. A comprehensive approach ensures long-term effectiveness and helps individuals achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 13 Pharmacology Treatments

Pharmacological treatments for obesity include appetite suppressants, metabolic enhancers, and lipase inhibitors. These medications support weight loss and are often used alongside lifestyle changes and behavioral therapy for better outcomes.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 14 Support Systems

Support systems for managing obesity include counseling, support groups, family and community support, online resources, and professional guidance from dietitians and trainers. These systems provide motivation, encouragement, and essential resources for effective obesity management.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 15 Prevention of Obesity

Preventing obesity involves encouraging healthy eating habits, promoting regular physical activity, raising awareness through public health campaigns, creating supportive environments, and conducting regular health check-ups. Prevention is critical to reducing the prevalence and impact of obesity.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 16 Health Information Management (HIM) Terms

Key HIM terms related to obesity include BMI (Body Mass Index), T2DM (Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus), WC (Waist Circumference), LBS (Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery), and METs (Metabolic Equivalents). Understanding these terms helps in better communication and management of obesity.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

Slide 17 References

This slide lists all the references used in the presentation, formatted according to APA guidelines. It includes books, journal articles, and reputable websites. Accurate and organized references are essential for maintaining the credibility and integrity of the information presented.

HIM-FPX 4610 Assessment Six: Health Topic Presentation

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