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HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources

Here’s our ultimate free guide on the HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources and its solution. Read Now!

Instructions of HIS 100 2-2 activity


Using relevant and trustworthy sources is a key element of conducting research in any field.Primary and secondary sources provide information necessary for historians to develop theories or interpretations about the past. In this activity, you will explore the existing literature relevant to your research question and identify one primary and one secondary source that will help you answer your research question.

Please remember to review and keep all instructor feedback. Each module activity will prepare you for an aspect of your final project, and you will have a future opportunity to improve your work.


Use the provided Module Two Activity Template: Primary and Secondary Sources Word Document to complete this activity. You will first discuss the differences between primary and secondary sources and articulate why using both are essential to historical research. You will then identify sources relevant to the research question you wrote in the previous module. Finally, you will identify a current event related to the subject of your historical research question.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.

    • What are the differences between them?

  • Explain why it is important to consult a variety of sources when conducting historical research.

    • Why should you avoid relying only on one type of source? What are the benefits of using a diversity of sources?

  • Identify one primary source that would help investigate your research question.

    • Using the HIS 100 Library Guide in the Shapiro Library, skim through the suggested resources or find your own from the Shapiro Library. Ensure they are credible and relevant to your research question.

  • Identify one secondary source that would help investigate your research question.

    • Using the HIS 100 Library Guide in the Shapiro Library, skim through the suggested resources or find your own from the Shapiro Library. Ensure they are credible and relevant to your research question.

  • Choose a current event related to the subject of your research question and explain how they are connected.

    • Read what you wrote in the previous module’s activity about how your historical topic is relevant to modern society. Using your response and what you have learned thus far about your topic, identify a specific current event that you feel is relevant to your research question. Then explain how the current event is connected to your research question. Keep in mind that the link between your topic and your current event will become clearer as you continue to research.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit the Module Two Activity Template: Primary and Secondary Sources. While references are not required, any sources used should be cited according to APA style if you reference them in your responses. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

Step-by-Step Guide to HIS 100 2-2 Activity: Introduction to Primary and Secondary Sources

This How-To Guide will provide a descriptive and detailed overview of the HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources. In HIS 100, Module Two is based on Historical Research Questions, but this activity is related to the type of sources we would apply in the same module. For this purpose, I have chosen the template of the HIS 100 2-2 Activity from Southern New Hampshire University. If you are taking a course called The Perspective of History from another institute, the outline for this activity has the same steps. In addition to this guide, I will share a dummy solution of the template with you. 

Distinguish between primary and secondary sources.Explain why it is essential to consult various sources when conducting historical research. Include specific details and examples.Identify one primary source to help investigate your research question (include the title, author, and link to the source). Identify one secondary source that would help investigate your research question (include the title, author, and link to the source). Choose a current event related to the subject of your historical research question and explain how they are connected.


Let’s focus on and recall the primary and secondary sources of HIS 100 2-2 activity steps.

Distinguishing Between Primary and Secondary Sources

Let us clarify the difference between primary and secondary sources for HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources. 

  • Explain the meaning of the primary sources with the examples of the Great Depression.
  • Explain secondary sources and provide examples of the great depression.


HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources

Importance of Using a Variety of Sources

In HIS 100 2-2 activity Primary and Secondary Sources, we will discuss different sources’ role in historical studies.

  • Explanation of different kinds of biases in the sources.
  • Advantages of using primary as well as secondary source materials.


HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources

Identifying Sources for Your Research Question

Now, let us dive into the sources for HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary source and Secondary source. 

  • Locate one primary source that is relevant to the topic you’ve chosen.
  • Select a secondary source relevant to your topic.

HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources

Connecting Historical Research to a Current Event

Let us unwrap the section of HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources, where we will talk about how history relates to a current event.

  • Suggestions for choosing a current event.
  • What is the relationship of this event to the Great Depression and the modern economy?


HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources


This Owlisdom How-To Guide provides descriptive and easy guidelines for solving HIS 100 2-2 activity: Primary and Secondary Sources Questions. Remember that Southern New Hampshire University provides this template to the learners of HIS 100. I have solved this template as an example. If you want me to solve a similar activity, you can ask for a solution with a different template. You can also read our HIS 100 next module 3-1 Activity: Examining Historical Context.

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