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HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present

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Instructions of HIS 100 5-2 Activity


Over the past few weeks, you have examined how context, perspective, and bias impact what we know about history and how we talk about it. You also started to make connections between your research question, historical event, and current event. In this activity, you will build upon that work to consider the historical roots of your current event and what the narratives would be like if told from a different perspective.


Use the provided Module Five Activity Template: Historical Interpretations Word Document to complete this activity. First, you will reflect on the process of researching the subject of your historical research question and its connection to your current event. You will then consider the impact of bias on our existing knowledge. Finally, you will address how the narratives about your historical and current events would change if told from alternative viewpoints.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Describe how exploring your research question improved your understanding of the historical roots of your current event.

    • How did learning more about the subject of your research question help you identify events from the past that contributed or led up to your current event?

  • Explain how biased perspectives influence what is known about both your historical and current events.

    • Support your points with relevant course resources.

  • Propose how the narrative about your historical event might change if it were told from a missing perspective.

    • Refer to the missing perspective you identified in this week’s discussion. How might this point of view change the story about your historical event? For example, would the narrative focus on different details, or would those details be interpreted differently?

  • Propose how the narrative about your current event might change if it were told from a missing perspective.

    • Expand on the missing perspective from criteria three and apply it to your current event. How might your current event be understood differently by examining it from that perspective?

Guidelines for Submission

Submit the Module Five Activity Template: Historical Interpretations.  Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.


Introduction and Step-By-Step Guide For HIS 100 5-2 Activity Historical Interpretations of Past and Present

HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present, this Owlisdom How-To Guide walks you through understanding how context, perspective, and bias can affect history, and more specifically, how The Great Depression impacted the U.S. banking system and its long-term effects on the national economy in its past. 

Describe how exploring your research question improved your understanding of the historical roots of your current event.

Impact of Learning About the Historical Event Selected

In HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present, l

Identifying Historical Roots


HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present

Explain how biased perspectives influence what is known about both your historical and current events.

Influence of Bias

Let us explore the influence of bias on historical research in HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present.

On Historical Events

  • Consider how bias might have contributed to what we know or do not know about The Great Depression.
  • Back it up with examples from the course resources.

On Current Events

  • Describe how narratives of bias may affect a broader understanding of the current economic situation.
  • Give some examples that illustrate how perception can be influenced by bias.


HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present

Propose how your historical event’s narrative might change if told from a missing perspective. Propose how the narrative about your current event might change if told from a missing perspective.

Alternative Perspectives

Discuss this next section of HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present.

On Historical Events

  • Find a perspective that is missing from your research in The Great Depression.
  • Try to imagine what the narrative might have been if told from this perspective. Instead, think of what other details you can pay attention to and how you could interpret those known details differently.

HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present

On Current Events

  • Take the current economic situation and expand on the missing perspective identified earlier.
  • Talk about how knowing this helps to change the narrative or perception of current events.

HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present


This how-to guide helps you understand how different perspectives and biases influence the interpretation of history and other events. I hope you smash the HIS 100 5-2 Activity: Historical Interpretations of Past and Present. Good luck!

You can also read our HIS 100 next module, 6-1 discussion of responsibility to be historically informed.



Cecchetti, S. G. (2009). Crisis and Responses: The Federal Reserve in the Early Stages of the Financial Crisis. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 23(1), 51–75. https://doi.org/10.1257/jep.23.1.51 

Chaudhuri, R. R. (2014). The Great Depression and the Glass-Steagall Act. In R. R. Chaudhuri (Ed.), The Changing Face of American Banking: Deregulation, Reregulation, and the Global Financial System (pp. 71–82). Palgrave Macmillan US. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137361219_6 

Taylor, A. M. (2013). The Great Leveraging. In The Social Value of the Financial Sector: Vol. Volume 29 (pp. 33–65). WORLD SCIENTIFIC. https://doi.org/10.1142/9789814520294_0004

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