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Explore our Ultimate FREE Detailed Guide on the HIST-2050 1-2 Civil Rights Movement Journal.

Instructions of HIST-2050 1-2 Civil Rights Movement Journal


You may have heard of The Diary of Anne Frank, a personal journal that brought to countless readers a young Jewish girl’s experience in hiding during the Holocaust. Those who read Anne Frank’s account learn the reality of genocide in a manner that brings to life the historical event.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, several organizations promoted journaling to encourage documentation of the experience of everyday life during a major historical event. Perhaps you or someone you know has kept a journal at some point. In this course, you will use an online journal to capture your ideas about social movements and history.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



Write at least five substantial paragraphs (300-500 words) in response to the following:

  • Select an individual you learned about in this week’s resources—someone who served as a leader in the civil rights movement. Explain why you believe they were an effective or ineffective leader.
  • Describe one specific issue from within the civil rights movement (e.g., equal pay, access to transportation, access to education).
  • Within the specific issue that you have chosen, describe what role violence played. Explain whether the violence was justified.
  • Describe an example of a change that occurred with your chosen issue as a result of the civil rights movement.

Include at least three relevant quotes from this week’s resources that support your ideas. Place the quote inside quotation marks [“]. After the quote, include the chapter and page number where you found the quote within parentheses.

Click the document below for more guidance on writing the Journal Assignment.

Document: Additional Journal Guidance (PDF)Download Additional Journal Guidance (PDF)


Before submitting your final journal, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

  1. To submit your completed journal, save your Journal as WK1Journal_LastName_Firstinitial
  2. Then, click on Start Journal near the top of the page.
  3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Journal for review.






This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired Content

74 to >64.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Submission goes into depth in addressing the issues and brings additional insights to the topic including identification of a Civil Rights leader, explanation of the leader’s effectiveness, a specific issue, the role of violence, and an example of change that occurred within the chosen issue.

64 to >46.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Submission successfully addresses all issues and questions given in the assignment details including identification of a Civil Rights leader, explanation of the leader’s effectiveness, a specific issue, the role of violence, and an example of change that occurred within the chosen issue.

46 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

Submission does not successfully address all aspects of the assignment including identification of a Civil Rights leader, explanation of the leader’s effectiveness, a specific issue, the role of violence, and an example of change that occurred within the chosen issue.

74 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat and writing

14 to >12.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Any spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English are minor and do not affect clear communication. Work includes one or more explicit mentions of concepts or ideas from the required sources and an effort to cite the original source was made, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

12 to >9.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Submission contains few spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English OR these deviations do not affect clear communication. Work includes at least one explicit mention of a concept or idea from the required sources, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

9 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

There are multiple spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English that affect clear communication. Work does not include any explicit mention of concepts or ideas from the required sources, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

14 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness

7 to >6.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Assignment is submitted according to posted due dates and times or late with prior consent from instructor.

6 to >4.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Assignment is submitted within the allowed time.

4 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

Assignment is not submitted on time.

7 pts

Total Points: 95

Step-By-Step Guide HIST-2050 1-2 Civil Rights Movement JournalL


This HIST-2050 1-2 Civil Rights Movement Journal assignment involves writing a comprehensive journal entry about a prominent leader from the civil rights movement, discussing a specific issue within the movement, the role of violence in that issue, and the changes that resulted from the civil rights efforts. This Owlisdom HIST-2050 1-2 Civil Rights Movement Journal guide will help you systematically address each component of the assignment, ensuring your writing is clear, detailed, and well-supported.

Select an individual you learned about in this week’s resources—someone who served as a leader in the civil rights movement. Explain why you believe they were an effective or ineffective leader.

Selecting And Evaluating A Civil Rights Leader

  • Choose a leader discussed in this week’s resources.
  • Explain why you believe they were an effective or ineffective leader.


One prominent leader in the civil rights movement discussed in this week’s resources is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King is widely regarded as one of the most effective leaders of the movement due to his unwavering commitment to nonviolent resistance and his ability to mobilize large groups of people to advocate for racial equality. His leadership was marked by eloquent oratory, strategic vision, and a profound moral compass that resonated with a broad audience. King’s philosophy of nonviolence was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi and was instrumental in shaping the civil rights movement’s approach to activism, which emphasized peaceful protest and civil disobedience.

Describe one specific issue from within the civil rights movement (e.g., equal pay, access to transportation, access to education).

Specific Issue In The Civil Rights Movement

  • Select an issue such as equal pay, access to transportation, or access to education.
  • Describe the issue in detail.


A specific issue within the civil rights movement that Dr. King focused on was access to education. During the era of segregation, African Americans were systematically denied equal educational opportunities, relegated to underfunded and overcrowded schools. The landmark case Brown v. Board of Education in 1954 declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students to be unconstitutional (Geier, 2023). However, despite this legal victory, the implementation of desegregation was met with fierce resistance, particularly in the southern United States, where segregationist policies were deeply entrenched.

Within the specific issue that you have chosen, describe what role violence played. Explain whether the violence was justified.

Role Of Violence In The Issue

  • Explain how violence influenced the issue.
  • Reflect on whether the violence was justified.


Violence played a significant role in the struggle for access to education. The resistance to desegregation often manifested in violent acts perpetrated by white supremacists against African American students and their supporters. One notable example is the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957, where nine African American students, known as the Little Rock Nine, faced intense hostility and physical threats (Misco, 2024). The violent opposition they encountered underscored the deep-seated racism within society and the lengths to which opponents of desegregation would go to maintain the status quo. While the violence was not justified, it highlighted the urgent need for federal intervention and protection for those fighting for their rights.

Describe an example of a change that occurred with your chosen issue as a result of the civil rights movement.

Changes Resulting From The Civil Rights Movement

  • Identify and explain a specific change that resulted from the movement.


As a result of the civil rights movement and the relentless efforts of activists like Dr. King, significant changes occurred in the realm of education. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a pivotal piece of legislation that prohibited discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, including in public schools and universities (Shannon & Hunter Jr, 2020). This act provided the federal government with the authority to enforce desegregation, ensuring that African American students could access the same educational opportunities as their white counterparts. Over time, this led to increased educational attainment among African Americans and contributed to the gradual breakdown of institutionalized segregation.



  • Reflect on the impact of these events and figures.


In conclusion, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s leadership was instrumental in advancing the civil rights movement, particularly in the fight for equal access to education. Despite facing significant violence and resistance, the movement’s emphasis on nonviolent protest and legal advocacy resulted in profound changes that improved educational opportunities for African Americans. The legacy of the civil rights movement continues to influence contemporary struggles for equality and justice, underscoring the enduring impact of its achievements.



Geier, B. A. (2023). Racial Discrimination: A Slow and Steady Eroding of Brown v. Board of Education. In B. A. Geier, The Roberts Court and Public Schools (pp. 83–105). Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-46008-1_6 

Misco, L. (2024). School Discipline, the Little Rock Crisis, and Aaron v. Cooper. https://scholarsarchive.library.albany.edu/all_honors/21/ 

Shannon, J. H., & Hunter Jr, R. J. (2020). The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Beyond Race to Employment Discrimination Based on Sex: The Three Letter Word’That Has Continued to Vex Society and The United States Supreme Court. Journal of Social and Political Sciences, 3(3). https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3649409 



By following these guidelines for HIST-2050 1-2 Civil Rights Movement Journal, you will effectively analyze and present your thoughts on a leader and a specific issue within the civil rights movement, the role of violence in that issue, and the changes that resulted from the movement. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough understanding and enhances your analytical and critical thinking skills. You can also read HIST-2050 complete modules to ace the course!

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