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Instructions of HIST-2050 3-1 Discussion and its Solution


Reformation, like education, is a journey, not a destination.

—Mother Jones, labor activist

Labor affects every person regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, or age. To a significant extent, labor defines the lives we live. Labor also provides food, clothing, and housing. We can examine how the organization of labor shapes our communities and government policies. 


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Post at least two paragraphs in which you respond to the following:

  • Discuss one aspect of government that has either been shaped by or has opposed a specific labor movement.
  • Describe which ideas you found challenging when reading about the labor movement.
  • Explain how the achievements of one or more labor movements may have affected you or a family member. Be specific.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings.


Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings.

Response 1: Suggest another labor movement your classmate has not discussed that may have affected them or their family.

Response 2: Identify an additional connection between the labor movement discussed by your classmate and government, laws, or politics.

Step-By-Step Guide HIST-2050 3-1 Discussion


This HIST-2050 3-1 Discussion assignment involves discussing a specific aspect of government shaped by a labor movement, reflecting on challenging concepts within the labor movement, and explaining the personal impact of labor movements. Additionally, you will respond to your classmates’ postings by suggesting other relevant labor movements and identifying further connections between labor movements and government, laws, or politics.

Discuss one aspect of government that has either been shaped by or has opposed a specific labor movement.

Discussing Government And Labor Movements

  • Choose an aspect of government, such as labor laws, and explain how it has been influenced by a labor movement.


One significant aspect of government that has been shaped by labor movements is labor law, particularly the establishment of the minimum wage. The labor movement’s push for fair wages is a pivotal reason why governments worldwide have instituted minimum wage laws. In the United States, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, which established the minimum wage, overtime pay, and child labor standards, was a direct result of prolonged advocacy by labor unions and workers (Kelley, 2023). The legislation was born out of the labor movement’s struggle during the Great Depression, where vast unemployment and poor working conditions highlighted the need for regulatory oversight in labor markets.

Describe which ideas you found challenging when reading about the labor movement.

Reflecting On Challenging Concepts

  • Identify a specific concept within labor movements that were difficult to understand and explain why.


Reading about the labor movement, I found the concept of collective bargaining particularly challenging. It was intriguing to learn how this process involves negotiation between employers and a group of employees aimed at reaching agreements to regulate working salaries, working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers’ compensation and rights (Doellgast & Benassi, 2020). The complexity lies in balancing the interests of workers and employers, where both parties need to compromise yet maintain their interests. The strategic maneuvers both sides employ, including strikes or lockouts, can significantly impact the economy and have broader social implications.

Explain how the achievements of one or more labor movements may have affected you or a family member. Be specific.

Explaining Personal Impact

  • Provide a personal or family example of how labor movements’ achievements have impacted your life.


The achievements of labor movements have directly affected my family, particularly through the establishment of workplace safety standards. My grandfather worked in the construction industry during the 1970s and 1980s, a time when many of the safety regulations we take for granted today were just being implemented due to the advocacy of labor movements. These movements fought for and won protections that reduced workplace hazards and mandated the use of safety equipment. The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, advocated for by labor unions, likely prevented numerous injuries and potentially saved lives, including that of my grandfather. His working conditions, improved by these regulations, contributed to his long career and health post-retirement.


Doellgast, V., & Benassi, C. (2020). Collective bargaining. In Handbook of research on employee voice (pp. 239–258). Edward Elgar Publishing. https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollchap/edcoll/9781788971171/9781788971171.00022.xml 

Kelley, B. J. (2023). Wage Against the Machine: Artificial Intelligence and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Stan. L. & Pol’y Rev., 34, 261. 

Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings. Response 1: Suggest another labor movement your classmate has not discussed that may have affected them or their family. Response 2: Identify an additional connection between the labor movement discussed by your classmate and government, laws, or politics.


  • Provide thoughtful and meaningful responses to at least two classmates’ postings.


Response 1

An additional labor movement that might have impacted you or your family, given the context of your grandfather’s industry, is the unionization efforts in the construction sector. For example, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America has been pivotal in advocating for workers’ rights in construction. This union has historically worked to secure better pay, benefits, and safer working conditions for its members. If your grandfather was part of this or a similar union, the collective bargaining power could have significantly influenced his wages, retirement benefits, and overall job security. Unions in this sector also often provide training and certification that can enhance job prospects and safety, which could have directly contributed to your grandfather’s career longevity and success.

Response 2

Expanding on your discussion of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, it is interesting to note how deeply intertwined labor movements are with politics. This particular piece of legislation did not only emerge from the labor struggles but was also a crucial part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal policies. The New Deal represented a broader governmental and political response to the economic calamity of the Great Depression, using legislation to promote economic recovery and social welfare. The labor movement was instrumental in shaping the New Deal’s approach to labor laws, demonstrating the powerful role that organized labor can play in influencing government policies. This interplay between labor movements and political agendas showcases how worker advocacy not only leads to direct changes in labor laws but can also influence broader governmental strategies intended to stabilize and grow the economy.



By following these Owlisdom guidelines for HIST-2050 3-1 Discussion, you will effectively analyze and present your thoughts on labor movements, reflect on challenging concepts, and explain their personal impact. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough understanding of labor movements and enhances your analytical skills in assessing their influence on government and society. You can also read HIST-2050 complete modules to ace the course!

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