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Explore our Ultimate FREE Detailed Guide on the HIST-2050 5-1 Discussion and its Solution On Owlisdom.

Instructions of HIST-2050 5-1 Discussion


Geography is destiny.

—Attributed to Napoleon in Abraham Verghese’s Cutting for Stone

The United States extends from one shore to another over the entire width of the continent. Because of this size, the United States requires reliable transportation to distribute goods, services, and security within our borders as well as ports for international commerce. The size of the nation inspires a sense of endless supply of fertile land for food production, oil for fuel, minerals for production, and beautiful locations for travel and leisure.

How do we balance our desire for inexpensive fuel or inexpensive coffee with information about climate change and social justice?


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
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Post at least two paragraphs in which you respond to the following:

  • Take a position on whether it is appropriate for wealthier countries to support poorer countries if they are affected by climate change.
  • List one specific consequence of global social justice and how it affects climate change.
  • Suggest an action that could be taken to lessen the effects of climate change on your community.
  • Support your position by drawing on this week’s resources.
  • Locate a recent online article written within the last 3 years that supports your position and provide insights about it in your Discussion
  • Post a link to it at the bottom of your post.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings. 


Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings.

In your responses, take the opposite position from that posted by your classmate and explain why it should be considered. 

Step-By-Step Guide HIST-2050 5-1 Discussion


This HIST-2050 5-1 Discussion assignment requires you to take a position on whether wealthier countries should support poorer countries affected by climate change, discuss global social justice, suggest community actions to mitigate climate change and support your position with recent resources. Additionally, you will engage with your classmates’ posts by creating opposing arguments. This Owlisdom HIST-2050 5-1 Discussion guide will help you systematically address each component of the assignment.

Take a position on whether it is appropriate for wealthier countries to support poorer countries if they are affected by climate change.

Taking A Position On Support By Wealthier Countries

  • Clearly state your position and provide reasoning for your stance.


It is appropriate for wealthier countries to support poorer countries affected by climate change. Wealthier nations have historically contributed the most to greenhouse gas emissions due to their extensive industrial activities. Consequently, they have a moral obligation to assist poorer countries, which often suffer the most from climate change impacts despite contributing the least to the problem. Supporting poorer countries can take various forms, including financial aid, technological transfer, and capacity building to enhance resilience and adaptation strategies (Eriksen et al., 2021). The support not only aids vulnerable populations but also promotes global stability and mitigates the broader impacts of climate change.

List one specific consequence of global social justice and how it affects climate change.


  • Describe the consequence and how it affects climate change.


A specific consequence of global social justice related to climate change is the equitable distribution of resources and support for climate adaptation and mitigation. It affects climate change by ensuring that all countries, regardless of their economic status, have the means to implement effective environmental policies. When poorer countries receive adequate support, they can invest in sustainable practices, reduce their carbon footprint, and protect their ecosystems, contributing to global efforts to combat climate change. Additionally, fostering social justice can reduce climate-induced migration and conflict, as communities become more resilient and better equipped to handle climate impacts.

Suggest an action that could be taken to lessen the effects of climate change on your community.


  • Propose an actionable measure and explain its benefits.


To lessen the effects of climate change on my community, a practical action would be the implementation of comprehensive urban greening initiatives. It includes planting trees, creating green roofs, and developing community gardens, which can help reduce urban heat islands, enhance air quality, and improve stormwater management (Wong et al., 2021). These initiatives not only mitigate climate impacts but also promote biodiversity and provide recreational spaces for residents.

Locate a recent online article written within the last 3 years that supports your position and provide insights about it in your Discussion. Post a link to it at the bottom of your post.


  • Summarize the article and explain how it supports your stance.


A recent article titled “Wealthy nations pledge $100 billion in climate finance” discusses how wealthier nations have committed significant funds to help developing countries mitigate and adapt to climate change effects. The article highlights the importance of international solidarity and the necessity of substantial financial contributions to help developing countries transition to sustainable energy and protect their populations from climate-related disasters (Wealthy Nations, 2023). It aligns with the principle that global cooperation is essential to address the universal challenge of climate change effectively.

Link to the article: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/06/rich-countries-pledge-climate-finance-billion/ 


Eriksen, S., Schipper, E. L. F., Scoville-Simonds, M., Vincent, K., Adam, H. N., Brooks, N., Harding, B., Lenaerts, L., Liverman, D., & Mills-Novoa, M. (2021). Adaptation interventions and their effect on vulnerability in developing countries: Help, hindrance or irrelevance? World Development, 141, 105383 .

Wealthy nations pledge $100 billion in climate finance. Here’s what this means. (2023, June 28). World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/06/rich-countries-pledge-climate-finance-billion/ 

Wong, N. H., Tan, C. L., Kolokotsa, D. D., & Takebayashi, H. (2021). Greenery as a mitigation and adaptation strategy to urban heat. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 2(3), 166–181.  

Respond to two or more of your colleagues’ postings. In your responses, take the opposite position from that posted by your classmate and explain why it should be considered.


  • Provide thoughtful and respectful counterarguments to at least two classmates’ posts.

Response 1

While your argument against wealthy nations supporting poorer countries affected by climate change emphasizes self-sufficiency and national sovereignty, it is important to consider the broader implications of climate justice. Wealthier nations have historically contributed the most to greenhouse gas emissions and thus bear significant responsibility for climate change. Without their support, poorer nations, which are often the most vulnerable to climate impacts, might struggle to implement necessary adaptation and mitigation measures. This could lead to increased global instability, with issues like climate-induced migration and economic disruption spilling over into wealthier countries as well. Additionally, international cooperation is crucial in addressing a global issue like climate change effectively. It ensures that all nations can contribute to the solution, creating a more equitable and sustainable world. Supporting poorer countries is not just a matter of charity but of shared responsibility and mutual benefit.

Response 2

I understand the perspective that wealthier nations should focus on their own climate change mitigation efforts before aiding others. However, this view overlooks the interconnected nature of climate change impacts. The effects of climate change do not respect national borders; extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and ecological disruptions in one region can have profound economic and social repercussions globally. By supporting poorer countries, wealthier nations can help build a more resilient global community, ultimately protecting their own interests. For instance, the financial and technological support to developing nations can foster sustainable development practices that reduce overall global emissions, benefiting everyone. Furthermore, the ethical dimension of climate justice suggests that those who have contributed most to the problem should take a leading role in solving it. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, as highlighted in international agreements like the Paris Agreement, underscores the necessity for wealthier nations to provide support where it is most needed.


By following these Owlisdom guidelines for HIST-2050 5-1 Discussion, you will effectively analyze and present your thoughts on the role of wealthier countries in supporting poorer countries affected by climate change, engage in critical discussion with peers, and reflect on the importance of global cooperation and social justice in addressing climate change. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough understanding and enhances your analytical and critical thinking skills. You can also read HIST-2050 complete modules to ace the course!

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