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Explore our Ultimate FREE Detailed Guide on the HIST-2050 5-2 Environmental Awareness Journal and its Solution.

Instructions of HIST-2050 5-2 Environmental Awareness Journal



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Write at least five substantial paragraphs (300-500 words) in response to the following:

  • Do you agree that individual actions can affect climate change? If not, why not?
  • What role should government play in affecting climate change?
  • Should we be creating more national parks and protected wilderness areas? Why or why not? Be specific.
  • Should we open the existing conserved lands to economic development? Why or why not? Be specific.
  • Summarize your perspective on global social justice.
  • Include at least two references to support your ideas. You may use the textbook as a source. 


Before submitting your final journal, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

    1. To submit your completed journal, save your Journal as WK5Journal_LastName_Firstinitial
    2. Then, click on Start Journal near the top of the page.
    3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Journal for review.
  • HIST_2050C_Week5_Assignment_Rubric





This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired Content

74 to >64.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Submission goes into depth in addressing the issues and brings additional insights to the topic including discussion of whether or not individual actions can affect climate change, the role of government in climate change, whether national parks and/or protected wilderness areas can make a difference, the impact on economic development, and a summary of the student’s personal perspective on global social justice.

64 to >46.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Submission successfully addresses all issues and questions given in the assignment including discussion of whether or not individual actions can affect climate change, the role of government in climate change, whether national parks and/or protected wilderness areas can make a difference, the impact on economic development, and a summary of the student’s personal perspective on global social justice.

46 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

Submission does not successfully address all aspects of the assignment including discussion of whether or not individual actions can affect climate change, the role of government in climate change, whether national parks and/or protected wilderness areas can make a difference, the impact on economic development, and a summary of the student’s personal perspective on global social justice.

74 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat and writing

14 to >12.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Any spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English are minor and do not affect clear communication. Work includes one or more explicit mentions of concepts or ideas from the required sources and an effort to cite the original source was made, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

12 to >9.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Submission contains few spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English OR these deviations do not affect clear communication. Work includes at least one explicit mention of a concept or idea from the required sources, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

9 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

There are multiple spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English that affect clear communication. Work does not include any explicit mention of concepts or ideas from the required sources, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

14 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness

7 to >6.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Assignment is submitted according to posted due dates and times or late with prior consent from instructor.

6 to >4.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Assignment is submitted within the allowed time

4 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

Assignment is not submitted on time.

7 pts

Total Points: 95

Step-By-Step Guide HIST-2050 5-2 Environmental Awareness Journal


This HIST-2050 5-2 Environmental Awareness Journal assignment involves writing a reflective and analytical journal entry about various aspects of environmental awareness and policy. You will address key questions regarding individual actions, government roles, conservation efforts, and global social justice in relation to environmental issues. The goal is to articulate your perspectives backed by evidence and logical reasoning.

Do you agree that individual actions can affect climate change? If not, why not?


  • State your position on the impact of individual actions.
  • Provide examples of how individual behaviors contribute to climate change mitigation.


The question of whether individual actions can affect climate change is a significant one, and I firmly believe that they can. Individual actions, such as reducing energy consumption, using public transportation, recycling, and supporting sustainable businesses, can collectively lead to substantial environmental impacts. When individuals adopt more environmentally friendly lifestyles, it not only reduces their carbon footprint but also sets a cultural norm that can influence broader societal changes. Moreover, consumer demand for green products can drive companies to adopt more sustainable practices.

What role should the government play in affecting climate change?


  • Describe specific actions governments should take to mitigate climate change.
  • Discuss the importance of regulations, incentives, and investments.


The government plays a crucial role in addressing climate change. It should enact and enforce regulations that reduce carbon emissions, such as imposing stricter fuel efficiency standards for vehicles and limiting emissions from industrial plants. Governments can also incentivize renewable energy production through subsidies and tax breaks, making it a more viable option compared to fossil fuels (Mahdavi et al., 2022). Furthermore, by investing in public transportation and infrastructure that supports a low-carbon economy, governments can make it easier for individuals to make environmentally friendly choices.

Should we be creating more national parks and protected wilderness areas? Why or why not? Be specific.


  • Present your viewpoint on the necessity of expanding protected areas.
  • Explain the ecological and social benefits of conservation.


Regarding the creation of more national parks and protected wilderness areas, I believe this is essential. Expanding protected areas not only conserves biodiversity but also protects the ecological services that these areas provide, such as carbon sequestration and water filtration. Protected natural areas are also crucial for scientific research and recreational activities that can enhance public appreciation for the natural world and motivate environmental stewardship. In addition, protected areas can help mitigate the impacts of climate change by preserving large areas of vegetation that absorb carbon dioxide.

Should we open the existing conserved lands to economic development? Why or why not? Be specific.


  • State your position on whether conserved lands should be opened to economic development.
  • Explain the potential environmental impacts of such actions.


On the matter of opening existing conserved lands to economic development, I stand against it. Economic development, such as mining, logging, and industrial activity, often leads to environmental degradation, including habitat destruction, pollution, and biodiversity loss. Conserved lands have been protected for important reasons, and compromising these areas for short-term economic gains would undermine efforts to maintain ecological balance and biodiversity (Bousfield et al., 2020). It is crucial to find a balance between development and conservation, focusing development efforts in less sensitive areas while preserving critical habitats.

Summarize your perspective on global social justice.


  • Discuss how environmental degradation affects vulnerable populations.
  • Highlight the importance of including these communities in decision-making processes.


Summarizing my perspective on global social justice, I believe it is deeply connected to environmental justice. The effects of environmental degradation and climate change disproportionately impact the world’s poorest and most vulnerable populations, who are often the least responsible for the emissions that drive these issues. Global social justice involves ensuring that these communities have a voice in environmental decision-making processes and are not unfairly burdened by the negative impacts of global development. It also involves equitable access to natural resources and ensuring that all communities benefit from sustainable development practices. Promoting environmental sustainability is, therefore, not only an ecological necessity but also a fundamental aspect of achieving fairness and equity on a global scale.


Bousfield, C. G., Cerullo, G. R., Massam, M. R., & Edwards, D. P. (2020). Protecting environmental and socio-economic values of selectively logged tropical forests in the Anthropocene. In Advances in Ecological Research (Vol. 62, pp. 1–52). Elsevier. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0065250420300064 

Mahdavi, P., Martinez-Alvarez, C. B., & Ross, M. L. (2022). Why Do Governments Tax or Subsidize Fossil Fuels? The Journal of Politics, 84(4), 2123–2139. https://doi.org/10.1086/719272 


By following this Owlisdom guide for HIST-2050 5-2 Environmental Awareness Journal, you will create a comprehensive and insightful journal entry that addresses key aspects of environmental awareness and policy. Your writing should be reflective, evidence-based, and articulate, providing a clear and compelling argument for the importance of environmental action and social justice. You can also read HIST-2050 complete modules to ace the course!

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