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IDS 100 7-1 ASSIGNMENT: Project

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Instructions of IDS-100 7-1 ASSIGNMENT


As you move forward in your academic and professional careers, you will encounter many different perspectives around topics you are engaged in. One of the hallmarks of an open-minded person is the ability to recognize and appreciate the value of looking through different lenses to arrive at informed views. In this course, you have begun examining the world through the four lenses of the liberal arts.

For this project, you will go through the process of finding information on a topic of interest to you and viewing this topic through different lenses to get a more complete picture of the topic and its impact on you. This project will be based on one of the following topics and its provided resources in the library guide, which you chose in Module Three:

  • Voting rights

  • Climate change

  • Justice


Read these directions and the rubric criteria. Check to make sure that you understand each requirement, and reach out to your instructor if you have any questions before you begin.

Note: Your grade will be based more on the quality of your responses than on the number of examples you provide.

Introduction: The Four Lenses

  1. Using the resources from this course, identify the characteristics of each of the four liberal arts lenses, the types of evidence they use, and the similarities and differences among them.

    • Identify the key characteristics of each of the four lenses: social science, natural science, history, and the humanities.

      • Be sure to include relevant points that help explain the characteristics.

    • Identify the types of evidence used when looking through each lens.

    • Determine similarities and differences among the lenses, based on the characteristics you have identified.

Researching Your Topic

  1. For the topic you selected from the list above, determine what you know, what you want to know, and what you have learned about the topic from the provided resources in the library guide. You will need to use each of the four lenses in your responses.

    • Know (K): Draw on previous and personal experiences to provide information about what you already know about your topic in relation to each lens.

    • Want to know (W): Determine what you want to know about your topic in relation to the lenses.

      • Be sure to phrase this information in the form of questions.

      • What keywords would be helpful in exploring your topic?

    • Learned (L): Answer the questions you posed about your topic using the provided resources in the library guide. If they are not answered by the resources, explain what steps you will take to answer them.

Applying the Lenses to Your Topic

  1. Choose two of the four lenses you applied when researching your topic, and examine the topic in greater detail.

    • Topic and first lens: Examine your topic through your first lens.

      • Be sure to identify the lens you selected.

      • Write about what you learned in your examination. Use details and examples relevant to that lens from the resources in the library guide and the course.

    • Topic and second lens: Examine your topic through your second lens.

      • Be sure to identify the lens you selected.

      • Write about what you learned in your examination. Use details and examples relevant to that lens from the resources in the library guide and the course.

    • Similarities and differences: Explain the similarities and differences in how the lenses relate to your topic.

      • Focus on the view you get when looking at your topic through both lenses.

    • Further exploration: Determine the next steps for further exploration of the topic you have chosen.

      • Determine questions to ask for further exploration of this topic. Would you continue to explore through the lenses you’ve chosen, or take another approach?

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit a three- to four-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Be sure to use and cite the articles provided for your topic. Consult the Shapiro Library Citing Your Sources Guide for more information on citations.

Supporting Materials

The following resources support your work on the project:

Library Guide: IDS 100: Perspectives in Liberal Arts
Use this library guide to support your research on your topic.

Step-By-Step Guide IDS 100 7-1 Assignment: Project

Introduction to IDS 100 7-1 Project

The IDS 100 7-1 Assignment: The project emphasises viewing topics through four liberal arts lenses to cultivate informed viewpoints. Examining the world through varied perspectives gives you a comprehensive understanding of complex issues like climate change. As I already mentioned in previous modules, I have chosen the topic “Climate Change” for the IDS 100 course project along with “social sciences” and “natural sciences” as the lenses. 

Using the resources from this course, identify the characteristics of each of the four liberal arts lenses, the types of evidence they use, and the similarities and differences among them. Identify the key characteristics of the four lenses: social science, natural science, history, and the humanities. Be sure to include relevant points that help explain the characteristics. Identify the types of evidence used when looking through each lens. Determine the lenses’ similarities and differences based on your identified characteristics.

Understanding the Four Lenses: Identify Lens Characteristics

To start the IDS 100 7-1 Assignment: Project, we will explain the characteristics of the lenses of the liberal arts.
  • Describe the key attributes of each liberal arts lens: social science, natural science, history, and humanities.
  • Discuss the types of evidence utilised within each lens to analyse topics effectively.
  • Analyse the similarities and differences among the lenses to comprehend their distinct approaches.


In exploring the liberal arts lenses of social science, natural science, history, and humanities, distinct characteristics emerge, shaping their approaches to understanding various phenomena. Social Science The social science lens focuses on human behaviour, societal structures, and interactions. It employs qualitative research methods such as interviews, surveys, and ethnographic studies (Faulkner & Atkinson, 2023). Evidence includes social data, surveys, and policy analyses, emphasising societal dynamics and behavioural patterns. Natural Science The natural science lens investigates environmental processes, physical phenomena, and ecological systems (Sherren et al., 2024). It utilises quantitative research methods like experiments, modelling, and data analysis. Evidence comprises scientific data, empirical observations, and mathematical models, highlighting physical mechanisms and environmental consequences. History The history lens examines past events, developments, and societal changes. It employs archival research, document analysis, and historical narratives. Evidence includes primary sources, historical documents, and archaeological findings, providing insights into historical contexts and narratives. Humanities The Humanities lens explores cultural artifacts, languages, and philosophical ideas. It utilises interpretative methods, textual analysis, and critical theories (Servant-Miklos & Dewar, 2024). Evidence comprises literary texts, artistic creations, philosophical writings, and cultural artifacts, offering perspectives on human experiences and values. Similarities and Differences While each lens has distinct methodologies and focuses, they intersect in their pursuit of understanding human experiences and societal phenomena. Social science and natural science share an empirical approach but diverge in their emphasis on human versus environmental factors. History and humanities delve into human culture and experiences but differ in their methodologies and sources. Despite their differences, all lenses contribute to interdisciplinary perspectives and a holistic understanding of complex topics.

For the topic you selected from the list above, determine what you know, what you want to know, and what you have learned about the topic from the provided resources in the library guide. You will need to use each of the four lenses in your responses. Know (K): Draw on previous and personal experiences to provide information about what you already know about your topic about each lens. Want to know (W): Determine what you want to know about your topic about the lenses. Be sure to phrase this information in the form of questions. What keywords would help explore your topic? Learned (L): Answer the questions you posed about your topic using the provided resources in the library guide. If the resources do not answer them, explain what steps you will take to answer them.

Researching Your Topic: Know, Want to Know, Learned (KWL)

The next section of the IDS 100 7-1 Assignment: Project focuses on the KWL analysis of our chosen topic.
  • Reflect on your prior knowledge about climate change through each lens.
  • Formulate questions to guide further exploration of climate change through the lenses.
  • Utilise provided resources to answer questions and expand understanding of climate change dynamics.


Know (K) In exploring what we know about climate change through various lenses, we draw upon personal experiences that underscore its multifaceted nature. Historically, we recognise the increasing frequency of extreme weather events and shifts in global climate patterns (Huning et al., 2020).  Culturally, we observe diverse perspectives on climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies across different communities. Ethically, we acknowledge the moral imperative to address climate injustice and ensure environmental stewardship for future generations (Sardo, 2023). Socially, we see the interconnectedness of climate change with issues such as poverty, migration, and human rights. These experiences inform our understanding of climate change, highlighting its complexities and the need for interdisciplinary approaches to address its impacts effectively. Want to know (W) In formulating questions about climate change within each lens, we seek to effectively deepen our understanding and address knowledge gaps. Historically, we may ask how past climate events and human activities have contributed to current climate change trends. Culturally, we inquire about diverse cultural perspectives on climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies (Hosen et al., 2020). Ethically, we explore the moral implications of climate change policies and actions on vulnerable communities. Socially, we question how social dynamics influence climate change awareness and collective action. Utilising keywords such as “climate variability,” “adaptation strategies,” and “climate resilience” facilitates research and investigation within each lens, enabling a comprehensive exploration of the topic. Learned (L) Upon consulting the resources in the library guide, we found comprehensive information addressing several of our questions regarding climate change. Resources elucidated the mechanisms by which greenhouse gas emissions contribute to global warming and climate change, detailing their impact on Earth’s atmosphere and temperature regulation. Additionally, we gained insight into the primary impacts of climate change on ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources, including shifts in habitats and loss of biodiversity (Weiskopf et al., 2020). However, some questions, such as the socio-economic factors exacerbating climate change effects and detailed strategies at various governance levels, require further exploration. To address these gaps, we plan to conduct additional research using academic journals, governmental reports, and reputable websites, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of climate change and its implications. Through this process, our understanding of climate change has evolved, recognising its interdisciplinary nature and the imperative for collective action to mitigate its impacts.

Choose two of the four lenses you applied when researching your topic and examine the topic in greater detail. Topic and first lens: Examine your topic through your first lens. Be sure to identify the lens you selected. Write about what you learned in your examination. Use details and examples relevant to that lens from the resources in the library guide and the course. Topic and second lens: Examine your topic through your second lens. Be sure to identify the lens you selected. Write about what you learned in your examination. Use details and examples relevant to that lens from the resources in the library guide and the course. Similarities and differences: Explain the similarities and differences in how the lenses relate to your topic. Focus on the view you get from your topic through both lenses. Further exploration: Determine the next steps for further exploring your chosen topic. Determine questions to ask for further exploration of this topic. Would you continue to explore through your chosen lenses or take another approach?

Applying the Lenses to Your Topic: Examine Through Lenses

Next, we will focus on applying the chosen lenses of liberal arts to our topic.
  • Choose two lenses, social and natural sciences, to analyse climate change.
  • Provide insights from examining climate change through each lens, citing relevant resources.
  • Compare and contrast the perspectives from the selected lenses to gain a holistic view of climate change.
  • Determine future research directions, considering whether to continue exploring through current lenses or adopt alternative approaches.


Upon examining climate change through the lens of social sciences, we uncover intricate social dynamics and human behaviours shaping both its causes and responses. Social science research highlights how socioeconomic factors, cultural beliefs, and political systems influence attitudes toward climate change mitigation and adaptation (Mohajan, 2020). For instance, studies reveal disparities in climate change vulnerability and resilience among different social groups, emphasising the need for socially just climate policies (Sardo, 2023). In contrast, exploring climate change through the lens of natural sciences reveals the underlying environmental processes driving its occurrence and impacts. Natural science research elucidates the mechanisms of climate change, such as greenhouse gas emissions and their effect on atmospheric composition and temperature (Hosen et al., 2020). Additionally, it provides insights into the physical manifestations of climate change, including changes in weather patterns, sea-level rise, and biodiversity loss (Weiskopf et al., 2020). When comparing these lenses, we find both similarities and differences. While social sciences emphasise human dimensions and societal responses to climate change, natural sciences focus on understanding the physical mechanisms and ecological impacts. However, both lenses converge on the urgency of addressing climate change through interdisciplinary collaboration and evidence-based policymaking. Further exploration of climate change may involve integrating additional lenses, such as humanities and history, to gain a more comprehensive understanding (Schipper et al., 2021). Questions for future research may include examining the historical contexts of climate change, analysing cultural narratives and representations, and assessing the ethical implications of climate action strategies. By embracing a multidisciplinary approach, we can enhance our insights into climate change complexities and inform more effective mitigation and adaptation efforts.


By following this How-To Owlisdom Guide, you will be able to acquire a nuanced understanding of climate change and its implications for solving the IDS 100 7-1 Assignment: Project. Comparing and contrasting social and natural science perspectives enriches your comprehension, guiding further inquiry and informed decision-making. Embrace the interdisciplinary nature of this assignment to foster holistic perspectives and deepen insights into complex global issues.


Faulkner, S. L., & Atkinson, J. D. (2023). Qualitative Methods in Communication and Media. Oxford University Press.  Hosen, N., Nakamura, H., & Hamzah, A. (2020). Adaptation to Climate Change: Does Traditional Ecological Knowledge Hold the Key? Sustainability, 12(2), Article 2. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12020676  Huning, L. S., Love, C. A., Mallakpour, I., Mazdiyasni, O., Moftakhari, H., Papalexiou, S. M., Ragno, E., & Sadegh, M. (2020). Climate Extremes and Compound Hazards in a Warming World. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 48(Volume 48, 2020), pp. 519–548. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-earth-071719-055228  Mohajan, H. K. (2020). Quantitative Research: A Successful Investigation in Natural and Social Sciences. Journal of Economic Development, Environment, and People, 9(4), 50–79. Sardo, M. C. (2023). Responsibility for climate justice: Political, not moral. European Journal of Political Theory, 22(1), 26–50. https://doi.org/10.1177/1474885120955148  Schipper, E. L. F., Dubash, N. K., & Mulugetta, Y. (2021). Climate change research and the search for solutions: Rethinking interdisciplinarity. Climatic Change, 168(3), 18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-021-03237-3  Servant-Miklos, V. F. C., & Dewar, E. F. (2024). “What do I stand for?”—A phenomenological account of an identity crisis in the climate classroom. The Journal of Environmental Education, 0(0), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00958964.2024.2326437  Sherren, K., Thondhlana, G., & Jackson-Smith, D. (2024). Opening Windows: Embracing New Perspectives and Practices in Natural Resource Social Sciences. University Press of Colorado. Weiskopf, S. R., Rubenstein, M. A., Crozier, L. G., Gaichas, S., Griffis, R., Halofsky, J. E., Hyde, K. J. W., Morelli, T. L., Morisette, J. T., Muñoz, R. C., Pershing, A. J., Peterson, D. L., Poudel, R., Staudinger, M. D., Sutton-Grier, A. E., Thompson, L., Vose, J., Weltzin, J. F., & Whyte, K. P. (2020). Climate change affects the United States’ biodiversity, ecosystems, ecosystem services, and natural resource management. Science of The Total Environment, 733, 137782. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137782.

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