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INT 220 1-2 Assignment: Benefits of Global Expansion

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Instructions of INT 220 1-2 Assignment: Benefits of Global Expansion


Blogs, LinkedIn articles, and other online publications are channels of communication through which people can share their experience, perspectives, and expertise directly with readers—and readers can respond via electronic comments.

While these electronic channels are usually not as credible as scholarly publications, they are a great way for readers to learn about new topics and for writers to share their insight and expertise with a virtual audience. They are also often supported with references to case studies, reports, and other research.

In this assignment, you will write an article for a virtual, professional audience to share your knowledge of the module resources concerning what globalization is and why organizations consider global expansion.


Create an article that could be shared online that defines key terms, explains fundamental concepts, and shares relevant examples as to why domestic businesses should consider expansion into global markets. The article should have a brief introduction that explains what readers will gain from the post, a body that provides content supported with textual evidence from the course resources, and a conclusion that summarizes key takeaways for the reader.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Types of Business Environments: Differentiate between domestic and international business environments by defining and providing key characteristics of each type, using supporting evidence.

  • Example Organizations: Identify examples of domestic and international organizations and explain how they meet the criteria for each type of organization, using supporting evidence.

  • Benefits of Expansion: Explain the key benefits of international and global expansion for domestic businesses, providing specific examples and using supporting evidence.

  • Ethical Considerations: Explain the role of ethics in making business decisions regarding expansion to a new market and how ethical decision-making frameworks can be used to help make these decisions. Use supporting evidence as appropriate.

Guidelines for Submission

Submit your article as a Word document between 350 and 500 words in length. Use APA formatting and cite your sources according to APA style.

Step-by-Step Guide for INT 220 1-2 Assignment: Benefits of Global Expansion

Welcome to our guide on tackling “1-2 Assignment: ‘Global Dimensions in Business,’ designed for an INT 220 course. This Owlisdom How-To will simplify and make U.S. economy and market’s complexity much more understandable. In this part, we shall be covering the key aspects of your assignment which are about differentiating business environment, exploring organizations examples, within the benefits of the expansion and the importance of the ethical considerations. 

Differentiate between domestic and international business environments by defining and providing critical characteristics of each type, using supporting evidence.

Understanding Globalization and Global Expansion in Global Dimensions in Business

Globalization is an essential part of understanding the 1-2 assignment benefits of global expansion so as to understand international market. 

In this article, I’ll cover all the parts of the instruction one by one and we’ll also see the example solved by us for each part. Let’s start!

Start by Defining

  • Distinguish the domestic from the international business environments. 
  • Domestic climate deals with country’s border, local regulations, market trends and familiarity in its operation.
  • The international environment however extends the borders beyond these borders and requires understanding different legal system, economic policies along with controversial cultural nuances.

Use Supporting Evidence in 1-2 assignment benefits of global expansion

  • Study from credible sources like Market analysis reports or case studies how companies deal with these environments.
  • This evidence drives a wedge between domestic and international settings. 


According to Diaz (2022) a business environment is that of a business operating within borders of the country and observing its local regulations and market trends. A domestic market is based on cultural nuances, whereas the international business scene. For a U.S. perspective, it means acting outside of American borders, which means understanding other legal systems, economic policies, and even culturalacíonls (Diaz, 2022).

American domestic US and foreign companies focus on complying with America laws, using their understanding of the American Socio economic framework and tapping into the preferences of their local consumers to receive success. However, the success of US companies going abroad requires their adaptation to different foreign regulations; the understanding of different market tendencies; and cultural sensitivity (Rivero-Gutierrez et al., 2023).

Identify examples of domestic and international organizations and explain, using supporting evidence, how they meet the criteria for each type of organization.

Identifying Example Organizations

The INT 220 1-2 assignment parts that benefit of global expansion tasks require you to provide examples. Generating examples for the INT 1-2 Assignment is based on following the instructions below..

  • Domestic and International Examples:They suggest choosing companies that represent each category. If you are in domestic, think of a U.S. based company that has primary operation in the country. For international make a choice of a company with a powerful experience of various Country’s.
  • Criteria Matching:Explain how these organizations are ideally suited to these categories. You can use financial reports, presence in the market, and the operational strategies as proof.


One of the best US domestic examples of such organizations is a fast food chain, In-N-Out Burger which only operates in the United States (Sun, 2022). The U.S. based technology company Apple Inc. is headquartered, has retail stores, and has operations globally (Pan, 2024). Within domestic room a classic example of a domestic organization is a In-N-Out Burger, who concentrate on the operation and take a menu list directed on American market. International Organization: Apple Inc.

Explain the key benefits of international and global expansion for domestic businesses, providing specific examples and using supporting evidence.

Benefits of Global Expansion

The most important aspect of the 1-2 assignment benefits of global expansion is figuring out what 1-2 assignment benefits of global expansion are. You can work on this INT 220 1-2 Assignment efficiently on following rules given below.

  • Discuss why going global can benefit with market diversification, new customer access and improving innovation capabilities.
  • Practice with real life situations in which U.S. based companies decided to open in international market and gain from above. Specific reference to outcome specific such as growth in revenue market shares.


U.S. businesses expand abroad to diversify the markets they serve, and to have a broader customer base and come up with new innovations. (Goncharenko et al., 2023) Shows that underscoring the capacity of getting to global markets, Netflix jumped into 190 and more nations, boosting its subscribers and income exponentially. Like Starbucks’ global presence, Starbucks brought new flavors and new concepts to the U.S., and how it’s inspired by that kind of global insight to fuel innovation (Dolbec et al., 2022). The application of these strategies contributes to strengthening financial stability, market share and introduce new ideas and products onto the domestic market which further works towards binding global expansion’s interconnectiveness and benefits to one another.

Explain the role of ethics in making business decisions regarding expansion to a new market and how ethical decision-making frameworks can help make these decisions. Use supporting evidence as appropriate.

Navigating Ethical Considerations

Let us look at this part of the INT 220 1-2 Assignment. In it, we discuss ethical considerations in decision-making frameworks.

  • Ethics in Expansion:Small Commerce and Entrepreneurs gives recognition to the importance of ethical considerations when seeking to expand into new markets. Talk about barriers such as culture differences, labor standards and regulatory responsibilities.
  • Decision-Making Frameworks:Talk a bit about a couple of ethical frameworks that can inform decision making processes. Put forward how these could be made to apply to hypothetical expansion scenarios in order that ethical and beneficial decisions are made.


Ethics in Expansion

This is particularly important when you are in the world of business and you want to go into the new markets, where cultural sensitiveness, labor practices and regulatory compliances are very important to be considered, to work ethically for smooth business.

Decision-Making Frameworks

Ethical frameworks help businesses assess the broader impact of their actions and make certain their work contribute positively to new markets and their locality work synergized with the norms values in place.

Conclusion in INT 220 1-2 assignment benefits of global expansion

End 1-2 with assignment benefits of global expansion, of which understanding global dimensions in business is a crucial aspect for international expansion success. As always, clarity, evidence and ethics are your keys to opening up the fuller sense of “Global Dimensions in Business.”


To be successful internationally the importance of understanding global dimensions in business is paramount. You need to be able to understand the global business dynamics — clarity, supporting evidence and ethical considerations.


This How-To Guide will equip you with the instructions and guidelines to analyze and differentiate between domestic and international business environments, allowing you to solve the INT 220 1-2 Assignment: Benefits of Global Expansion: thought through and executed. Wishing you luck on your assignment. Good luck 🙂

Before that we did INT 220 1-1 Discussion Global Events and Local Supplies. Don’t forget to check out our complete solution for INT 220 2-1 Milestone One, we have to do Milestone One of INT 220 next week.


  1. What differentiates a domestic from an international business environment? 

  1. The 1-2 Assignment defines that a domestic environment is based on one country even though the laws and culture are local, and international business translated into the cross borders where it needs the global understanding.
  1. Can you give examples of companies that are purely domestic and those that are international?

  1. Apple is a global company, and In-N-Out Burger is purely domestic; operating only in the U.S. For more detailed information look at Global Dimensions in Business 1-2 Assignment.
  1. What are the main benefits of global expansion for companies?

  1. Global expansion offers market diversification, access to new customer bases, and enhanced innovation capabilities. 1-1 Assignment: More detailed notes about this motif are available in Benefits of Global Expansion.


Dolbec, P.-Y., Arsel, Z., & Aboelenien, A. (2022). A Practice Perspective on Market Evolution: How Craft and Commercial Coffee Firms Expand Practices and Develop Markets—Pierre-Yann Dolbec, Zeynep Arsel, Aya Aboelenien, 2022.

Pan, Y. (2024). Apple’s Secret to Being Successful: Research on Apple’s Commercial Marketing Strategy Based on Multi-marketing Framework. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, pp. 27, 413–418.

Sun, C. (2022). Market Analysis of Five Guys. 2159–2167.

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