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INT 220 3-1 Discussion: Governmental Trade Interventions

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Instructions of INT 220 3-1 Discussion: Governmental Trade Interventions

3-1 Discussion: Governmental Trade Interventions

As governments and political leaders respond to economic and political changes, they create incentives for companies to do business within their market and restrictions for certain businesses that could be harmful to the domestic market.

 In this discussion, you will explore how these incentives and restrictions have influenced and can continue to influence trade and the impact of government interventions on business.
Using the resources from your required reading, address the following as part of your response:
⦁    Provide an example of government economic intervention designed to influence, regulate, or control trade for a specific industry from one of the articles and summarize the government’s reasons for the interventions.
⦁    Identify which parties and organizations were or will be impacted by the government intervention, including any impacts on the price of commodities.
⦁    Briefly summarize key pieces of information a business in the industry from your example needs to know to fully understand how the intervention will affect its business.
In your responses to two or more of your peers, address whether the government accomplished its goals for the economic interventions and describe any unintended consequences of the government intervention.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE INT 220 3-1 discussion: governmental trade interventions

Introduction to INT 220 3-1 Discussion

The INT 220 3-1 discussion: governmental trade interventions will discuss Governmental Trade Interventions using credible resources and examples.

Overview of why governments intervene in the economy and trade

  • Start by researching historical and contemporary reasons governments have intervened in economies and trade. 
  • Look for resources that explain the goals of such interventions, such as stabilizing economies, protecting industries, encouraging economic growth, or addressing social and environmental concerns. 
  • Use these insights to explain the rationale behind government interventions in a general sense.

Types of interventions (incentives and restrictions) and their intended purposes

  • Identify and describe the two main types of government interventions: incentives and restrictions. 
  • Use examples to illustrate how these interventions work and their intended outcomes. 
  • For instance, incentives may include subsidies or tax breaks to promote specific industries, while restrictions might involve tariffs or regulations to protect domestic markets.


Governments intervene in the economy and trade to stabilize economies, protect industries, encourage growth, and address social and environmental issues. They aim to correct market failures and promote societal welfare. Their tools include incentives like subsidies and tax breaks to stimulate industry growth and restrictions such as tariffs and regulations to protect domestic markets, all designed to achieve policy goals.

Explore how these incentives and restrictions have influenced and can continue to influence trade and the impact of government interventions on business.

Incentives for Businesses

For the next part of the INT 220 3-1 discussion, governmental trade interventions, we will cover the typical incentives that the government provides businesses. Remember to provide examples and cite sources to strengthen your stances.

  • Provide a brief description of each type of incentive and discuss how they support businesses. 
  • Explore how these incentives can attract investment, reduce operational costs, and foster innovation in specific industries.
  • Find a recent or significant example of a government incentive in an industry of interest.
  • Outline the incentive, the industry affected, and the government’s reasons for the incentive. 

Incentives for Businesses

Tax breaks, subsidies, and grants lower business costs attract investment, and foster innovation, making new ventures and expansion more financially viable.


The U.S. government’s investment in renewable energy includes significant tax credits for solar and wind energy production (Yüksel & Ubay, 2021). This initiative aims to promote clean energy, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and support environmental sustainability.

Provide an example of government economic intervention designed to influence, regulate, or control trade for a specific industry from one of the articles and summarize the government’s reasons for the interventions.

Restrictions and Regulatory Measures

For this section of INT 220 3-1 discussion: governmental trade interventions, we will explore the influence of Government Interventions by taking an example.

  • Instruct s to research different trade restrictions and regulatory measures governments impose. 
  • Examine the reasons behind these interventions, such as protecting nascent industries, national security concerns, or environmental protections.
  • Find and describe a specific instance of a government-imposed restriction in a sector. 
  • Discuss the type of restriction, the sector it impacts, and the government’s rationale behind it.

Restrictions and Regulatory Measures

Tariffs, quotas, and regulations protect industries, national security, and environmental safety by controlling market access and enforcing standards.


The U.S. has imposed tariffs on steel imports to protect its domestic steel industry, which bolsters American steel production and secures jobs (Lincicome, 2021)

Impact of Government Interventions on Trade.

Now, we will discuss the impact of Government Interventions on trade.

  • Analyze the broader effects of government interventions on global trade patterns. 
  • Include impacts on trade balances, international relations, and global competitiveness.
  • Investigate how trade agreements and economic unions affect government policies on trade interventions. 
  • Consider the limitations and freedoms these agreements impose on member countries.

Impact of Government Interventions on Trade

Government incentives boost export competitiveness, while tariffs breed trade disputes, straining international relations. Such interventions sway trade balances, favor domestic goods, or disadvantage foreign ones, altering global trade dynamics. Trade pacts and economic unions ease member trade barriers, fostering standardization and cooperation. They curtail unilateral restrictions, foster economic ties, and bolster collective competitiveness.

Identify which parties and organizations were or will be impacted by the government intervention, including any impacts on the price of commodities.

Effects of Government Interventions on Business

IN INT 220 3-1 discussion: governmental trade interventions, here we will discuss the effects of government interventions on business.

  • Explore both the immediate and long-term effects of government interventions on businesses. 
  • Consider how these policies can alter costs, demand, and market access.
  • Identify and analyze strategies businesses can use to adapt to government interventions.
  • Include diversifying markets, lobbying for favorable policies, or innovating to meet new standards.

Effects of Government Interventions on Business

Government interventions impact businesses’ costs, demand, and market access with immediate and long-term effects. Policies may raise operational costs or unlock new markets. Businesses adapt via diversification, lobbying for favorable policies, or innovating to comply with regulations, ensuring resilience and sustained growth amid shifting governmental actions.

Briefly summarize critical information a business needs to know from your example to fully understand how the intervention will affect its business.

Conclusion and Recommendations

To summarize the INT 220 3-1 discussion: governmental trade interventions, we will briefly provide critical takeaways from our discussion. 

  • Summarize the most important lessons learned about government interventions in trade and their impact on businesses. 
  • Advice on how future business leaders can prepare for and respond to government interventions in their industries. 
  • Conclude with suggestions on how this knowledge in their future careers, including staying informed on policy changes and developing adaptable business strategies.

Conclusion and Recommendations

Understanding government interventions in trade is crucial, as they deeply affect market dynamics and business operations. Future business leaders should remain informed about policy changes and develop adaptable strategies to navigate these challenges effectively. Awareness and flexibility will be critical assets in leveraging this knowledge for successful career advancement in environments influenced by governmental actions.

Address whether the government accomplished its goals for the economic interventions and describe any unintended consequences of the government intervention.

Peer Responses

As mentioned and discussed in the INT 220 3-1 discussion: governmental trade interventions, engaging with and answering peers’ queries is essential. Look at the detailed guidelines in the INT 220 1-1 Discussion to deliver professional responses to peers. Do not forget that you have to provide two or more peer responses for the 3-1 Discussion post. I have solved one for reference. 

Response 01

Hey Jordan, nice post! It is clear from your post that while the government aims to stabilize the economy and promote societal welfare through interventions like subsidies and tax breaks, these actions often come with unintended consequences (Torres et al., 2024). For instance, the tax credits for renewable energy, intended to decrease reliance on fossil fuels and boost clean energy, also create market distortions that can disadvantage other energy sectors. This highlights the complexity of government interventions where achieving one goal might inadvertently hinder another area, affecting overall market competitiveness and fiscal health (Buiter et al., 2023).


Torres, R., Abante, M. V., Cagang, Ma. L., & Vigonte, F. (2024). Taxation Vs. Subsidies: A Comparative Analysis of Government Policies on Elasticity and Economic Indicators. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4733494

Buiter, W. H., Cecchetti, S. G., Dominguez, K. M. E., & Sánchez Serrano, A. (2023). Stabilising Financial Markets: Lending and Market Making as a Last Resort (SSRN Scholarly Paper 4338209). https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4338209 


This Owlisdom How-To Guide provides descriptive and easy guidelines for solving INT 220 3-1 discussion: governmental trade interventions. Do not forget to refer to 1-1 Discussion: Global Events and Local Supplies to respond to peers’ questions. I have provided detailed instructions for answering classmates’ queries professionally in INT 220 1-1 Discussion. The next module of INT-220 is about Economic and Political Environments Comparison.


Bortz, P. G., Michelena, G., & Toledo, F. (2020). A Gathering of Storms: The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Balance of Payments of Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs). International Journal of Political Economy, 49(4), 318–335. https://doi.org/10.1080/08911916.2020.1857586 

Lincicome, S. (2021). Manufactured Crisis: “Deindustrialization,” Free Markets, and National Security. Cato Institute. https://www.jstor.org/stable/resrep28730 

Yüksel, S., & Ubay, G. G. (2021). Determination of Optimal Financial Government Incentives in Wind Energy Investments. In H. Dinçer & S. Yüksel (Eds.), Strategic Outlook in Business and Finance Innovation: Multidimensional Policies for Emerging Economies (pp. 25–34). Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-80043-444-820211003

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