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INTL 650 WEEK three DISCUSSION: Strategy

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Instructions of INTL 650 Week Three Discussion

W3: Discussion

Choose a terrorist group and discuss the strategy employed by that group. Just to clarify,  you can choose any group you’d like.

Instructions:  Please respond to at least 2 other students.

Initial Post Due: Thursday, by 11:59pm ET

Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:59pm ET

Discussion Guidelines


Step-By-Step Guide Intl 650 Week Three Discussion: Strategy

Introduction to INTL 650 Week Three Discussion 

The INTL 650 Week Three Discussion: Strategy requires you to select a terrorist group and analyze the strategy it employs. The purpose is to develop a comprehensive understanding of how terrorist organizations operate and the various methods they use to achieve their objectives. Additionally, you will engage with your peers by responding to their analyses, providing constructive feedback, and fostering a deeper discussion on counterterrorism strategies.

Choose a terrorist group.

Choosing a Terrorist Group

To start the INTL 650 Week Three Discussion: Strategy, we will choose a terrorist group for our analysis.

  • Select a terrorist group that has sufficient information available for analysis.
  • Consider choosing a group that is relevant to current events or has a significant historical impact.
  • Conduct preliminary research to identify potential groups.
  • Ensure that the chosen group has well-documented strategies and activities.
  • Verify the availability of credible sources to support your research.


For this assignment, I chose to analyze the strategy employed by Al-Qaeda, one of the most infamous terrorist organizations in modern history.

Discussing the Strategy Employed by the Group

For this section of INTL 650 Week Three Discussion: Strategy, we will provide a detailed analysis of the group’s strategy. Break down the analysis into key components such as historical context, goals, methods, recruitment, funding, and impact.

Historical Context:

  • Research the origins of the group and the historical events leading to its formation.
  • Summarize key historical factors that influenced the group’s development.

Al-Qaeda was founded in 1988 by Osama bin Laden during the Afghan-Soviet War. The group was formed with the primary aim of supporting Muslim fighters against Soviet forces. Over time, Al-Qaeda evolved into a global jihadist movement with a broader agenda to combat Western influence in Muslim countries.

Goals and Objectives

  • Identify the primary goals and objectives of the group.
  • Discuss both short-term and long-term goals.

The primary goal of Al-Qaeda is to establish a global Islamic caliphate governed by Sharia law. This long-term objective is pursued through various short-term goals, including attacking Western interests, destabilizing governments in Muslim-majority countries, and inspiring a worldwide jihadist movement.

Methods and Tactics

  • Examine the methods and tactics used by the group to achieve its objectives.
  • Provide specific examples to illustrate their methods.

Al-Qaeda employs a combination of violent and non-violent tactics. Its most notorious method is the execution of large-scale terrorist attacks, such as the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. Additionally, the group uses guerrilla warfare, suicide bombings, and targeted assassinations. Non-violent tactics include propaganda and ideological indoctrination to recruit and radicalize followers.

Recruitment and Propaganda

  • Investigate the group’s recruitment strategies and propaganda efforts.
  • Discuss the target audience and messaging techniques.

Al-Qaeda’s recruitment strategy is multifaceted, leveraging both personal networks and digital platforms. The group produces high-quality propaganda materials, including videos and online publications, to spread its ideology and attract new members. Their messaging often focuses on grievances against Western foreign policies and the perceived oppression of Muslims worldwide.

Funding Sources

  • Identify the sources of funding for the group.
  • Discuss both legal and illegal funding methods.

The group’s funding comes from a mix of legitimate and illegitimate sources. Donations from sympathetic individuals and charities, involvement in criminal activities such as drug trafficking and extortion, and financial support from affiliated groups all contribute to their financial stability.

Impact and Effectiveness

  • Assess the overall impact and effectiveness of the group’s strategy.
  • Discuss both successes and failures.

Al-Qaeda’s strategy has had significant impacts, both in terms of human casualties and geopolitical consequences. While they have succeeded in executing high-profile attacks and inspiring other jihadist groups, they have also faced significant setbacks due to global counterterrorism efforts. The death of Osama bin Laden and continuous military pressure have weakened their operational capabilities.

In summary, Al-Qaeda’s strategy combines historical context, clear objectives, varied tactics, effective recruitment and propaganda, diverse funding sources, and notable impacts. Analyzing these aspects provides a comprehensive understanding of their operations and highlights the importance of multi-faceted counterterrorism strategies.

Please respond to at least 2 other students.

Peer Responses

According to INTL 650 Week Three Discussion: Strategy instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week Three Discussion without a hassle.

  • Engage respectfully and constructively with your peers’ analyses.
  • Provide thoughtful feedback and insights to enhance the discussion.

Response 01

Hey Sam, great analysis! You’ve effectively detailed Al-Qaeda’s historical context, goals, and tactics. Your points on recruitment and funding are well-supported. It would be beneficial to include recent developments to illustrate how their strategy has evolved. Overall, a comprehensive and insightful post that enhances our understanding of terrorist strategies. 

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the INTL 650 Week Three Discussion: Strategy. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


The key takeaway from this Assessment is the importance of understanding the multifaceted strategies employed by terrorist groups. By thoroughly analyzing various aspects of a group’s operations and engaging constructively with peers, you will gain valuable insights into counterterrorism strategies. The INTL 650 Week Three Discussion: Strategy enhances critical thinking and fosters a collaborative academic environment. This How-To INTL 650 Guide ensures that you can systematically approach the assignment, analyze the chosen terrorist group comprehensively, and engage constructively with your peers. a supportive learning environment through collaborative feedback and shared experiences. Embrace this opportunity to connect with classmates and enhance your writing skills through digital communication.

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