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IS 250 WEEK ONE assignment: Cyberbreach case study

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Instructions of Is 250 Week One Assignment: Cyberbreach Case Study

Week 1 – Assignment 1 – Cyberbreach case study

Computer security breaches have increasingly been in the news.  After reading the Verizon data breach report please upload a 1-4 page case study report of an in-the-news security breach..  Popular events I can remember include the recent Solarwinds/FireEye/US Government agency, Equifax, Yahoo, Target, Home Depot, and IRS breaches.  In order to receive full credit please be sure to clearly follow the below:

Assignment details

You are to write a report on a specific computer/network security breach.  While you can certainly use the Verizon report as a tool to find a topic I am looking for a report on a specific computer security breach, not a summary of the Verizon report.  

Item 1 – Summarize the breach – What exactly happened?  Please provide specific details.

Item 2 – What was the impact of the attack?  What did the attackers do?  Who was impacted?  Was there any loss of money, integrity, privacy?

Item 3 – How did the attackers get in?  What did they do to cause the infiltration?  How did they get caught?

Item 4 – What did the organization that was attacked do as a result of the breach?  Did they change, update or replace anything? Was anyone held accountable for the breach? Please elaborate and provide specific details.

Scoring – (5) points available

(1) point will be assigned for sufficiently and substantially answering each of the (4) items listed above.

(1) point will be assigned for a report that is easy to read, contains minimal typing, spelling and grammatical errors and is in the format of a report as listed below in note 1.


  1. Please note that I am looking for a report. Students who submit a paper that simply lists the topics found above followed by answers will score poorly.  A report should have a cover page, an introduction and a body that covers the topics above.  As stated, papers that do not contain this information will score poorly.
  2. The uploaded file can be a .PDF or an MS Word document.
  3. Please note that this assignment will be run through the Blackboard SafeAssign application. Assignments for which the originality report shows substantial amounts of copied content will be scored poorly or possibly not be accepted. Given this please submit Original work only
  4. Please do not copy and paste the assignment questions into the report.  Doing so will result in a (1) point deduction


Introduction to IS 250 Week One Assignment

In today’s digital age, computer and network security breaches are becoming increasingly common, making it essential to understand how they occur and their repercussions. The Is 250 Week One Assignment: Cyberbreach Case Study requires you to examine a specific computer security breach from various angles to provide a comprehensive case study report. This Owlisdom How-To Guide will assist you in systematically addressing each part of the assignment to ensure a thorough and well-organized report.

Item 1 – Summarize the breach – What exactly happened?  Please provide specific details.

Summary of the Breach

We will begin the IS 250 Week One Assignment by selecting a specific security breach incident. Use resources like the Verizon Data Breach Report for ideas.

  • Provide a detailed account of what happened during the breach.
  • Who was involved?
  • What systems were compromised?
  • When did the breach occur?
  • How long did it last?
  • Ensure your summary includes specific details to depict the event.


Computer security breaches have increasingly captured public attention, emphasising the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures. The case study (2024) delves into a security breach, drawing insights from the Verizon 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report. By examining the nature of the breach, its impact, methods of attack, and the subsequent response, we aim to understand the complexities and implications of modern cybersecurity threats.

Summary of the Breach

In 2023, a significant security breach involving the MOVEit file transfer software exploited a zero-day vulnerability. Attackers embedded malware in the software, allowing unauthorised access to data from over a thousand organisations, including several high-profile entities. This breach is a prime example of the increasing threat posed by vulnerability exploitation in widely used software.

Item 2 – What was the impact of the attack?  What did the attackers do?  Who was impacted?  Was there any loss of money, integrity, or privacy?

Impact of the Attack

Next IS 250 Week One Assignment: Cyberbreach Case Study, we will discuss the impact of the attack.

  • Assess the immediate and long-term impact of the breach.
  • Detail what the attackers did once they infiltrated the system.
  • Identify who was affected by the breach (e.g., customers, employees, the organisation).
  • Quantify any financial losses, compromises to data integrity, or privacy violations.


The MOVEit breach had far-reaching consequences. The attackers accessed sensitive information from numerous organisations, leading to substantial financial losses and compromised data integrity. The breach’s ripple effect extended to customers, employees, and stakeholders, with many organisations facing reputational damage and legal repercussions. Financial losses were estimated in the billions, underscoring the severe economic impact of such breaches.

Item 3 – How did the attackers get in?  What did they do to cause the infiltration?  How did they get caught?

Method of Attack

IS 250 Week One Assignment: Cyberbreach Case Study: in this section, we will explain the method of the attack.

  • Describe the method used by the attackers to infiltrate the system.
  • Explain the steps taken by the attackers during the breach.
  • Discuss how the breach was eventually discovered and the perpetrators caught.


The attackers utilised a zero-day vulnerability in the MOVEit software to infiltrate systems. They implanted malware, creating a backdoor for continuous unauthorised access. This method highlights the sophistication and stealth of modern cyberattacks. The breach was eventually discovered through vigilant network monitoring and forensic investigations, which traced unusual activities back to the compromised software update.

Item 4 – What did the attacked organisation do due to the breach?  Did they change, update, or replace anything? Was anyone held accountable for the breach? Please elaborate and provide specific details.

Response to the Breach

Now IS 250 Week One Assignment: Cyberbreach Case Study, we will discuss the organisation’s response to the breach.

  • Detail the organisation’s immediate and long-term response to the breach.
  • Discuss any changes to security policies, system updates, or compromised software/hardware replacements.
  • Mention any accountability measures, such as disciplinary actions or legal consequences.


In response to the breach, affected organisations implemented extensive security measures. MOVEit developers released urgent patches to address the vulnerability while impacted organisations updated their security protocols and enhanced their network monitoring systems. Legal and disciplinary actions were taken against those responsible for the breach, emphasising accountability. This incident prompted many organisations to reassess their cybersecurity strategies, focusing on proactive vulnerability management and third-party security assessments.

The MOVEit security breach is a stark reminder of the ever-evolving threat landscape in cybersecurity. The detailed analysis of this breach highlights the critical importance of proactive vulnerability management, robust security measures, and rapid incident response. Organisations must remain vigilant and adaptable to mitigate risks and protect sensitive information from sophisticated cyber threats. Through understanding and addressing these challenges, we can better safeguard our digital infrastructure against future breaches.


The IS-250 Week One Assignment highlights the importance of understanding computer and network security breaches. By dissecting a specific breach, you gain insights into the methods used by attackers, the impact of such breaches, and the essential steps organisations must take to mitigate risks and enhance their security posture. This How-To Guide makes it evident that robust and proactive security measures are paramount in protecting sensitive information and maintaining the integrity of systems. In the next module.IS-250 WEEK ONE discussion: Introduction discussion board instructions.


French, L. (2024, May 1). Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report: 5 key takeaways. SC Media. https://www.scmagazine.com/news/verizons-2024-data-breach-investigations-report-5-key-takeaways 

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