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MGMT 415 Module 7 discussion: Healthcare Accreditors

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Instructions of MGMT 415 Module 7 discussion

Readings and Videos for Module 7

Use the readings to help you prepare for the assignments in this module. This week’s lesson material will help you Illustrate how healthcare quality indicators are demonstrated in a healthcare setting and discuss the relationship between regulating bodies and healthcare organizations.


Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools Healthcare Quality-Ch19.pdf Download Healthcare Quality-Ch19.pdfpp. 495-512 (this is from the 3rd edition).  Use the reading guide to focus your study.

CMS-Approved Accrediting Organizations ListLinks to an external site. (select one accrediting organization no one else has chosen for the discussion post)

Healthcare Accreditors Discussion

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There are many accreditors in the healthcare industry. Each accreditor has a purpose and scope for their work. Some accreditors focus on hospital- or facility-wide accreditation, while others focus on a specific part of the organization, such as dialysis or ambulatory care services. In this discussion students will become familiar with the work of accrediting agencies.

Discussion Directions

Choose one Healthcare Accrediting Organization (AO) approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services from the following listLinks to an external site.. Select an accreditor that no one else has chosen.

Visit the website listed for the AO and answer the following questions:

  • What is the name of the AO you chose?
  • What types of programs/organizations do they accredit?
  • What are some of the standards or criteria that they require member organizations to meet?
  • Which one of the six aims of healthcare quality does the AO emphasize the most in their standards or criteria?
  • What are the pros and cons of being accredited by the AO?

Your initial post is due by the discussion due date. 

Peer Responses

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. Some ideas for advancing this discussion include: Comparing and contrasting your peer’s chosen AO with your chosen AO or providing reasons why a healthcare organization should or should not try to obtain accreditation from the peer’s AO. 

To view the rubric for a discussion in Canvas, click the dropdown menu (three vertical dots near the discussion title) and select “Show Rubric.”

Step-By-Step Guide MGMT 415 Module 7 discussion: Healthcare Accreditors

Introduction to MGTM 415 Module Seven Discussion

Accreditation is vital in ensuring quality and safety in the complex healthcare landscape. The MGMT 415 Module 7 discussion: Healthcare Accreditors requires you to explore and understand the role of various accrediting organizations (AOs) approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Through this How-To MGMT 415 Guide, you will gain insights into the standards and criteria that drive healthcare quality and the accreditation implications for healthcare organizations.

Choose one Healthcare Accrediting Organization (AO) approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services from the following list.

Selecting a Healthcare Accrediting Organization (AO)

To start the MGMT 415 Module 7 discussion: Healthcare Accreditors, we will choose a healthcare accrediting organization (AO) from the list provided. 

I am choosing The Joint Commission (TJC).

  • Choose one AO from the list provided by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
  • Ensure the AO you select interests you or aligns with your future career aspirations in healthcare.


For this discussion, I have selected The Joint Commission (TJC), a leading healthcare accrediting organization approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). TJC’s comprehensive approach to accreditation aligns with my career aspirations in healthcare administration, particularly in ensuring high patient care and safety standards.

What is the name of the AO you chose?

Researching the Selected AO

Next, we will research the AO we choose to explore and answer the below points:

Name of the AO

  • Visit the official website of the chosen AO.
  • Identify and note down the full name of the organization.


The full name of the AO I chose is The Joint Commission (TJC). Founded in 1951, TJC is a non-profit organization that accredits and certifies healthcare organizations and programs in the United States. Their mission is to continuously improve healthcare for the public by evaluating healthcare organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value.

What types of programs/organizations do they accredit?

Types of Programs/Organizations Accredited

  • Explore the AO’s website to determine the range of programs or organizations they accredit.
  • Note whether they focus on hospitals, outpatient facilities, specialized services (e.g., dialysis), etc.


The Joint Commission accredits many healthcare organizations, including hospitals, outpatient facilities, behavioral healthcare organizations, home care services, nursing homes, long-term care facilities, ambulatory care providers, laboratory services, office-based surgeries, and specialty services such as dialysis centers and critical access hospitals.

What are some of the standards or criteria that they require member organizations to meet?

Standards or Criteria Required

  • Investigate the accreditation standards or criteria that member organizations must meet.
  • Look for documents, manuals, or web pages that outline these requirements and summarize key points.


TJC’s accreditation standards are comprehensive and cover several critical areas of healthcare operations. Essential standards include patient safety goals (e.g., preventing surgical errors and infections), effective communication among healthcare providers, proper medication management practices, infection control measures, patient rights, leadership and staff qualifications, and emergency management protocols. These standards are detailed in their accreditation manuals, which serve as a roadmap for healthcare organizations aiming to achieve and maintain high-quality care.

Which one of the six aims of healthcare quality does the AO emphasize the most in its standards or criteria?

Emphasis on Healthcare Quality Aims

  • Review the AO’s standards to identify which of the six aims of healthcare quality (safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, equitable) they emphasize the most.
  • Provide examples or direct quotes from their materials to support your analysis.


The Joint Commission places significant emphasis on all six aims of healthcare quality: safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable care. However, their standards mainly highlight patient safety and effectiveness. For instance, TJC’s National Patient Safety Goals (NPSGs) focus on critical areas such as preventing infections, ensuring correct surgical procedures, and improving communication among caregivers. These goals are designed to address specific safety concerns and improve patient outcomes.

What are the pros and cons of being accredited by the AO?

Pros and Cons of Accreditation

  • Evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of being accredited by the AO.
  • Consider aspects such as reputation, operational changes, costs, and potential for quality improvement.


Accreditation by The Joint Commission offers several advantages, including enhanced reputation and credibility, improved operational efficiency and patient safety, access to TJC’s extensive resources and best practices, and increased eligibility for CMS reimbursements and federal funding. However, some drawbacks exist, such as high costs associated with the accreditation process, the potential for significant operational changes to meet TJC standards, and continuous pressure to maintain compliance and undergo periodic reviews.

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. Some ideas for advancing this discussion include Comparing and contrasting your peer’s chosen AO with your chosen AO or providing reasons why a healthcare organization should or should not try to obtain accreditation from the peer’s AO.

Peer Responses

According to MGMT 415 Module 7 discussion: Healthcare Accreditors instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 7 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Read your peers’ posts thoroughly.
  • Respond to at least two peers before the discussion closing date.
  • Aim to further the discussion by comparing and contrasting their chosen AO with yours or by debating the pros and cons they mentioned.
  • Be respectful and constructive in your responses.

Response 01 

Hey Sam, great post! Your analysis of The Joint Commission (TJC) is thorough and insightful. Comparing TJC with my chosen AO, the Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care (AAAHC) reveals that both emphasize patient safety and quality care. However, TJC’s extensive reach across various healthcare settings contrasts with AAAHC’s focus on ambulatory care. The detailed standards and rigorous accreditation process of TJC offer significant credibility and operational benefits despite the high costs and compliance demands, making it a valuable endeavor for comprehensive healthcare facilities.

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the MGMT 415 Module Seven discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


In completing the MGMT 415 Module 7 discussion: Healthcare Accreditors, you will deepen your understanding of the various accrediting organizations in the healthcare sector and the significance of their standards. They will develop critical thinking and analytical skills by engaging with peers to evaluate healthcare organizations’ quality and efficacy.

This How-To Owlisdom Guide offers a comprehensive look into healthcare accreditation, highlighting the importance of standards in ensuring high-quality care. Through research and peer engagement, you will learn about specific AOs and appreciate the broader implications of accreditation on healthcare practices and patient outcomes.

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