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MGMT 415 Module Eight discussion:  PDSA Healthcare Applications

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Instructions of MGMT 415 Module Eight discussion

Plan for Module 8


Welcome to the last module in the course!  During this module, we will put together the healthcare quality concepts we have learned. We will first use the PDSA model in real healthcare scenarios by providing best possible solutions to the issue at hand (I can’t wait to hear what your recommended plan will be).  Next, we will have the opportunity to teach a “future employee” all of the healthcare quality concepts we learned throughout the course.  I have enjoyed having all of you my class!

Course Outcome Focus for the Module:

  • Illustrate how healthcare quality indicators are demonstrated in a healthcare setting
  • Analyze healthcare scenarios to determine healthcare quality impacts
  • Identify sources of errors
  • Describe tools and models used to improve healthcare quality
  • Discuss the relationship between regulating bodies and healthcare organizations
  • Develop healthcare quality improvement recommendations
  • Interpret recommended healthcare quality practices to propose implementation strategies

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify a healthcare process that needs quality improvement
  • Outline a plan for applying the PDSA quality approach to a healthcare process
  • Integrate healthcare quality concepts into quality improvement planning
  • Synthesize healthcare quality knowledge and skills in a culminating presentation


PDSA Healthcare Applications Discussion

Healthcare Quality Orientation Presentation


PDSA Healthcare Applications Discussion

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Now that you have enacted a PDSA cycle in your personal lives, we will discuss healthcare situations in which it would be appropriate to use PDSA.

Discussion Directions

  • Give specifics about a healthcare situation involving quality issues that need to be improved.
  • In your discussion, explain why PDSA is an appropriate approach to the problem.
  • Offer ideas for an initial “plan” for the PDSA cycle in the situation you have described.
  • Incorporate quality improvement concepts (e.g., six aims, quality improvement tools, etc.) into your recommended plan.

Your initial post is due by the discussion due date. 

Peer Responses

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. Some ideas for advancing this discussion include: Giving your peer additional ideas for how to approach the problem or set up the “plan” stage in the PDSA or uncovering some of the barriers your peer may encounter in trying to enact process changes.

To view the rubric for a discussion in Canvas, click the dropdown menu (three vertical dots near the discussion title) and select “Show Rubric.”

Step-By-Step Guide MGMT 415 Module Eight discussion: PDSA Healthcare Applications

Introduction to MGTM 415 Module 8 Discussion

The MGMT 415 Module Eight discussion:  PDSA Healthcare Applications discusses a healthcare situation requiring quality improvement and explains why the PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) cycle is appropriate. You will describe the specific quality issues, propose an initial plan for the PDSA cycle, and incorporate relevant quality improvement concepts. This How-To MGMT 415 Guide aims to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, enhancing your understanding of quality improvement in healthcare.

Give specifics about a healthcare situation involving quality issues that need to be improved.

Describing a Healthcare Situation

To start the MGMT 415 Module Eight discussion:  PDSA Healthcare Applications, we will describe a healthcare situation first.

  • Identify a specific healthcare situation where quality issues are evident.
  • Be detailed in describing the problem, such as high patient readmission rates, medication errors, or long waiting times.
  • Provide context to help readers understand the significance and impact of the issue.


Describing a Healthcare Situation

In our healthcare facility, we have identified a significant issue with high patient readmission rates, particularly among patients with chronic heart failure. This problem affects patient outcomes, increases the financial burden on the healthcare system, and diminishes the quality of care provided. Patients are frequently readmitted within 30 days of discharge due to complications or inadequate post-discharge care. This situation underscores a critical gap in our patient management processes, indicating a need for improved care coordination, patient education, and follow-up practices.

Justifying the Use of PDSA

The Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle is an ideal approach to addressing this quality issue. Its iterative nature allows for testing changes on a small scale, which helps identify effective strategies before broader implementation. This approach reduces risks associated with large-scale changes and ensures that modifications are evidence-based. Additionally, PDSA supports continuous monitoring and refinement, crucial for complex healthcare environments where ongoing adjustments are necessary to meet dynamic patient needs and improve care processes.

Proposing an Initial Plan

Objective: The initial plan aims to reduce patient readmission rates for chronic heart failure by 20% within six months.

Actions in the Plan Phase:

  • Data Collection: Gather baseline data on readmission rates, reasons for readmissions, and patient demographics.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocate resources for a multidisciplinary team, including cardiologists, nurses, case managers, and patient educators.
  • Develop Interventions: Create standardized discharge protocols, including detailed patient education on disease management, medication adherence, and lifestyle changes. Implement a follow-up schedule involving telehealth consultations and home visits within the first 30 days post-discharge.
  • Roles and Responsibilities: Assign specific roles to team members for patient education, follow-up calls, and home visits. Ensure clear communication channels among team members to facilitate coordinated care.

Incorporating Quality Improvement Concepts

Our plan integrates vital quality improvement concepts to address the six aims of healthcare quality:

  • Safe: The standardized discharge protocols and follow-up care aim to prevent complications and reduce the risk of readmission.
  • Effective: Evidence-based interventions, such as medication management and patient education, ensure that the care provided is practical and based on best practices.
  • Patient-Centered: The plan focuses on individualized care plans and patient education, ensuring that care is tailored to each patient’s needs and preferences.
  • Timely: Telehealth consultations and home visits are scheduled promptly post-discharge to address any emerging issues quickly.
  • Efficient: Coordinated care and clear communication among team members optimize resource use and reduce redundancy.
  • Equitable: The plan ensures all patients receive the same level of care regardless of their socioeconomic status or background.

Quality Improvement Tools:

  • Flowcharts: These map out the discharge and follow-up process to ensure clarity and efficiency.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Identified vital factors contributing to readmissions, guiding the development of targeted interventions.
  • Control Charts: Monitor readmission rates over time to assess the effectiveness of the interventions and make necessary adjustments.

In conclusion, by applying the PDSA cycle and incorporating quality improvement concepts, we aim to significantly reduce readmission rates for chronic heart failure patients, enhancing patient outcomes and overall quality of care.

Explain why PDSA is an appropriate approach to the problem in your discussion.

Justifying the Use of PDSA

Next, we will justify the use of PDSA.

  • Explain why the PDSA cycle suits the identified quality issue.
  • Discuss the iterative nature of PDSA and effectiveness in testing changes on a small scale before full implementation.
  • Highlight how PDSA allows continuous monitoring and refinement, making it ideal for complex healthcare environments.

Offer ideas for an initial “plan” for the PDSA cycle in your described situation.

Proposing an Initial Plan

Here, we will discuss proposing an initial plan.

  • Outline a detailed initial plan for the PDSA cycle.
  • Specify the objective of the plan and the expected outcomes.
  • Describe the actions to be taken in the Plan phase, including data collection methods, resources needed, and roles and responsibilities.

Incorporate quality improvement concepts (e.g., six aims, quality improvement tools, etc.) into your recommended plan.

Incorporating Quality Improvement Concepts

We will incorporate quality improvement concepts for this section of the MGMT 415 Module Eight discussion:  PDSA Healthcare Applications.

  • Integrate relevant quality improvement concepts into your plan.
  • Discuss how your plan addresses the six aims of healthcare quality: safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable care.
  • Support your plan using quality improvement tools like flowcharts, root cause analysis, or control charts.

Peer Responses

According to MGMT 415 Module Eight discussion:  PDSA Healthcare Applications instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 8 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Read your peers’ posts thoroughly before responding.
  • Provide constructive feedback by offering additional ideas for approaching the problem or enhancing the Plan phase.
  • Identify potential barriers your peer might encounter and suggest ways to overcome them.
  • Ensure your responses are respectful and aim to further the discussion.

Response 01

Responding to peers is vital to the PHIL 210 Module Eight discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


The MGMT 415 Discussion Module 8 provides an opportunity to apply the PDSA cycle to real-world healthcare quality issues. You will gain practical insights into continuous improvement processes by describing a specific situation, justifying the use of PDSA, proposing a detailed plan, and incorporating quality improvement concepts. Engaging with peers through thoughtful responses will enrich everyone’s learning experience.

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