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NURS 3020 WEEK 3 discussion: IT’S A SMALL, SMALL WORLD

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Instructions of NURS 3020 Week 3 discussion


Health conditions, including heart disease and respiratory infections, have no borders. What happens in one part of the world has ripple effects through the other parts, including the United States. Technology has created an even smaller world, with nurses in instant contact and eager to share information.

You and your Walden nursing colleagues live and work around this shrinking professional world. Your nursing experience working with diverse populations presents a rich opportunity to share your international health perspectives. This exercise is a growth opportunity in terms of how we see ourselves, the world, and how we interact with our patients during the health interview and health assessment process.

In this week’s Discussion, your stories will illustrate relevant social and cultural differences among yourselves and your patients. The collective experience will expand your individual nursing knowledge; improve upon our cultural humility and perspectives, in order to foster social and culturally sensitive health interviews and assessments. This, in turn, contributes to safer and higher quality outcomes for your patients. Consider how your sensitive care is expressed through choice of your words, maintaining a distance that is culturally appropriate, and utilizing other techniques to negotiate through established social and cultural values. This leads to patient trust and comfort and a respectful nurse-patient relationship.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



  • Review the Week 3 Discussion Rubric provided.
  • Review Chapters 19-21 in the course text.
  • Review the Writing Resources.


Post a substantive 2-paragraph response (at least 350 words) to one of the options below. Develop and post cohesive paragraphs and use evidence to support your ideas.

Complete one of the following options (Option One, Option Two, or Option Three). Use the Discussion Rubric to develop your post.

Reflect on your reading from this week, and then address one of the following:


  • Describe an incident, or incidents, in your own nursing practice in which you expressed social or cultural sensitivity in order to elicit a competent health history or assessment. Explain the positive impact your sensitivity had on patient care or collegial efficacy of patient care.


  • Describe a situation in which the absence of social or cultural sensitivity adversely impacted patient care or collegial efficacy of patient care. How could the situation been handled to produce a more positive outcome during the health interview or assessment?


  • Describe one or more situations that illustrate social or cultural humility, or insensitivity, among your colleagues in a manner that fostered improved peer cooperation or efficacy of patient care or impeded such care.


Read two or more of your colleagues’ postings for the Discussion question.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues in one of the following ways:

  • Expand upon their Discussion.
  • Suggest an alternative to their viewpoint.
  • Ask a clarifying question about a colleague’s proposed technique or strategy.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.

See the Discussion Rubric for more information.



Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



  • Review this week’s Resources.
  • Review the Shadow Health Assignments Grading Rubric accessible through the link below for details on completing the Assignments in Shadow Health.


Complete the following in Shadow Health:

  • Respiratory Concept Lab (25 min)
  • Respiratory Exam (90 min)


To access your rubric:

Week 3 Assignment 1 RubricDownload Week 3 Assignment 1 Rubric


STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE NURS 3020 Week 3 discussion: It’s a Small, Small World

Introduction to NURS 3020 3 Discussion

The Owlisdom,  NURS 3020 Week 3 discussion: It’s a Small, Small World involves reflecting on your nursing practice to explore how social and cultural sensitivity impacts patient care and peer cooperation. You will share your experiences and analyze situations where sensitivity was present or lacking. This How-To Guide aims to enhance cultural humility, improve patient trust, and foster a respectful nurse-patient relationship.

Describe an incident, or incidents, in your nursing practice in which you expressed social or cultural sensitivity to elicit a competent health history or assessment. Explain the positive impact your sensitivity had on patient care or collegial efficacy of patient care.

Option One: Expressing Social or Cultural Sensitivity

We must choose from the three options to start the NURS 3020 Week 3 discussion: It’s a Small, Small World. 

NOTE: I will provide guidelines for all three options but will provide a sample solution for option one.

For the first option, we must describe an incident during nursing practice in which we expressed social or cultural sensitivity.

  • Reflect on your nursing practice and recall specific instances where you interacted with patients from diverse backgrounds.
  • Choose incidents where your cultural sensitivity was crucial in gathering health history or conducting an assessment.
  • Detail the specific techniques or approaches you used to show cultural sensitivity. Examples might include using respectful language, understanding cultural norms, or maintaining appropriate physical distance.
  • Discuss the positive outcomes of your culturally sensitive approach. Highlight improvements in patient trust, quality of health history, and overall patient care.


I have often encountered patients from diverse cultural backgrounds in my nursing practice, each bringing unique perspectives and expectations to their healthcare experience. One particular incident where cultural sensitivity played a critical role in eliciting a comprehensive health history.

While working in a community clinic, I was assigned to care for a middle-aged woman of Middle Eastern descent who spoke limited English. Understanding the potential cultural nuances, I first ensured that a professional interpreter was present to facilitate clear and accurate communication. Recognizing the importance of respectful language, I greeted her using formal titles and expressed a genuine interest in understanding her cultural background and health beliefs.

During the health assessment, I was mindful of maintaining appropriate physical distance, as I was aware that personal space is highly valued in her culture. I also noticed non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, to gauge her comfort level and adjust my approach accordingly. Additionally, I asked open-ended questions that allowed her to share her health concerns and experiences in her own words, which helped build rapport and trust.

My culturally sensitive approach had several positive impacts on her care. Firstly, it fostered a sense of trust and comfort, encouraging her to share more detailed and accurate information about her health history. This, in turn, enabled me to develop a more comprehensive and tailored care plan that addressed her specific needs and concerns. Furthermore, I established a solid nurse-patient relationship that facilitated ongoing communication and collaboration by respecting her cultural values and beliefs.

The positive impact of cultural sensitivity extended beyond patient care to collegial efficacy. My approach set a precedent for other staff members, promoting a more inclusive and respectful work environment. It highlighted the importance of cultural competence in healthcare, encouraging my colleagues to adopt similar practices in their interactions with patients from diverse backgrounds. This collective effort improved the quality of care provided and enhanced team cohesion and effectiveness.

In summary, expressing social and cultural sensitivity in nursing practice is essential for eliciting a competent health history and providing high-quality patient care. Nurses can build trust, improve patient outcomes, and foster a more inclusive healthcare environment by using respectful language, understanding cultural norms, and maintaining appropriate physical distance.

Describe a situation in which the absence of social or cultural sensitivity adversely impacted patient care or collegial efficacy of patient care. How could the problem be handled to produce a more positive outcome during the health interview or assessment?

Option Two: Absence of Social or Cultural Sensitivity

The second option explores the impact of the absence of social and cultural sensitivity on the patients’ care. 

  • Think about situations where a lack of cultural sensitivity negatively affected patient care.
  • Focus on specific examples where insensitivity caused misunderstandings or hindered practical health assessment.
  • Explain how the absence of sensitivity impacted patient care or collegial efficacy. Describe any negative consequences for the patient or the healthcare team.
  • Offer strategies that could have been employed to handle the situation better. Discuss techniques that promote cultural sensitivity and lead to more positive outcomes.

Describe one or more situations that illustrate social or cultural humility or insensitivity among your colleagues in a manner that fostered improved peer cooperation or efficacy of patient care or impeded such care.

Option Three: Illustrations of Social or Cultural Humility/Insensitivity

The third option of the NURS 3020 Week 3 discussion: It’s a Small, Small World  revolves around social and cultural insensitivity illustrations.

  • Identify instances in your practice or among your colleagues that illustrate either cultural humility or insensitivity.
  • Choose examples that significantly impacted patient care or peer cooperation.
  • Describe the behaviors or actions that demonstrated humility or insensitivity. Include details about the context and the individuals involved.
  • Analyze how these behaviors affected peer cooperation and patient care. Discuss whether they improved or impeded the efficacy of care.

Respond to at least two of your colleagues in one of the following ways: Expand upon their Discussion. Suggest an alternative to their viewpoint. Ask a clarifying question about a colleague’s proposed technique or strategy.

Peer Responses

According to the instructions of the NURS 3020 Week 3 discussion: It’s a Small, Small World, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Module 3 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Choose at least two colleagues’ posts to respond to. Build on their experiences by adding your insights or additional examples.
  • Provide constructive feedback by suggesting alternative approaches or strategies that might be more effective in similar situations.
  • Engage with your colleagues by asking questions that clarify their techniques or strategies. This can help deepen the discussion and understanding.

Response 01

Hey Max, nice post! Your experience with the Middle Eastern patient highlights the importance of cultural competence. I recall a similar situation with a Southeast Asian patient where understanding dietary restrictions was crucial. Have you considered using cultural liaison services for deeper engagement? Additionally, incorporating cultural competence training for the entire team can further enhance patient care. Your insights are invaluable for improving our collective practices. Thank you for sharing your thoughtful approach and outcomes.

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the NURS 3020 Module Three discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


Reflecting on NURS 3020 Week 3 discussion: It’s a Small, Small World on your experiences with social and cultural sensitivity in nursing practice is crucial for personal and professional growth. Sharing your stories and learning from your peers can enhance your cultural humility and improve patient care outcomes. The NURS 3020 Week 3 Discussion underscores the importance of sensitivity in fostering trust and respect in nurse-patient relationships and peer cooperation. In the next module of  NURS 3020, we will explore the WEEK 4 discussion: Promoting Nutrition In Older Adults.

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