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NUTR-121 Week 3.1 Assignment: My Fitness Pal Project

Explore our free detailed guide on the NUTR-121 Week 3.1 Assignment: My Fitness Pal Project.

Instructions of NUTR-121 Week 3.1 Assignment

My Fitness Pal Project

  • Due Jun 2, 2023 by 9:59pm
  • Points 50
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

Search for MyFitnesspal.com

Sign up or Log in if you already have an account

Set up your profile which will give you a screen called “My Goals”

Log your food, fluid and activity for 3 days total

If your weekends look different that your weekdays, include one weekend day into your assignment

Turn in (as screen shots):

Your goals

3 (or more) days of your food diary (including food lists, calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium and sugar)-each day separately

Written report (2 pages) comparing personal profile and 3-day totals-include observations, personal assessment of your diet and areas for improvement

  • Points to consider:
    • How well did you meet your goals?
    • What nutrients were deficient or excessive in your diet?
    • Do you have plans for improving your diet based on this assignment?


50 points are awarded for the written portion of the assignment and 25 points for the discussion board portion.


My Plate Project rubric

My Plate Project rubric




This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollow directions

5 pts

Student turned in all required parts of project

3 pts

Student failed to turn in all required parts of project

0 pts

No Marks

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComplete 3 day food record

10 pts

3 full days of food record complete and recorded)

5 pts

Student did not complete 3 day food record completely. Only 1-2 days recorded

0 pts

No Marks

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNutrient analysis complete

15 pts

All 3 days analyzed and nutrient report complete

5 pts

Analysis incomplete. Student did not turn in nutrient reports

0 pts

No Marks

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of food diary complete and detailed

20 pts

Incorporates information from course and own analysis including goals or areas for improvement

12 pts

Student did not incorporate information from course into analysis or failed to discuss areas of improvement

0 pts

No Marks

20 pts

Total Points: 50


My Fitness Pal Group Discussion

1313 unread replies.5656 replies.

This is an opportunity to share with your group what you learned through the completion of the My Fitness Pal assignment. Share two things you learned or were surprised by and one goal you have set after analyzing your 3 day food record. Comment on two other group members posts.

Step-By-Step Guide on NUTR-121 Week 3.1 Assignment: My Fitness Pal Project


Welcome to the My Fitness Pal Project. This Owlisdom guide will walk you through each step to complete the NUTR-121 Week 3.1 Assignment: My Fitness Pal Project, including setting up your profile, tracking your food and activity, and writing a comprehensive report.

Step 1: Account Setup

  1. Search for MyFitnessPal.com
    • Go to the website.
  2. Sign Up or Log In
    • Create a new account or log in if you already have one.
  3. Set Up Your Profile
    • Follow the prompts to enter your personal information and set your dietary goals.

Step 2: Logging Food and Activity

  1. Log Your Food and Fluids for 3 Days
    • Include detailed entries of all meals, snacks, and drinks.
    • Track your food intake, including calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium, and sugar.
  2. Include One Weekend Day
    • If your weekend eating habits differ, ensure one of the logged days is a weekend.

Your goals
3 (or more) days of your food diary (including food lists, calories, carbs, fat, protein, sodium and sugar)-each day separately
Written report (2 pages) comparing personal profile and 3-day totals-include observations, personal assessment of your diet and areas for improvement
Points to consider: How well did you meet your goals? What nutrients were deficient or excessive in your diet?

Step 3: Screenshots

  1. Capture Your Goals
    • Take a screenshot of your “My Goals” page.
  2. Capture Food Diary for Each Day
    • Take screenshots of each day’s food diary, showing detailed nutrient information.

Step 4: Written Report (2 Pages)

  1. Compare Personal Profile and 3-Day Totals
    • Evaluate how well you met your goals.
    • Identify nutrients that were deficient or excessive.


The NUTR-121 Week 3.1 Assignment: My Fitness Pal Project involves a meticulous examination of my dietary habits over three separate days, including one weekend day. This project aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of my food intake, tracking calories, macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats, proteins), sodium, and sugar. Through this analysis, I aim to assess how well I meet my nutritional goals and identify areas for improvement in my diet.

Food Diary and Nutrient Analysis

Day 1: Weekday

Food List:

  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with berries and almonds
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken salad with mixed greens, cherry tomatoes, and vinaigrette
  • Dinner: Baked salmon with quinoa and steamed broccoli
  • Snacks: Greek yoghurt, apple, a handful of walnuts

Nutrient Breakdown:

  • Calories: 1,800
  • Carbs: 190g
  • Fat: 60g
  • Protein: 120g
  • Sodium: 1,500mg
  • Sugar: 55g
Day 2: Weekday

Food List:

  • Breakfast: Smoothie with spinach, banana, protein powder, and almond milk
  • Lunch: Turkey sandwich with whole-grain bread, avocado, and lettuce
  • Dinner: Stir-fried tofu with vegetables and brown rice
  • Snacks: Carrot sticks with hummus, orange, almonds

Nutrient Breakdown:

  • Calories: 1,750
  • Carbs: 180g
  • Fat: 65g
  • Protein: 110g
  • Sodium: 1,400mg
  • Sugar: 50g
Day 3: Weekend

Food List:

  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs with spinach and feta cheese, whole-grain toast
  • Lunch: Grilled shrimp tacos with corn tortillas, cabbage slaw, and lime crema
  • Dinner: Vegetable lasagna with mixed greens salad
  • Snacks: Mixed berries, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds

Nutrient Breakdown:

  • Calories: 1,900
  • Carbs: 200g
  • Fat: 70g
  • Protein: 130g
  • Sodium: 1,600mg
  • Sugar: 60g

Personal Assessment and Improvement Plans

  • Reflect on your dietary habits.
  • Outline specific plans for improving your diet.

Comparison and Analysis

Personal Profile

My dietary goals centre on maintaining a balanced intake of macronutrients while ensuring my calorie consumption supports a healthy lifestyle. Specifically, I aim to consume approximately 1,800 calories per day, distributed evenly across carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Additionally, I strive to minimise my intake of sugar and sodium to adhere to health recommendations.

Observations and Assessment

Goal Achievement

Overall, my dietary intake is closely aligned with my caloric goals. Over the three days, my average calorie consumption was 1,816, which is within the desired range. My protein intake consistently met my target of around 120g per day, which is crucial for muscle maintenance and overall health. It suggests that my dietary habits are generally on track, although there are areas that require fine-tuning.

Nutrient Balance

  • Carbohydrates: My carbohydrate intake averaged 190g per day, slightly above my target. Carbohydrates are essential for providing energy, but it is important to monitor and possibly reduce my intake of refined carbs and sugars (Clemente-Suárez et al., 2022). This slight excess indicates a need for a more careful selection of carbohydrate sources, emphasising whole grains and vegetables over processed foods.
  • Fats: Fat consumption averaged 65g per day, which falls within the acceptable range. I have focused on incorporating healthy fats from sources such as nuts, seeds, and fish. This balance is important for supporting various bodily functions, including hormone production and cell structure.
  • Proteins: My protein intake averaged 120g per day, meeting my dietary requirements for muscle repair and growth. This consistency in protein intake supports my fitness and health goals, highlighting the importance of including a variety of protein sources in my diet.
  • Sodium and Sugar: My sodium intake averaged 1,500mg per day, which is below the recommended limit, indicating good control over salty foods. Excessive sugar intake can lead to various health issues, including weight gain and increased risk of chronic diseases (Ma et al., 2022). Thus, my sugar intake averaged 55g per day, which suggests a need to reduce sugary snacks and beverages. 

Do you have plans for improving your diet based on this assignment?

Areas for Improvement

Dietary Adjustments

Based on this analysis, I plan to implement the following changes to improve my diet:

  1. Reduce Refined Carbohydrates: I will focus on consuming whole grains and complex carbohydrates to maintain steady energy levels without causing excessive sugar spikes. This involves choosing foods like oats, brown rice, and whole-wheat products over refined options.
  2. Increase Vegetable Intake: I aim to incorporate more vegetables into my meals to enhance my fibre intake and ensure a greater diversity of micronutrients. Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which are vital for maintaining good health.
  3. Monitor Sugary Snacks: To reduce my sugar intake, I will limit the consumption of sugary snacks and beverages, replacing them with healthier options like fruits and nuts. This change will help in managing my overall sugar consumption and contribute to better health outcomes.

Nutrient Optimization

To achieve a more balanced nutrient profile, I will incorporate a wider variety of protein sources, including legumes and plant-based proteins, to complement my intake of animal proteins. Additionally, increasing my consumption of leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables will help improve my fiber and micronutrient intake, contributing to my overall health and well-being.


The NUTR-121 Week 3.1 Assignment: My Fitness Pal Project has illuminated my food and nutrient intake. By regularly tracking my food intake and evaluating nutritional data, I found areas for improvement. Moving forward, I will focus on reducing refined carbohydrates, increasing vegetable intake, and limiting sugary snacks to optimize my diet and enhance my overall health. This assignment has underscored the importance of mindful eating and the significant impact that dietary choices have on well-being. Through these adjustments, I aim to achieve a more balanced and healthful diet, ultimately contributing to my long-term health goals.


This How-To Guide of NUTR-121 Week 3.1 Assignment: My Fitness Pal Project hones your skills and prepares you for future academic endeavors. In the next module of NUTR-121, we will explore the Week 3.2 Discussion on the My Fitness Pal Group.


Clemente-Suárez, V. J., Mielgo-Ayuso, J., Martín-Rodríguez, A., Ramos-Campo, D. J., Redondo-Flórez, L., & Tornero-Aguilera, J. F. (2022). The Burden of Carbohydrates in Health and Disease. Nutrients, 14(18), Article 18. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu14183809 

Ma, X., Nan, F., Liang, H., Shu, P., Fan, X., Song, X., Hou, Y., & Zhang, D. (2022). Excessive intake of sugar: An accomplice of inflammation. Frontiers in Immunology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fimmu.2022.988481

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