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COM 205 WEEK 8 Assignment: Speech Project Draft – Part II

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Instructions of COM 205 Week 8 Assignment


In this assignment, you will do peer review for speech project part I, and then you will write a draft of your speech using the research you found in previous assignments. You will analyze the audience, select the appropriate pattern of organization, and develop an effective speech introduction and conclusion.

Assignment Details

Perform the following tasks:

  • Complete Speech Project Part I peer review by Wednesday (you can view a peer review notification in your Dashboard To Do sidebar).

  • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lecture before attempting this assignment.

  • Write a 450-to-500-word draft of a persuasive speech.

  • To complete the assignment:

    • Organize your speech similar to this order:

      • Introduction that grabs attention

      • Argument 1

      • Argument 2

      • Argument 3

      • Conclusion that seals the persuasive intent

    • Use this structure (or one similar) to create an outline that details the persuasive arguments or evidence from your research that you will use.

    • Develop your draft:

      • Create the introduction, something that will grab the audience attention. This could be a startling statistic or a quick personal story of success.

        • Use your e-textbook and the lecture for guidance.

      • Write a conclusion that ties back to the introduction and brings resolve to the arguments presented in favor of your goal.

    • Put all of these pieces together with some transitions that make the speech flow.

    • Read the speech aloud; try it out on friends or family to get feedback for areas that you are struggling with completing.

    • Time your speech. It should be about 3 to 5 minutes in length.

    • Use the plagiarism tool to check your written draft against unintended plagiarism.

    • Spell check your summary.

  • Use the proper naming convention when saving your assignment:

    • COM205_wk8_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy

  • Submit your assignment for peer review by Sunday.

  • Once a peer review has been assigned, you can view a notification in your Dashboard To Do sidebar.

  • Conduct peer review and provide constructive feedback. Your peer review is due on Wednesday (in Week 10).

Step-By-Step Guide COM 205 Week 8 Assignment: Speech Project Draft – Part II


In last week’s discussion, we explored Effective Group Communication. We discussed the importance of effective group communication. We also suggested strategies a group could employ to overcome these difficulties and agree on a verdict.

Introduction to COM 205 Week 8 Assignment

The COM 205 Week 8 Assignment: Speech Project Draft – Part II involves crafting a persuasive speech using research gathered from previous activities. You will analyse your audience, choose an effective organisational pattern, and draft a speech that captures attention and persuasively argues your case. This How-To COM 205 Guide aims to refine your ability to influence and engage an audience through well-structured arguments and compelling narratives.

Drafting the Speech

To start the COM 205 Week 8 Assignment: Speech Project Draft – Part II, we will revisit the research and notes from previous assignments. Ensure you fully grasp the key points and evidence supporting your arguments.
  • Crafting the Introduction: Create an engaging opening that introduces the topic while hooking the audience. Use emotional or intriguing hooks to ensure the audience is invested. Plan an introduction that captures attention immediately. This could be a surprising statistic, a relevant quote, or a brief anecdote that sets the stage for your topic.
  • Developing the Body: Construct each argument clearly and concisely. Use data, quotations, or narratives to substantiate your claims. Ensure each argument flows logically to the next, maintaining coherence and focus. Outline three main arguments for your speech. Each should be distinct and support your thesis with evidence from your research.
  • Writing the Conclusion: Summarize the main points and restate the significance of your argument. Ensure the conclusion provides closure and reinforces your call to action or persuasive intent. Design your conclusion to reinforce your persuasive intent and tie back to the elements introduced at the beginning.


Have you ever been ridiculed or singled out because of your race? Imagine living every day where such experiences are not just isolated incidents but systematic expectations. Today, I will talk about racial discrimination—a persistent poison in the fabric of our society that not only divides us but also hinders our collective progress. Argument 1: Systemic Racial Inequalities First, consider the vast economic disparities the U.S. Department of the Treasury highlighted. It reveals how policies continue to segregate communities and perpetuate poverty among minorities. This isn’t just history; it’s our present, a glaring testament to racial injustice that demands urgent reform. Argument 2: Labor Market Disparities Secondly, the Economic Policy Institute sheds light on the labour market outcomes between Black and White Americans. Despite equal capabilities, Black Americans face significant obstacles in hiring, pay, and promotion. This inequality is not just unfair; it’s economically and socially debilitating. Argument 3: The Need for Informed Action and Policy Change Finally, understanding these issues compels us to act. We need policies that address these disparities head-on, ensuring that all citizens, regardless of race, have equal opportunities to succeed. In conclusion, racial discrimination is not a relic of the past but a vivid reality of the present. It affects all aspects of society, from economics to personal interactions. As we have explored today, the road to justice requires more than passive acknowledgement—it demands active reform and participation. Let’s commit to being part of the solution, for in the fight against racial discrimination, neutrality is not an option.

Final Adjustments

  • Final Review: Review your speech to ensure all components are polished. Check for logical flow, coherence, and the effectiveness of your persuasive elements.
  • Practice Delivery: Rehearse your speech multiple times to gain confidence and adjust pacing, tone, and gestures to enhance delivery.


By following this How-To Owlisdom Guide structured approach to drafting your persuasive speech, you will develop a compelling argument that effectively communicates your perspective and engages your audience. The COM 205 Week 8 Assignment: Speech Project Draft – Part II enhances your writing skills and ability to think critically and argue persuasively. Remember, the key to a successful persuasive speech is a transparent organisation, strong evidence, and passionate delivery.

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