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ENG 101 Week 8 DISCUSSION: Compare and Contrast Essay

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Instructions of ENG 101 Week 8 DISCUSSION


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Due:  Post your initial response by Wednesday night at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by Friday night at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.

Topic: Compare/Contrast Passage Re-write

Last week, you posted your first try at writing a compare/contrast passage. 

This week, based upon the feedback you received on that passage, re-write and then re-post your passage.

Response Posts: In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. 

In your response to your peers, consider comparing your experience in your re-write to theirs.

Select Reply to join the discussion. For grading details, select the three dots above [] to see the rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide ENG 101 Week 8 DISCUSSION: Compare and Contrast Essay


Previously, we discussed our rough draft of the Compare-and-Contrast Passage. We selected a writing strategy and a topic to write the passage.  

Introduction to ENG 101 Week 8 Discussion

This How-To Guide is tailored to help you refine your compare-and-contrast essay based on the feedback received from your peers last week. The focus of the ENG 101 Week 8 DISCUSSION: Compare and Contrast Essay is on enhancing your analytical and writing skills to produce a more compelling and accurate comparison between the chosen subjects.

This week, based upon the feedback you received on that passage, re-write and then re-post your passage.

Reviewing Feedback

To start the ENG 101 Week 8 DISCUSSION: Compare and Contrast Essay, we will review the feedback our instructor and peers gave on the Compare-and-Contrast Essay we wrote in the previous module.

  • Identify Key Points: Carefully read the feedback provided by your peers and instructors. Highlight suggestions and criticisms that are recurring or seem particularly insightful.
  • Organize Feedback: Categorize the feedback into themes—such as clarity, structure, content accuracy, or depth of analysis—to better address them in your revision.

Revising Your Compare and Contrast Essay

After incorporating the feedback and by making changes, we will finally re-submit the essay.

  • Incorporate Feedback: Start by addressing the most critical feedback. If multiple peers noted a lack of clarity in a particular section, rewrite it for better understanding.
  • Enhance Comparisons and Contrasts: Ensure that each point clearly highlights similarities and differences. Use more specific examples or add research to strengthen your arguments.
  • Improve Transitions: Smooth transitions between paragraphs will help your essay flow better and make your comparisons stand out more clearly.
  • Refine the Thesis Statement: Make sure your thesis accurately reflects the comparisons and contrasts discussed. It should guide the reader through your conclusions.


Revised Essay

Delving into the nuanced comparison between “Being Rich vs. Being Famous,” this essay explores how these statuses offer unique challenges and benefits yet share several surprising similarities. After integrating insightful feedback from peers and instructors, the discussion has been refined to present a more robust analysis underpinned by authentic data and examples, thus enhancing the depth and clarity of the argument.

The process began with a strategic use of the mapping/clustering technique to lay out the fundamental attributes associated with wealth and fame. In my visual representation, “Being Rich” encompassed elements such as financial security, discretion in privacy, and the luxury lifestyle. Conversely, “Being Famous” was linked with public recognition, intense media scrutiny, and significant societal influence. This method proved invaluable in clearly delineating and connecting these characteristics, allowing for a structured comparison.

Feedback highlighted the need for a deeper exploration of the privacy aspect. Wealth often affords individuals a degree of privacy that fame does not. The rich can retreat from the public eye, while the famous are perpetually under scrutiny. This divergence significantly impacts the personal freedom and mental health of famous individuals, often negating the perceived benefits of public adoration. Enhanced by real-life anecdotes of celebrities and affluent individuals, this comparison starkly highlights the contrasting lifestyles driven by these two statuses.

The revised thesis asserts: “Though wealth and fame both appear desirable, each carries distinct challenges and rewards that profoundly influence personal satisfaction and lifestyle.” This statement encapsulates the essence of the essay, guiding the reader through the nuanced discussion.

The body of the essay delves into specific examples. For instance, the privacy offered by wealth is contrasted with the invasive nature of fame. Celebrities like Emma Watson have publicly discussed their struggles with constant media attention, juxtaposed against billionaires like Warren Buffett, who maintains a relatively private life despite his substantial wealth.

Additional sections expand on how both statuses affect interpersonal relationships and self-perception. Wealth may provide the means to foster connections and opportunities, yet it can also create barriers due to assumptions of ulterior motives in others. Fame, on the other hand, often results in a paradox of feeling both idolized and isolated, impacting mental health and personal interactions.

The conclusion reflects on the broader societal implications of choosing between wealth and fame. It suggests that the decision is less about choosing one over the other and more about balancing personal values such as privacy and influence. It posits that true fulfillment may lie in finding a balance between these extremes, enriched by philosophical perspectives on happiness and public perception.

Through a combination of revised content, strengthened arguments, and smoother transitions, this essay provides a comprehensive look at the complexities of being rich versus being famous, encouraging a more informed contemplation of their implications.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your response to your peers, consider comparing your experience in your re-write to theirs.

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the ENG 101 Week 8 DISCUSSION: Compare and Contrast Essay discussion post. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Constructive Feedback: When writing responses to your peers, focus on providing constructive feedback that they can use for further revisions. Avoid vague compliments.
  • Compare Experiences: Relate your revision process to theirs. For instance, mention how a specific piece of advice helped improve a part of your essay and suggest they might try a similar approach.
  • Be Supportive and Respectful: Ensure your tone is encouraging and respectful, fostering a positive learning environment.


Response 01

Hey Sam, great post! Your essay provides a thoughtful comparison between being rich and being famous, highlighting key distinctions in privacy and public perception. Like you, I utilized peer feedback to enhance the depth of my analysis. One strategy that particularly helped me was refining the clarity of my thesis, as you did. Perhaps you could further strengthen your argument by incorporating more statistical data or studies to support your points about the psychological impacts of fame and wealth. This could provide a more empirical basis for your insightful observations, enhancing the overall persuasiveness of your essay.

Response 02

We are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week 8 Discussion without a hassle.


By following this How-To ENG 101 Guide, you should be able to effectively revise your compare and contrast essay, incorporating valuable feedback to enhance both the depth and clarity of your analysis. The process of revising and responding to peers not only improves your essay but also builds your critical thinking and analytical skills, which are essential for academic success.


The next ENG 101 Week 8 Assignment focuses on giving a proper outline to the Compare-and-Contrast Essay. The purpose of an outline is to organize or structure our ideas so we effectively communicate them to the reader and support our thesis statement.

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