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PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR

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Instructions of PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion

Discussion Board 4: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR

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This week’s discussion dives right into the issue of having patients with views different from your own. This is something that can get heated really fast. Therefore, this opportunity was designed to give you a space to work through your thoughts and attempt to solidify your feelings and actions before you are presented with a real situation.


  • Read the articles linked below then compose an original post by answering all of the scenario questions before Thursday @ 5:00 pm. Then respond to 2 peers.


  1. Scenario 1:
    1. Read Mayo Clinic’s 5-Step Policy for Responding to Bias IncidentsLinks to an external site.
    2. Next, review the following scenario
      • You work in a healthcare facility and are in charge of assigning staff to patients. One patient’s family contacts you to complain about one of your employees. The family requests that your staff member cover his tattoos or not work with their mom as it is causing her considerable stress and anxiety.
    3. Last, respond to all of the questions: 
      • What do you do?
      • Is this workplace discrimination or looking out for the patient’s welfare?
      • How would your response be different if the family requested:
        • only female employees work with their mom?
        • mom is only treated by white employees?
  2. Scenario 2:
  1. Original Post: Due Thursday by 5:00 pm
  2. Response Post: Due Sunday by 11:59 pm

Step-By-Step Guide on PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR

Introduction to PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion

The PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR provides a comprehensive framework for addressing ethical dilemmas in healthcare. You will better understand ethical considerations and improve your decision-making skills by navigating through scenarios involving bias incidents and electronic health records. This Owlisdom How-To Guide will offer clear and concise instructions to effectively tackle each part of your assignment.

Scenario 1: Read Mayo Clinic’s 5-Step Policy for Responding to Bias Incidents. Next, review the following scenario: You work in a healthcare facility and are in charge of assigning staff to patients. One patient’s family contacts you to complain about one of your employees. The family requests that your staff member cover his tattoos or not work with their mom, as it is causing her considerable stress and anxiety. Last, respond to all of the questions: What do you do? Is this workplace discrimination or looking out for the patient’s welfare? How would your response be different if the family requested: Only female employees work with their moms? Is mom only treated by white employees?

Scenario 1: Responding to Bias Incidents

To start the PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR, we will explore scenario one by responding to bias incidents.

  • Read Mayo Clinic’s 5-Step Policy for Responding to Bias Incidents: Familiarize yourself with each step in the policy to understand the standard procedures for addressing bias incidents.
  • Scenario Description: You are responsible for assigning staff to patients. A patient’s family complains about an employee’s tattoos and requests the employee to either cover them or not work with the patient due to the stress and anxiety caused.
  • What do you do? Consider the policy guidelines and ethical principles. Think about balancing patient welfare and employee rights.
  • Workplace Discrimination or Patient Welfare? Reflect on whether accommodating the request constitutes discrimination or a legitimate concern for the patient’s well-being.
  • Different Family Requests: Evaluate the implications if the family requests only female or white employees. Analyze these scenarios through the lens of anti-discrimination policies and patient care standards.


In Scenario 1, we explore the complex issue of responding to bias incidents in healthcare settings. The Mayo Clinic’s 5-Step Policy for Responding to Bias Incidents provides a structured approach to handling such situations, recognizing bias, ensuring safety, providing support, documenting incidents, and implementing systemic changes.

In the scenario presented, a patient’s family complains about an employee’s tattoos, requesting that the employee cover them or not work with their mother due to the stress and anxiety it causes. As the person responsible for staff assignments, my response would be guided by the Mayo Clinic’s policy and ethical principles.

First, I would ensure the situation is approached with sensitivity and respect for all parties involved. I would listen to the family’s concerns and explain that our staff’s appearance, including tattoos, is part of their expression and does not impact their professional capabilities. However, I would explore whether the employee is comfortable covering the tattoos temporarily to alleviate the patient’s immediate stress, provided this request does not set a precedent for discriminatory practices.

Read through these two articles. Electronic Health Records: Privacy, Confidentiality, and Security. Should Immigration Status Information Be Considered Protected Health Information? Charting Bloopers. What are your thoughts…is EMR a good thing? Which ethical implications discussed in this article are the most concerning to you? What can you do in your future role to avoid consequences like this? Next, consider the implications of poor grammar, misspellings, etc., in a patient’s medical record. What can you do as an undergraduate student to better prepare for your future documentation? What are our thoughts on what should be included in your medical history? Specifically, should the patient’s immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, and religion be included? Don’t just state your belief, but justify it. Lastly, who owns the medical records? Do you agree with that? Why or why not?

Scenario 2: Ethical Implications in Electronic Health Records (EHR)

Here, in PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR. We will discuss the ethical implications of electronic health records by analyzing the articles.

  • Read the Articles: Gain a thorough understanding of the ethical implications of electronic health records, privacy, confidentiality, and security.
  • Thoughts on EMR: Consider the benefits and drawbacks of electronic medical records. Support your opinion with evidence from the articles.
  • Most Concerning Ethical Implication: Identify the issue that stands out most. Explain why it is concerning and propose strategies to mitigate it in your future role.
  • Implications of Poor Documentation: Reflect on the impact of poor grammar and misspellings in medical records. Suggest ways you can improve your documentation skills.
  • Inclusion in Medical History: Discuss what personal information should be included in medical records (e.g., immigration status, gender, sexual orientation, religion). Justify your stance with reasoned arguments.
  • Ownership of Medical Records: Determine who owns medical records and whether you agree with this ownership. Provide a rationale for your opinion.


This situation treads a fine line between workplace discrimination and patient welfare. While addressing patient anxiety is essential, upholding anti-discrimination policies and respecting employees’ rights is equally crucial. Accommodating such requests could unintentionally reinforce biases and contribute to a discriminatory workplace environment.

My response would differ significantly if the family requested only female or white employees. These requests directly violate anti-discrimination laws and ethical standards. I would firmly explain that staff assignments are based on qualifications and availability, not gender or race. Accommodating such requests would be discriminatory and unacceptable.

In summary, resolving bias incidents necessitates a balanced approach. This approach, which respects patient welfare and employee rights, is the key to fostering a harmonious and inclusive healthcare environment. By adhering to ethical principles and established policies, healthcare professionals can effectively navigate these challenging scenarios and uphold the integrity of their practice.

Respond to 2 peers.

Peer Responses

According to PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 4 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Respond to Two Colleagues: Provide constructive feedback on the discussion posts of at least two peers. 
  • Aim to enhance the discussion by offering insights or alternative perspectives.


Response 01

Hey Sam, nice post! You effectively highlighted the importance of following anti-discrimination policies while considering patient needs. Your approach to handling requests for female or white employees was powerful, emphasizing ethical standards. Well, you were done maintaining a respectful yet firm stance. Keep up the insightful work!

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR post. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


Following this How-To Guide of PHIL 210 Module Four Discussion: Patient Bias & Ethical Implications of EMR will equip you to analyze and respond critically to ethical dilemmas in healthcare settings. Key takeaways include understanding the balance between patient welfare and employee rights, the importance of accurate documentation, and the ethical considerations surrounding personal information in medical records. Engaging with these scenarios will help you develop the skills needed for moral decision-making in your future healthcare career. In the upcoming module of PHIL 210, we will explore Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It’s off to Court we Go!

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