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PHIL-3010 Week 1 Content Review

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Instructions of PHIL-3010 Week 1 Content Review


This five-question, multiple-choice quiz will assess how well you understand and can apply the information in this week’s assigned readings.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To prepare for the Content Review Quiz:

  • Review the assigned readings in Has Science Displaced the Soul? Debating Love and Happiness.

About the Content Review Quiz:

  • The quiz has no time limit.
  • You may take the quiz as often as needed in order to achieve a passing score of 4 out of 5 correct. Each time you retake the quiz, your previous score will be deleted and replaced by the new score. There is no way to retrieve a previous score.
  • The quiz counts toward your course grade.
  • If you encounter technical difficulties during the quiz or if you have questions about how an online quiz works in your online classroom, consider contacting the Student Support Team for more information.
  • After you have submitted your quiz for scoring, you will be shown the correct answer for each question. 


Complete the quiz.



This Owlisdom, PHIL-3010 Week 1 Content Review assignment focuses on exploring the relationship between science and spirituality, specifically through the lens of happiness. You will review relevant readings, reflect on the interplay between spiritual traditions and modern scientific thought, and engage in a discussion to compare and contrast these perspectives. Additionally, you will consider how contemporary advertising influences perceptions of happiness.

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph response in which you share one point about happiness where spiritual traditions are in conflict with science and contemporary life and one point about happiness where spiritual traditions and science can be in concert with one another. Then, describe the role of advertising in our contemporary world and discuss what part you think it might play in people’s perceptions of their own happiness. Support your assertions by making at least two references, in proper APA format, to your course readings. Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Preparation for the Discussion Review the Readings

  • PHIL-3010 Week 1 Content Review Preface, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, and Interlude 1 in Has Science Displaced the Soul?

      • Focus on how different spiritual traditions and scientific thought address happiness.
      • Understand key arguments and perspectives presented by the authors.
  • Listen to the Radio Laureate Interview with Dr. Kevin Sharpe

    • Note key points and insights shared by Dr. Sharpe regarding the intersection of science and spirituality.

Reflect on Different Aspects of Happiness

  • Consider areas where spiritual and scientific thinkers might agree or disagree on happiness.
  • Reflect on how your own exposure to modern media shapes your understanding of happiness.

Writing Your Initial Post (By Day 3) Identify Points of Conflict and Agreement

  • Conflict: Choose a specific point where spiritual traditions conflict with science on happiness. For example, some spiritual traditions might emphasise inner peace and contentment, while scientific approaches could focus on measurable well-being and external factors. Refer to the relevant chapters for specific arguments (Sharpe & Bryant, 2005).
  • Agreement: Identify an area where spirituality and science align. For example, both may agree on the importance of social connections and community for well-being. Cite specific sections from the readings to support your points (Sharpe & Bryant, 2005).

Discuss the Role of Advertising

  • Analyse how advertising shapes people’s perceptions of happiness. Consider whether advertisements create unrealistic expectations or promote genuine happiness. Use insights from the course text to support your analysis (Sharpe & Bryant, 2005).
  • Support your assertions with at least two references from the course readings.

Discussion Post

The relationship between science and spirituality offers a complex but fascinating landscape for exploring concepts such as happiness. This discussion aims to delve into the areas where spiritual traditions conflict with scientific thought and where they can align, particularly regarding the notion of happiness, and to examine the influence of advertising on our perceptions of happiness.

One significant conflict between spiritual traditions and scientific thought on happiness lies in their foundational approaches. Many spiritual traditions emphasise inner peace and contentment derived from self-awareness and connection to a higher purpose. For instance, Buddhism teaches that happiness comes from within and is achieved through mindfulness and detachment from material desires. In contrast, modern scientific approaches often focus on external and measurable factors such as income, physical health, and social relationships (Sharpe & Bryant, 2005). This divergence highlights the tension between intrinsic and extrinsic sources of happiness.

However, there are areas where spirituality and science can find common ground. Both realms acknowledge the importance of social connections and community in fostering happiness. Research in psychology, a field firmly rooted in scientific methods, supports the idea that strong social bonds and a sense of belonging contribute significantly to an individual’s happiness (Sharpe & Bryant, 2005). Similarly, many spiritual traditions emphasise the value of community and relationships as integral to a fulfilling life.

Advertising plays a pivotal role in shaping contemporary perceptions of happiness. Advertisements often create and perpetuate the notion that happiness is attainable through the acquisition of material goods and lifestyle choices. This can lead to unrealistic expectations and a perpetual sense of dissatisfaction, as the constant pursuit of material wealth and status can never fully satisfy deeper emotional and spiritual needs (Sharpe & Bryant, 2005). The pervasive nature of advertising thus manipulates societal values and individual perceptions, skewing them towards consumerism rather than holistic well-being.

In conclusion, the exploration of happiness through both spiritual and scientific lenses reveals critical points of conflict and agreement. By recognising the complementary insights offered by these perspectives, individuals can develop a more nuanced understanding of happiness that transcends simple material acquisition. The role of advertising further complicates this understanding, highlighting the need for a balanced approach to achieving genuine well-being.


Sharpe, K. J. (with Internet Archive). (2005). Has science displaced the soul? : Debating love and happiness. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield. http://archive.org/details/hassciencedispla0000shar 

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Engaging with Colleagues (By Day 5) Respond to a Colleague’s Post

  • Probing Question: Ask a thoughtful question that encourages deeper exploration of the topic.
  • Insight Sharing: Share a new perspective or insight gained from your colleague’s post.
  • Opinion Offering: Present your own viewpoint, supported by evidence or personal experience.
  • Idea Validation: Agree with your colleague’s point and support it with additional evidence or examples.
  • Suggestion Making: Provide constructive feedback or suggestions for further consideration.
  • Expansion: Build on your colleague’s ideas to further the discussion.

Response to Peer

Your post brings up insightful points about the intersection of spirituality and science regarding happiness. I particularly appreciated your emphasis on how both realms recognise the importance of social connections. This shared acknowledgement underscores a fundamental truth about human nature: our need for community and belonging.

I’d like to expand on your discussion about advertising. It’s interesting to note that advertising not only affects our perceptions of happiness but also exploits our psychological vulnerabilities. By tapping into our desires for social acceptance and status, advertisements create a false sense of need that drives consumer behaviour (Sharpe & Bryant, 2005). This manipulation can detract from our ability to find happiness in non-material aspects of life.

Additionally, how do you think individuals can better navigate the influence of advertising to cultivate a more balanced and genuine sense of happiness? I believe mindfulness and critical thinking play crucial roles in this process. By becoming more aware of the persuasive tactics used in advertising, we can make more conscious choices that align with our deeper values and needs.


Sharpe, K. J. (with Internet Archive). (2005). Has science displaced the soul? : Debating love and happiness. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield. http://archive.org/details/hassciencedispla0000shar 

Closing Paragraph

This  PHIL-3010  Science and Spirituality assignment has underscored the complex interplay between science and spirituality in understanding happiness. By examining points of conflict and agreement and considering the role of advertising, you have engaged in a multifaceted discussion highlighting the value of diverse perspectives. Integrating these insights can enrich your understanding of happiness and inform how you navigate contemporary life. The next module of  PHIL-3010  revolves around SHORT PAPER Guide.

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