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PHIL-3010 Week 4 Discussion 1

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Instructions of PHIL-3010 Week 4 Discussion 1

Week 4: Science, the Divine, and Exploration of the Unknown

Week 4: Discussion 1

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In many traditions—both monotheistic and polytheistic—that have arisen in the last 10,000 years, gods and goddesses have been anthropomorphized into human form. Yet, despite their physical and emotional similarities to humans, these gods are often relegated to realms above and below earth. In this way, humans project their own understanding of the world upon their deities, yet maintain a well-defined separation from them in order to preserve the unknowable nature of the Divine. In the conclusion of his book, Dr. Sharpe seeks to step past this separation. He raises the concept of seeing the world as a whole as a spiritual entity and science as a way of coming to know that entity better. Through this lens he ceases to see a conflict between the two subjects of Science and Spirituality.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s readings in Chapter 7, Chapter 8, and Interlude 4 of the course text, which focus on Divine projections and scientific hypotheses about the Universe.

  • Consider the question of whether or not science is always objective, or if it has elements of subjectivity.

  • Reflect on some of the contemporary secular views about the environment and the world as a whole, and consider how thinkers from different scientific or spiritual traditions might react to these views.

With these thoughts in mind:


Post a 3- to 4-paragraph response describing your reaction to Dr. Sharpe’s conclusion. Analyze how different scientific and spiritual traditions connect with or differ from contemporary secular views about the world. Then, explain why you think Dr. Sharpe’s view of the Universe as a whole spiritual entity unto itself does, or does not, successfully bridge the gap between scientific and spiritual thinking. Support your assertions by making at least 2 references, in proper APA format, to your course readings.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.


Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.

  • Offer and support an opinion.

  • Validate an idea with your own experience.

  • Make a suggestion.

  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.

STEP BY STEP GUIDE | Week 4: Discussion 1


This Owlisdom, PHIL-3010 Week 4 Discussion assignment explores the complex relationship between science and spirituality by analysing Divine projections and scientific hypotheses about the Universe. Students will examine the objectivity of scientific inquiry, contemporary secular views about the environment, and how different traditions react to these views. Additionally, students will analyse Dr. Sharpe’s conclusion regarding the Universe as a spiritual entity, assessing whether it successfully bridges the gap between scientific and spiritual thinking. The goal is to develop a nuanced understanding of how these domains intersect and influence each other.

Post a 3- to 4-paragraph response describing your reaction to Dr. Sharpe’s conclusion. Analyse how different scientific and spiritual traditions connect with or differ from contemporary secular views about the world. Then, explain why you think Dr Sharpe’s view of the Universe as a whole spiritual entity unto itself does or does not successfully bridge the gap between scientific and spiritual thinking. Support your assertions by making at least two references, in proper APA format, to your course readings. Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Reviewing Course Readings

Guidance on Approaching Readings:

  • Chapter 7: Focus on understanding the key arguments related to Divine projections. Take notes on how these projections are framed within both scientific and spiritual contexts.
  • Chapter 8: Pay attention to the scientific hypotheses discussed and how they attempt to explain the Universe. Note any mentions of objectivity and subjectivity.
  • Interlude 4: Reflect on the synthesis of ideas presented here, connecting them to the broader themes of the course.

Tips for Identifying Key Themes:

  • Look for recurring themes or concepts across the chapters.
  • Highlight any direct comparisons or contrasts between scientific and spiritual views.
  • Make note of any examples or case studies that illustrate these themes.

Assessing Objectivity in Science

Explanation of Objectivity vs. Subjectivity:

  • Objectivity: Refers to the impartial and unbiased approach in scientific inquiry, relying on empirical evidence and reproducibility.
  • Subjectivity: Involves personal biases, interpretations, and cultural influences that can shape scientific perspectives.

Methods for Evaluating Scientific Hypotheses:

  • Examine the methodology used in scientific studies. Are they reproducible and peer-reviewed?
  • Consider the sources of data and whether they are free from bias.
  • Evaluate whether alternative hypotheses are considered and tested.

Contemporary Secular Views and Traditional Reactions

Overview of Contemporary Secular Views:

  • Focus on environmental issues, sustainability, and the role of humans in shaping the world.
  • Consider how these views promote a secular understanding of the Universe.

Comparison with Scientific and Spiritual Traditions:

  • Identify points of agreement or conflict between secular views and traditional scientific or spiritual perspectives.
  • Analyse how different traditions might react to secular approaches to environmental and cosmic questions.

Analysing Dr. Sharpe’s Conclusion

Understanding Dr. Sharpe’s View:

  • Dr. Sharpe posits that the Universe can be seen as a spiritual entity, integrating both scientific and spiritual elements.
  • Focus on his arguments for why this view might bridge the gap between science and spirituality.

Techniques for Analysis:

  • Compare Dr. Sharpe’s conclusions with the key themes identified in the readings.
  • Evaluate the strength of his arguments and whether they align with empirical evidence and spiritual teachings.

Connecting Ideas to Readings and Experiences

Strategies for Making Connections:

  • Reflect on how the themes discussed in the readings resonate with your personal experiences or knowledge.
  • Use examples from the readings to support your assertions and provide a comprehensive analysis.

Referencing Course Materials:

  • Ensure all references to the course readings are properly cited in APA format.
  • Use direct quotes and page numbers where applicable to strengthen your arguments.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.


This  PHIL-3010 Week 4 Discussion assignment encourages a deep exploration of the intersections between science and spirituality, focusing on the nature of the Universe and our understanding of it. Students can develop a nuanced understanding of these complex relationships by reviewing course readings, assessing objectivity in science, and analysing contemporary views alongside traditional perspectives. The final analysis of Dr Sharpe’s conclusion will provide insights into whether a holistic view of the Universe can truly bridge the gap between empirical science and spiritual wisdom. In the next module of PHIL-3010 Week 5 Discussion.

Discussion Post # 1

Dr. Kevin Sharpe’s conclusion that the Universe can be perceived as a whole spiritual entity offers a unique perspective that attempts to bridge the gap between scientific and spiritual thinking. This discussion will explore how different scientific and spiritual traditions connect with or differ from contemporary secular views about the world. Additionally, it will analyse whether Dr. Sharpe’s holistic view successfully reconciles these two domains. The aim of this discussion is to critically evaluate Dr. Sharpe’s conclusions within the broader context of current scientific and spiritual discourses.

Contemporary secular views often regard the Universe through a purely materialistic lens, emphasising empirical evidence and scientific inquiry as the primary means of understanding reality. This perspective prioritises objectivity and rationality, often downplaying or dismissing spiritual and metaphysical interpretations. However, some secular thinkers acknowledge the limitations of science in explaining subjective experiences and the deeper existential questions that have traditionally been the domain of spirituality (Sharpe, 2005).

In contrast, many spiritual traditions view the Universe as inherently imbued with purpose and meaning, often articulated through concepts of divine creation and interconnectedness. For instance, Hinduism’s concept of Brahman as the ultimate reality and Buddhism’s emphasis on the interdependent nature of all phenomena present views that resonate with the idea of the Universe as a holistic spiritual entity (Sharpe & Bryant, 2005). Similarly, Western religious traditions like Christianity and Islam see the Universe as a creation of God, where every aspect of existence is a reflection of divine will and purpose (Beck, n.d.).


In conclusion, Dr. Sharpe’s view of the Universe as a spiritual entity presents a compelling approach to bridging the divide between science and spirituality. By integrating scientific and spiritual perspectives, we can develop a more comprehensive understanding of reality that respects empirical evidence while embracing the profound insights offered by spiritual traditions. This integrative approach not only enriches our understanding of the Universe but also fosters a more holistic and inclusive worldview. 

Response to Peer (150 words)

I found your analysis of Dr. Sharpe’s conclusion insightful, particularly your discussion on the potential for spiritual traditions to provide depth to scientific interpretations of the Universe. Your point about the limitations of a purely materialistic worldview is well-taken. Indeed, as you mentioned, the integration of spiritual perspectives can offer a more comprehensive understanding of existence. One question that arises from your discussion is how we can practically implement this integrative approach in scientific research and education. What strategies could be employed to ensure that both scientific rigour and spiritual wisdom are given due consideration in our quest for knowledge? Additionally, your insights into the differing reactions of various traditions to contemporary secular views highlight the importance of cross-cultural dialogue in this integrative process. Overall, your response adds valuable depth to our understanding of how Dr. Sharpe’s holistic view might be applied in practice.

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