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POLI 1001 WEEK five discussion: Political Parties, Voting, and the Media

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Week 5: Discussion

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In this Discussion, you will consider the role that mass media plays in shaping political ideology and party affiliation.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



  • Review the Interactive Units and supplemental resources from this week’s Learning Resources.

  • Consider why political ideology is so important in American government.

With these thoughts in mind:


Watch the seven commercials featured in The Living Room Candidate in the Web Resources of our Weekly Resources.

Choose three (3) that you found impactful. Answer the following questions for each commercial you chose:

  • Which political party was responsible for producing each commercial? How did this influence the content of the commercial?

  • What was the intent of the message in each commercial?

  • How might these commercials impact voter decisions?

  • What role does the media plays in shaping your political ideology and party identification? Note: You do NOT need to share your party identification in your discussion.

Include at least one reference and citation from the course readings.

Step-By-Step Guide POLI 1001 WEEK five discussion: Political Parties, Voting, and the Media

Introduction to POLI 1001 Week Five Discussion

The Owlisdom,  POLI-1001 Week Five Discussion: Political Parties, Voting, And The Media focuses on analyzing political commercials to understand the strategies used by political parties to influence voter behaviour. By examining the content, intent, and impact of these commercials, as well as the role of media in shaping political ideologies, you will gain insights into the persuasive techniques employed in political campaigns.

Choosing the Commercials

To start the Discussion Week Five, we will watch all seven commercials featured in “The Living Room Candidate” from the Weekly Resources.

  • Select three commercials that you find particularly impactful. 
  • Consider factors such as emotional appeal, message clarity, and overall effectiveness.


For this assignment, I examined three impactful political commercials from “The Living Room Candidate” and analyzed their content, intent, and influence on voter decisions. Additionally, I explored the role of media in shaping political ideology and party identification.

Which political party was responsible for producing each commercial? How did this influence the content of the commercial?

Analyzing the Political Parties Influence

Next, in POLI-1001 Week Five Discussion: Political Parties, Voting, And The Media, we will identify the political party responsible for producing each chosen commercial.

  • Research the background of each commercial to determine which party produced it. 
  • Analyze how the party’s ideology and goals might have influenced the content and presentation of the commercial. 
  • Consider aspects like language, imagery, and key messages.

What was the intent of the message in each commercial?

Determining the Intent of the Message

Here, we will discuss POLI-1001 Week Five Discussion: Political Parties, Voting, And The Media to understand the primary objective behind each commercial.

  • Reflect on what the commercial is trying to achieve. Is it aiming to promote a candidate, criticize the opposition, or address specific issues? Write a summary of the intended message for each commercial, citing specific examples from the ad to support your analysis.

How might these commercials impact voter decisions?

Assessing the Impact on Voter Decisions

Now,  POLI-1001 Week Five Discussion: Political Parties, Voting, And The Media evaluate how each commercial might influence voters.

  • Consider the emotional and logical appeals used in the commercials. Discuss how these elements might sway undecided voters or reinforce the beliefs of existing supporters. Provide examples of persuasive techniques, such as fear, hope, or patriotism, used in the commercials.

Commercial 1: “Morning in America” (1984)

  • Political Party Influence: This commercial was produced by the Republican Party. Its content reflected the party’s optimistic message about the country’s progress under Ronald Reagan’s leadership.

  • Intent of the Message: The commercial aimed to instill a sense of pride and positivity among viewers, reinforcing the idea that re-electing Reagan would continue this prosperous trend. Impact on Voter Decisions: By highlighting economic improvements and a hopeful future, the ad appealed to voters’ desire for stability and growth, likely swaying undecided voters to support Reagan.

Commercial 2: “Daisy” (1964)

  • Political Party Influence: Created by the Democratic Party, this commercial was designed to evoke fear about the potential consequences of a nuclear war under Republican candidate Barry Goldwater.

  • Intent of the Message: The primary objective was to cast doubt on Goldwater’s suitability as a leader, emphasizing the dangers of electing someone perceived as aggressive.

  • Impact on Voter Decisions: The ad’s emotional impact, combined with its stark imagery, likely heightened voters’ anxieties, influencing them to vote for Lyndon B. Johnson as a safer choice.

Commercial 3: “Yes We Can” (2008)

  • Political Party Influence: This commercial was produced by the Democratic Party to support Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. It leveraged his message of hope and change.

  • Intent of the Message: The commercial sought to inspire and mobilize voters, particularly young and minority groups, by portraying Obama as a unifying and progressive leader.

  • Impact on Voter Decisions: By incorporating diverse voices and a hopeful tone, the ad likely energized the base and attracted new voters who resonated with the call for change.

How does the media shape your political ideology and party identification?

Exploring the Media’s Role in Shaping Political Ideology and Party Identification

This  POLI-1001 Week Five Discussion: Political Parties, Voting, And The Media section will analyze the broader role of media in political socialization.

  • Discuss how media exposure, including political commercials, shapes an individual’s political views and party affiliation. 
  • Use scholarly sources to support your discussion on the influence of the media of the media. 
  • Avoid sharing your party identification; focus on general trends and theories.


Media, including political commercials, play a crucial role in shaping political ideologies and party identification. By repeatedly exposing viewers to specific narratives and emotional appeals, media can reinforce existing beliefs or persuade individuals to adopt new viewpoints. This phenomenon underscores the media’s power in influencing voter behavior and the broader political landscape.

Analyzing these commercials reveals political parties’ strategic use of emotional and logical appeals to influence voter decisions. Understanding these techniques helps us become more discerning consumers of political content and highlights the media’s significant role in shaping our political beliefs.


Completing the  POLI-1001 Week Five Discussion: Political Parties, Voting, And The Media will help you better understand the persuasive techniques used in political advertising and the media’s significant role in shaping political ideologies and voter decisions. By critically analyzing the content, intent, and impact of political commercials, you will be better equipped to navigate the complex landscape of political communication and make informed decisions as voters. In the next module of  POLI-1001, we will discuss Political Parties, Voting, and the Media.

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