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Instructions of POLI-1001 week three discussion: presidential and congressional power and limitations

Week 3: Discussion


The president of the United States is often seen as the single most powerful individual in the world, a person whose actions have an impact of the daily lives of Americans and people around the globe. Yet most presidents cannot achieve everything they promise while campaigning. They often find that they have to adjust the goals they had when they first took office, and many become frustrated by the limitations of their power in executing the laws passed by Congress. Similarly, Congress has specific constitutional authority to write the laws.

In this Discussion, you will examine what might happen if a limitation on the president were removed and whether or not this removal would be beneficial for the United States as well as the relationship and sometimes the conflict between the authority and role of the president and Congress.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



  • Review the Interactive Units from this week’s Learning Resources.

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources.

  • Review information on at least three of the executive departments. Think about how the executive departments of the cabinet inform the president so that he can make educated decisions.

  • Reflect on these questions:

    • How does the cabinet influence presidential decisions?

    • Consider how the powers and limitations of the president affect decisions made by Congress.

    • How might presidential powers and limitations influence the political agenda of the president?

    • How might presidential powers and limitations influence the political agenda of Congressional members?

    • How can federal bureaucracy assist or hinder the president in exercising influence?

    • How can federal bureaucracy suspend presidential initiatives?

With these thoughts in mind:


Post: 1–2 paragraphs identifying one limitation currently applied to the presidency that, if removed, would increase or maximize presidential power. Be sure to:

  • Provide a brief description of the limitation you chose.

  • Explain how the president would be more powerful if this limitation were removed.

  • Explain whether you think the limitation should be removed or remain in place.

  • Identify and explore the constitutional role and authority of Congress as well and consider where presidential and congressional authority may or have conflicted.

Include at least one reference and citation from the course readings  to support your rationale.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.


Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.

  • Offer and support an opinion.

  • Validate an idea with your own experience.

  • Make a suggestion.

  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of your colleagues’ comments.


Introduction to POLI 1001 Week Three Discussion

The Owlisdom, POLI-1001 week three discussion: presidential and congressional power and limitations delve into the implications of removing one such restriction on presidential power, examining its potential benefits or drawbacks for the nation. Additionally, it explores the dynamic between presidential authority and Congress, where conflicts and overlaps often shape policymaking and governance.

Provide a brief description of the limitation you chose.

Describing the Chosen Limitation on Presidential Power

To start the POLI-1001 week three discussion: presidential and congressional power and limitations, we will describe the chosen limitation on presidential power.

  • Clearly define the constitutional or statutory limitation on presidential authority chosen for analysis.
  • Provide context on why this limitation exists and its historical significance in balancing executive power within the framework of the U.S. Constitution.


Considering the dynamics of presidential power and congressional authority, it becomes evident that the constitutional balance between these branches of government is crucial to the functioning of the United States democratic system. The limitation on presidential power I have chosen to examine pertains to executive orders, which allow the President to implement policies without congressional approval. While expedient for addressing urgent issues, this power can bypass the legislative process outlined in the Constitution, potentially undermining checks and balances. 

Explain how the president would be more potent if this limitation were removed.

Explaining Increased Presidential Power if the Limitation Were Removed

Next, we will discuss POLI-1001, week three: presidential and congressional power and limitations. Explain the increased presidential power if the limitations were to be removed.

  • Discuss how removing the chosen limitation would enhance the President’s ability to act unilaterally or expand executive authority.
  • Consider the potential benefits or risks of granting the President more discretionary power in contemporary governance challenges.


If this limitation were removed, the President would wield significantly greater authority to enact policy unilaterally. This could streamline decision-making in times of crisis or gridlock but raises concerns about democratic accountability and the potential for abuse of power. For instance, recent administrations have used executive orders to address issues like immigration and environmental regulation, bypassing congressional debate and oversight.

However, maintaining this limitation is essential to uphold the constitutional principle of separation of powers. Congress serves as the primary legislative body, representing diverse interests and deliberating on laws that affect all Americans. Removing constraints on executive orders could diminish Congress’s role, undermining its ability to represent constituents and engage in meaningful legislative debate.

Explain whether you think the limitation should be removed or remain in place.

Discussing Whether the Limitation Should Be Removed or Retained

Here, we will discuss POLI-1001, which discusses week three, discuss presidential and congressional power and limitations, and discuss whether the limitations should be removed or not.

  • Evaluate the implications of removing the limitation on presidential power from both practical and theoretical perspectives.
  • Formulate a reasoned argument on whether maintaining or altering the current balance of power would better serve the interests of the United States and its democratic institutions.


Furthermore, exploring Congress’s constitutional authority reveals its pivotal role in shaping national policy and checking executive power. The framers of the Constitution intended for Congress to be the primary law-making body, ensuring that laws reflect the people’s will through their elected representatives.

Identify and explore Congress’s constitutional role and authority and consider where presidential and congressional authority may or may not have conflicted.

Exploring Congressional Authority and Its Relationship with Presidential Power

For this section of Discussion Week Three POLI-1001 week three discussion, presidential and Congressional Power and limitations, we will explore the relationship of congressional authority with presidential power.

  • Examine the constitutional authority vested in Congress to legislate and its role in checks and balances.
  • Identify historical or contemporary examples where presidential actions have clashed with or complemented congressional authority.
  • Analyze how these interactions shape national policies and governance outcomes.


In examining historical and contemporary examples, such as the use of executive orders to implement significant policy changes without congressional input, it becomes clear that tensions between presidential authority and congressional oversight are inherent in American governance. Effective governance requires a delicate balance, where each branch’s powers are respected and exercised within constitutional limits.

In conclusion, while enhancing presidential power may seem expedient, maintaining constitutional limitations on executive authority is crucial for upholding democratic principles and ensuring robust checks and balances. Congress’s role as a co-equal branch of government must be preserved to safeguard representative democracy and promote meaningful legislative debate. As we analyze the ongoing evolution of presidential power and its intersection with congressional authority, we must remain vigilant in preserving the foundations of our democratic system.

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

Peer Responses

According to POLI-1001, in week three, the discussion, including presidential and congressional power and limitations instructions, we are supposed to write at least one peer response. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week 3 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.
  • Asking Provocative Questions: Prompt peers to consider implications beyond initial analysis.
  • Sharing Insights: Highlight unique perspectives or overlooked aspects in colleagues’ arguments.
  • Offering Supported Opinions: Back opinions with evidence or logical reasoning.
  • Validating Ideas: Relate shared experiences or observations to strengthen peers’ viewpoints.
  • Making Suggestions: Recommend alternative viewpoints or additional research avenues.
  • Expanding on Postings: Build upon peers’ ideas by adding new perspectives or more profound analysis.

Response 01

Hey Ben, great post! You have thoughtfully analyzed the implications of removing limitations on executive orders. Your consideration of democratic accountability and the role of Congress in legislative oversight is well-articulated. Diving deeper into specific historical examples or legal precedents where executive orders have challenged congressional authority might strengthen your argument. Your post effectively highlights the complexities of balancing presidential power with constitutional governance principles.

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the POLI 1001 Week Three Discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


The POLI-1001 week three discussion, presidential and Congressional Power and limitations, provides an opportunity to critically analyze the balance of power between the President and Congress, assessing the potential consequences of altering constitutional limitations on presidential authority. By engaging in thoughtful discussion and considering diverse perspectives, you can gain a deeper understanding of the complexities inherent in American governance and the ongoing evolution of presidential power within democratic norms and constitutional frameworks. In the next POLI-1001 we will discuss Lifetime Appointments Of Supreme Court Justices.

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