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POLI-1001 Week Two Assignment: Civil Rights

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the great civil rights leaders in American history. Dr. King led civil rights protests and marches on behalf of African Americans who had been discriminated against and denied equal rights. In his own time, many people thought Dr. King was “moving too quickly” and “going too far.” Today, we have a national holiday named after him because he inspired Americans to do a better job of living up to America’s constitutional principles. Consider for a moment how the vision of Martin Luther King Jr. is relevant today and whether there are groups in American society today that are still discriminated against.

In this Assignment, you will draw upon the assigned speech of Dr. King to talk about the civil rights he worked to promote. You will also consider the relevance of the civil rights movement and the issues that face certain groups in the United States today.

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Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
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  • Review the Interactive Units from this week’s Learning Resources.

  • Watch the video and/or read the transcript of the “I Have A Dream” speech by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., delivered August 28, 1963.

    • Consider Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the civil rights movement.

    • How does the American government ensure civil liberties or civil rights for minority or special interest groups?

    • How might an amendment ensure the validity and equality of a minority or special interest group?

  • Choose a civil rights issue in current American society.

  • Choose a group that still has unresolved civil rights issues.

To complete the Assignment:

Write a 1 – 2-page paper analyzing the civil rights movement and its effect on civil rights in the United States today. Be sure to include the following:

  • Briefly describe whose civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. was working to promote and protect.

  • Identify two of the tactics that Dr. King used to promote civil rights.

  • Identify one group or issue in American society where the need to promote civil rights is still relevant.

  • Give a brief explanation of the discrimination that you believe still exists with respect to this issue or group.

Include at least one reference from the course readings.

Step-By-Step Guide POLI-1001 Week Two Assignment: Civil Rights

Introduction to POLI 1001 Week Two Assignment

The Owlisdom, POLI-1001 Week Two Assignment: Civil Rights analyzes the civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and its lasting impact on civil rights in the United States today. You will explore Dr. King’s efforts to promote and protect civil rights, identify his strategies, and connect these historical efforts to contemporary discrimination issues. This How-To Guide is designed to deepen understanding of the civil rights movement and its ongoing relevance in American society.

Briefly describe whose civil rights Martin Luther King Jr. was working to promote and protect.

Describing the Civil Rights Martin Luther King Jr. Promoted

To start the Week Two AssignmentPOLI-1001 Week Two Assignment: Civil Rights, we will describe the civil rights promoted by Martin Luther King Jr.

  • Historical Context: Provide a brief historical context of the civil rights movement, focusing on the mid-20th century.
  • Specific Rights: Describe the specific civil rights Dr. King worked to promote, such as voting rights, desegregation, and equality under the law for African Americans.
  • Impact on Society: Highlight how these efforts aimed to dismantle systemic racism and promote social justice.


The civil rights movement, led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was a pivotal period in American history that sought to end racial discrimination and promote equality for African Americans. Dr. King’s vision and efforts were instrumental in securing fundamental civil rights, and his legacy continues to influence modern civil rights struggles.

Civil Rights Promoted by Martin Luther King Jr.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. dedicated his life to promoting and protecting the civil rights of African Americans who were subjected to systemic discrimination and segregation. His efforts focused on achieving equality in several key areas:

  • Voting Rights: Dr. King fought tirelessly for African Americans’ right to vote, which was systematically denied through practices like literacy tests, poll taxes, and outright intimidation. His efforts culminated in the Voting Rights Act of 1965, a landmark legislation that aimed to eliminate these barriers.
  • Desegregation: Another primary focus was the desegregation of public spaces, including schools, transportation, and facilities. Dr. King’s advocacy played a crucial role in the implementation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and ended segregation in public places.
  • Economic Equality: Dr. King also sought economic justice, emphasizing the need for equal employment opportunities and fair wages. His Poor People’s Campaign highlighted the intersection of race and economic inequality, advocating for broader social and economic reforms.

Identify two of the tactics that Dr. King used to promote civil rights.

Identifying Two Tactics Used by Dr. King

Next, in POLI-1001 Week Two Assignment: Civil Rights, we will identify two tactics Martin Luther King Jr. used.

  • Nonviolent Protests: Discuss Dr. King’s use of nonviolent protests, such as marches, sit-ins, and boycotts. Explain how these tactics drew attention to injustice and mobilized public opinion.
  • Civil Disobedience: Describe instances of civil disobedience where Dr. King and his followers deliberately broke unjust laws to highlight their immorality and provoke legal and social change.


Dr. King employed various tactics to advance the civil rights movement, emphasizing nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience:

  • Nonviolent Protests: Dr. King was a strong proponent of nonviolent protest, drawing inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi. He organized and led numerous peaceful demonstrations, including the March on Washington in 1963, where he delivered his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech. These protests aimed to highlight the injustices faced by African Americans and galvanize public support for legislative change.
  • Civil Disobedience: Dr. King also used civil disobedience to challenge unjust laws. This tactic involved deliberately breaking segregation laws and accepting the consequences to draw attention to their immorality. One notable example is the Birmingham Campaign of 1963, where activists faced brutal police repression, bringing national attention to the civil rights struggle and leading to significant legislative action.

Identify one group or issue in American society where the need to promote civil rights remains relevant.

Identifying a Current Group or Issue with Relevant Civil Rights Needs

Now, we will identify a current group related to the civil rights needs promoted by Dr. King.

  • Selection of Group/Issue: Choose a contemporary group or issue that still faces discrimination. This could include racial minorities, LGBTQ+ individuals, immigrants, or others.
  • Connection to Dr. King’s Vision: Explain how the issues faced by this group today relate to the broader vision of equality and justice championed by Dr. King.


Despite significant progress, civil rights issues persist in modern American society. One group that continues to face discrimination is the LGBTQ+ community. The fight for LGBTQ+ rights echoes many aspects of the African American civil rights movement, including the struggle for legal recognition and protection.

Briefly explain the discrimination that you believe still exists concerning this issue or group.

Explaining Existing Discrimination

Here, we will explain POLI-1001 Week Two Assignment: Civil Rights.

  • Description of Discrimination: Briefly explain the types of discrimination the selected group faces. This could include economic inequality, legal discrimination, social stigma, or lack of access to essential services.
  • Current Efforts: Mention any ongoing efforts or movements that are working to address these issues and promote civil rights for the group in question.


The LGBTQ+ community faces various forms of discrimination, including:

Legal Discrimination: Although same-sex marriage was legalized nationwide in 2015, LGBTQ+ individuals still encounter legal challenges, particularly in areas lacking comprehensive anti-discrimination laws. Many states do not have laws protecting LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

Social Stigma: LGBTQ+ individuals often face social stigma and harassment. This can lead to mental health issues, increased rates of suicide, and difficulties in accessing healthcare and other essential services.

Transgender Rights: Transgender individuals, in particular, face severe discrimination and violence. Issues such as access to gender-appropriate restrooms, healthcare, and identity documentation are ongoing challenges.


The POLI-1001 Week Two Assignment: Civil Rights encourages a comprehensive analysis of the civil rights movement led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and its enduring impact on civil rights in the United States. By examining Dr. King’s efforts, tactics, and current civil rights issues, you will gain a deeper understanding of historical and contemporary equality struggles. The critical takeaway is recognizing the continuous need for vigilance and advocacy in promoting civil rights and social justice in modern society. In the next module of  POLI-1001, there will be Two Quiz: CIVIL RIGHTS.


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