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POLS 210 WEEK 3 ESSAY: The Federal System and Healthcare Policy

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Instructions of POLS 210 Week 3 Essay


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge of how the federal system of government works. Examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. It is NOT to give your personal opinions on the issue.

Complete a research essay on how the federal government creates healthcare policy.

The U.S. healthcare system has been a controversial topic for decades. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay:

  1. Identify a current policy problem for the American healthcare system, and then state a preferred policy solution to it and why it’s preferred (This is your thesis statement).
  2. Briefly explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, state, and local) and the three branches of the federal government (executive, legislative, and judicial).
  3. Build the argument for why your chosen solution is preferable, what critics say about the solution, and finally why the critics are wrong.


  • 750-word target length (about three pages), not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used.
  • Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings.
  • Inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution.
  • Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting, whether it’s APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian.
  • See the essay rubric for further details on grading.

Writing tips:

1) Write concisely! More is not necessarily better if the required points from the rubric are missed.

2) Essays should be written in the third person perspective. (Avoid using “I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, you, your”).

Step-By-Step Guide POLS 210 Week 3 Essay: The Federal System and Healthcare Policy


In the previous week’s activity, we discussed the following: 

  • influence of public opinion on health care policy
  • comparison of presidential campaign tactics

We chose one of the above, researched resources, and used the resources to write our analysis.

Introduction to POLS 210 Week 3 Essay

The POLS 210 Week 3 Essay: The Federal System and Healthcare Policy focuses on understanding the U.S. federal system’s operation through the lens of healthcare policymaking. It aims to analyze how various government branches and levels collaborate or contrast in addressing healthcare challenges. You must research and present a clear argument, backed by evidence, about a current healthcare policy issue, avoiding personal opinions to    maintain an academic perspective.

Identifying the Policy Problem

  • Selection of Current Healthcare Issue: Research current issues in the American healthcare system. Look for topics that have significant policy implications and are currently being debated at various government levels.
  • Formulation of Thesis Statement: State your chosen policy issue clearly. Present your preferred policy solution and briefly explain why this solution is preferable over others. This will serve as your thesis statement for the essay.


The American healthcare system faces numerous challenges, but perhaps none is more pressing than the issue of healthcare affordability (LiPuma & Robichaud, 2020). As costs continue to rise, the number of people who can afford necessary care without financial assistance decreases. This policy problem is critical because it affects a significant portion of the population and involves substantial government funding and regulation. The thesis statement of this essay posits that the most effective solution to the problem of healthcare affordability is the expansion of government-subsidized health insurance programs. This solution is preferred because it directly targets the root of the problem—high costs—by making healthcare more accessible and affordable through government intervention.

The justification for focusing on this policy solution over others, such as deregulating the healthcare industry or relying on private health savings accounts, lies in its broad applicability and proven effectiveness in other contexts, such as the expansions seen under the Affordable Care Act (Galvani et al., 2020). By lowering the financial barriers to healthcare, subsidized insurance programs can improve public health outcomes and reduce long-term healthcare costs for the government and private sectors by preventing diseases from progressing to more severe and expensive stages (Berenson & Murray, 2022).

Analysis of Competing Policy Solutions

  • Description of Two Competing Solutions: Identify two alternative solutions to your chosen issue. These should be viable options currently discussed in public forums and academic circles or being considered by policymakers.
  • Responsibilities at Different Government Levels: Discuss how each proposed solution involves different levels of government—federal, state, and local. Also, elaborate on the roles of the three federal branches—executive, legislative, and judicial—in shaping these solutions.


Two notable competing solutions to the issue of healthcare affordability are the deregulation of the healthcare industry to stimulate competition and reduce prices and the promotion of private health savings accounts to encourage individual savings for medical expenses. Through legislative actions and executive orders, the federal government can influence both solutions, while state and local governments also have roles, particularly in regulation and implementation (López et al., 2021).

The legislative branch can pass laws to either deregulate aspects of healthcare or establish guidelines for health savings accounts. Through the Department of Health and Human Services, the executive administers national health programs and enforces health law. The judicial branch adjudicates disputes arising from these laws, influencing their implementation and reach.

Each level of government has distinct responsibilities (Galvani et al., 2020). Federal oversight ensures national standards and funding; state governments manage the implementation and can tailor approaches to local needs; local governments often directly provide services and enforce state and federal regulations.

Building the Argument for Your Chosen Solution

  • Justification of Preferred Solution: Expand on why your chosen solution is the best option. Include evidence from research, potential benefits, feasibility, and alignment with current government priorities or legal frameworks.
  • Critique of Opposing Views: Analyze the criticisms of your chosen solution. Discuss common objections mentioned by critics, and counter these by demonstrating flaws in their arguments or presenting supporting data that validates your position.


The expansion of government-subsidized health insurance programs is advocated as the most effective solution to improving healthcare affordability (Crowley et al., 2020). This approach is supported by evidence from multiple studies indicating that increased access to subsidized insurance leads to better health outcomes and reduced healthcare expenditures. Critics of this solution often argue that it could increase government debt or discourage private-sector innovation. However, these arguments are mitigated by evidence showing that preventive care funded through insurance can reduce the need for expensive emergency care and complex interventions, ultimately lowering costs (Crowley et al., 2020).

Furthermore, expanding subsidized programs can stimulate the economy by freeing up individual and family resources for other expenditures besides healthcare. Critics who worry about private sector innovation must consider that government-funded insurance programs can coexist with private innovation, particularly in pharmaceuticals and medical technology, where the U.S. leads globally.


The Week 3 Essay aims to deepen your understanding of the federal system through a practical case study in healthcare policy. By completing the POLS 210 Week 3 Essay: The Federal System and Healthcare Policy, you should be able to demonstrate critical thinking in evaluating how different government branches and levels address complex policy issues. Remember, the effectiveness of your argument depends not only on the stance you take but also on how well you support it with credible evidence and clear reasoning.

This How-To POLS 201 Guide should assist you in structuring your essay methodically and focusing on analyzing the roles and responsibilities within the U.S. federal system rather than expressing personal views.


In the upcoming week, we will discuss two topics related to The President, the Congress, and the Economy. We will be provided two topics; we will choose one we understand better and write an essay.


Berenson, R. A., & Murray, R. B. (2022). How Price Regulation Is Needed To Advance Market Competition: Study examines the need for price regulation in US health care. Health Affairs, 41(1), 26–34. 

Crowley, R., Daniel, H., Cooney, T. G., Engel, L. S., & Physicians*, H. and P. P. C. of the A. C. of. (2020). Envisioning a better US health care system for all: Coverage and cost of care. Annals of Internal Medicine, 172(2_Supplement), S7–S32. 

Galvani, A. P., Parpia, A. S., Foster, E. M., Singer, B. H., & Fitzpatrick, M. C. (2020). Improving the prognosis of health care in the USA. The Lancet, 395(10223), 524–533.

LiPuma, S. H., & Robichaud, A. L. (2020). Deliver us from injustice: Reforming the US healthcare system. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 17, 257–270. 

López, F., Molnar, A., Johnson, R., Patterson, A., Ward, L., & Kumashiro, K. (2021). Understanding the attacks on critical race theory. National Education Policy Center.

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