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PSY 200 2-2 Katie’s Case Study: Short Paper

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Instructions of PSY 200 2-2 Katie's Case Study: Short Paper

2-2 Case Study Milestone One: Short Paper


In this milestone, you will be reading Case Study 3 and writing a short paper based on the following prompt. You will be focusing on the addiction and its effects. Consider the following in your short paper:

  • Client information and presenting problem
    • Identify the client (gender, age, race, profession).
    • Identify the addiction that this client presents with.
      1. Does she have a substance addiction like alcohol, prescriptions, or illicit drugs?
      2. Does she have a process addiction like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?
    • Provide the history of the addiction. (Is it a substance or process addiction?)
      1. What is the background history of the addiction? Provide information about the history of the addiction that the client presents with. Scholarly research may be needed to support your work on this section. Also, remember that there are many types of addiction, and not all were defined around that time. For example, video game addiction was not officially defined until 1995, while alcohol addiction was defined in 1941.
    • What is the impact of her addiction on herself, her family, her community, and/or society?
      1. What are the consequences for her, her family, her workplace, and her community due to the addiction?
      2. Has she lost her family, job, friends, community standing, self-esteem, credibility, freedom?
  • Results
    • Discuss the results of this case.
      1. Did the client respond positively to the treatment?
      2. Did the client relapse?

Your paper should:

  • Be composed in MS Word and formatted in APA style
  • Be at least 3 pages in length, not including the title page and references page
  • Employ a minimum of two scholarly sources

Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.

PSY 200 Case Study Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric

Throughout this course, you have learned about addictions, their impact on the individual/family/society, and treatment options. For the case study project, you will draw on what you have learned to analyze a provided case study.

For this milestone, you will be focusing on addiction and its effects. Read this case study and write a short paper based on the following critical elements:

  • Client information and presenting problem
    • Identify the client (gender, age, race, profession).
    • Identify the addiction that this client presents with.
      1. Does she have a substance addiction like alcohol, prescriptions, or illicit drugs?
      2. Does she have a process addiction like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?
    • Provide the history of the addiction. (Is it a substance or process addiction?)
      1. What is the background history of the addiction? Provide information about the history of the addiction that the client presents with. Scholarly research may be needed to support your work on this section. Also, remember that there are many types of addiction, and not all were defined around that time. For example, video game addiction was not officially defined until 1995, while alcohol addiction was defined in 1941.
    • What is the impact of her addiction on herself, her family, her community, and/or society?
      1. What are the consequences for her, her family, her workplace, and her community due to the addiction?
      2. Has she lost her family, job, friends, community standing, self-esteem, credibility, freedom?
  • Results
    • Discuss the results of this case.
      1. Did the client respond positively to the treatment?
      2. Did the client relapse?

What to Submit

This submission should follow APA formatting guidelines, use 12-point Times New Roman font and 1-inch margins, be at least 3 pages in length, not including the title page and references page, and employ a minimum of 2 scholarly sources that directly support your main ideas.

Step-By-Step Guide PSY 200 2-2 Katie’s Case Study: Short Paper


Welcome to this PSY 200 2-2 Katie’s Case Study: Short Paper guide for writing your short paper on Katie’s Case Study. This Owlisdom PSY 200 2-2 Katie’s Case Study: Short Paper guide will help you structure your paper effectively, ensuring that you cover all the necessary aspects of the case study, including the client information, history of addiction, impact of the addiction, and the results of treatment. By following these steps, you can create a comprehensive and well-supported analysis of Katie’s situation.

In this milestone, you will be reading Case Study 3 and writing a short paper based on the following prompt. You will be focusing on the addiction and its effects. Consider the following in your short paper:

  • Client information and presenting problem

  • Identify the client (gender, age, race, profession).

  • Identify the addiction that this client presents with.

  • Does she have a substance addiction like alcohol, prescriptions, or illicit drugs?

  • Does she have a process addiction like gambling, video gaming, or shopping?

Step 1: Client Information and Presenting Problem

  • Identify the Client: Begin by clearly stating the client’s demographic details, including her gender, age, race, and profession.
  • Presenting Problem: Identify the specific addiction Katie is dealing with. Is it a substance addiction (such as prescription drugs) or a process addiction (such as gambling or video gaming)?
  • Substance Addiction Details: Provide details about the type of substance Katie is addicted to, including the specific drugs (e.g., pain medications, soma) and the context in which the addiction began.


Katie, a 35-year-old woman, is a wife, mother of two young children, and a rising professional. Her addiction is to prescription drugs, specifically pain medications and soma (muscle relaxants). The case involves a substance addiction rather than a process addiction. Katie’s dependency began following a car accident in her mid-20s, which resulted in chronic lower back pain. Initially, she took medication as prescribed, but over time, she began abusing the drug to cope with life’s stresses.

Provide the history of the addiction. (Is it a substance or process addiction?)What is the background history of the addiction? Provide information about the history of the addiction that the client presents with. Scholarly research may be needed to support your work on this section. Also, remember that there are many types of addiction, and not all were defined around that time. For example, video game addiction was not officially defined until 1995, while alcohol addiction was defined in 1941.

Step 2: History of Addiction

  • Background Information: Outline the history of Katie’s addiction, starting from the initial legitimate use of prescription drugs to the point where the addiction escalated.
  • Progression of Addiction: Discuss how Katie’s addiction evolved over time, including the shift from prescribed use to abuse and eventual dependency. Use scholarly research to support your discussion, particularly on the opioid crisis and how chronic pain patients often transition from therapeutic use to addiction.


Katie’s addiction is a substance addiction, specifically to prescription drugs, including pain medications and soma (muscle relaxants). The background of Katie’s addiction began in her mid-20s following a car accident that resulted in chronic low back pain. Initially, she adhered to the prescribed dosages, but she soon noticed the euphoric and numbing effects of the medications, which she began to crave beyond the physical pain relief (Intervention Solutions, 2019). Over the years, as her life became more complex with marriage, children, and career pressures, Katie increasingly relied on these medications to cope with stress.

Her addiction escalated as she began seeking multiple prescriptions from various doctors and eventually resorted to purchasing pain pills online, exacerbating her dependency. This progression from legitimate medical use to abuse and addiction is not uncommon, as highlighted by scholarly research on the opioid crisis. Studies indicate that many individuals with chronic pain begin with prescribed opioids and develop an addiction due to their potent euphoric effects (Manhapra, 2022). Katie’s history exemplifies this pathway, where the initial therapeutic use of painkillers gradually transformed into a severe addiction, significantly impacting her life and those around her.

What is the impact of her addiction on herself, her family, her community, and/or society? What are the consequences for her, her family, her workplace, and her community due to the addiction? Has she lost her family, job, friends, community standing, self-esteem, credibility, freedom?

Step 3: Impact of Addiction

  • Personal Impact: Analyze the effects of Katie’s addiction on her physical and mental health, self-esteem, and credibility.
  • Family Impact: Discuss the impact on Katie’s family, including the strain on her marriage, the financial burden, and the potential effects on her children’s well-being.
  • Community and Workplace Impact: Evaluate the broader implications of Katie’s addiction on her professional life and community, including the risks to her career and the social and economic costs associated with addiction.


Katie’s addiction has profound and far-reaching impacts on herself, her family, her community, and society at large. Personally, her addiction poses significant health risks, including the potential for overdose, chronic health issues, and psychological effects such as anxiety and depression. Her self-esteem and credibility are also severely compromised as she battles the stigma and guilt associated with substance abuse. For her family, the consequences are devastating. Her husband, Lewis, is on the brink of ending their marriage due to the repeated stress and betrayal caused by her addiction. The financial burden of purchasing drugs, especially over the internet, strains the family budget, adding to the emotional and psychological toll. Her ability to effectively care for her children is impaired, potentially affecting their emotional well-being and development.

In the workplace, Katie’s addiction jeopardizes her professional reputation and career advancement. Decreased performance and reliability could lead to job loss, further exacerbating her personal and financial instability (Adekiya, 2024). On a broader scale, her addiction contributes to the public health crisis of prescription drug abuse, highlighting systemic issues in the healthcare system regarding over-prescription and easy access to painkillers. The community bears the social and economic costs of such addictions, including increased healthcare expenses and the burden on support services. Katie’s addiction underscores the critical need for comprehensive strategies to address and mitigate the widespread impacts of substance abuse on individuals and society.

Results: Discuss the results of this case. Did the client respond positively to the treatment? Did the client relapse?

Step 4: Discussing the Results of the Case

  • Treatment Response: Evaluate how Katie responded to previous treatment attempts, including any short-term successes and long-term challenges.
  • Relapse and Current Status: Discuss Katie’s current status, including her reluctance to engage in intensive treatment and the potential for continued or worsening addiction. Reflect on the prognosis based on her current approach to recovery.


Katie’s initial attempt at treatment three years ago involved a four-week stay at a residential treatment center, from which she seemed to benefit temporarily. However, the lack of follow-up counseling or support meetings led to her relapse. Her recent interactions indicate a resistance to re-entering a rehab program. During a meeting with her husband and therapist, Katie expressed a desire to manage her recovery independently, suggesting a one-time, weekly counseling session as an alternative to a more intensive program. The prognosis is concerning. Katie’s reluctance to engage in a structured treatment program and the minimal changes in her life circumstances suggest a high risk of continued or worsening addiction. The initial plan to attend weekly counseling is unlikely to provide the necessary support for long-term recovery, especially given her history and the ongoing stresses in her life.

Katie’s case exemplifies the complexities and challenges associated with prescription drug addiction. The immediate and long-term impacts on her personal life, family dynamics, and professional standing underscore the pervasive nature of addiction. The relapse after her initial treatment highlights the critical importance of sustained support and follow-up care.

From a clinical perspective, Katie’s resistance to intensive treatment and the preference for minimal intervention reflect common barriers to effective addiction management. Research suggests that comprehensive treatment plans, including detoxification, counseling, and ongoing support groups, are essential for successful recovery (Lopez et al., 2021). The impact on Katie’s family is particularly severe.

 Her husband’s frustration and ultimatum signify the emotional toll addiction takes on relationships. The strain on their marriage, compounded by financial pressures and childcare responsibilities, creates a volatile environment that could exacerbate Katie’s addiction. In the community and workplace, Katie’s addiction has broader implications. It contributes to the growing issue of prescription drug abuse and highlights the need for systemic changes in how these medications are prescribed and monitored. Furthermore, the stigma associated with addiction can hinder individuals from seeking help, perpetuating a cycle of abuse and relapse.


Step 5: Conclusion

  • Summarize Key Points: Recap the critical aspects of Katie’s case, including the nature of her addiction, its impact, and the challenges in her recovery process.
  • Emphasize the Need for Comprehensive Treatment: Highlight the importance of sustained intervention and support in managing addiction, especially given the complexities of Katie’s situation.


Katie’s case illustrates the multifaceted nature of addiction and the critical need for comprehensive treatment and support. The relapse into prescription drug abuse after an initial period of sobriety underscores the importance of sustained intervention and the challenges individuals face in maintaining recovery. The impact on her personal life, family, and broader community highlights the pervasive consequences of addiction. Addressing these issues requires a holistic approach that encompasses medical, psychological, and social support systems to foster long-term recovery and mitigate the adverse effects of addiction on individuals and society.


By following these steps, you will be able to craft a well-organized and insightful short paper on Katie’s case study. Your analysis should provide a thorough understanding of the addiction’s impact, the challenges in Katie’s recovery journey, and the broader implications for her family and community.


Adekiya, A. (2024). Perceived job insecurity and task performance: What aspect of performance is related to which facet of job insecurity. Current Psychology, 43(2), 1340–1358. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04408-4 

Intervention Solutions. (2019, February 18). Case Study 3. https://web.archive.org/web/20190218031631/http:/www.interventionsolutions.com/Case_Studies_3.asp 

Lopez, C. M., Orchowski, L. M., Reddy, M. K., Nargiso, J., & Johnson, J. E. (2021). A review of research-supported group treatments for drug use disorders. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 16(1), 51. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13011-021-00371-0 

Manhapra, A. (2022). Complex Persistent Opioid Dependence—An Opioid-induced Chronic Pain Syndrome. Current Treatment Options in Oncology, 23(7), 921–935. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11864-022-00985-x 

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