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PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project

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Instructions of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project


 Due June 3 at 11:59 PM

Research Methods

Hofstede (1980) surveyed business people in more than forty different countries and applied a statistical technique, which is called factor analysis, to their responses to determine the outstanding behavioral characteristics. Hofstede found that there were distinct behavioral constructs that could be used to differentiate cultures and labeled the constructs’ cultural dimensions. The dimensions have been used in numerous research studies for both basic and applied research. The dimensions have helped cultural psychologists to define cultural groups and to determine the differences between cultures.

Part I

Do an internet search for the full text of the following article using the search terms: Cross-cultural differences in management. Kawar, T. I. (2012). Cross-cultural differences in management. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(6), 105–111.

Briefly summarize the article in essay format adhering to APA format and style. Make sure to include in your work a summary of the following sections:

  • Introduction
  • Cross-cultural differences in multinational corporations
  • Cross-cultural management
  • Cultural intelligence
  • The effect of cultural values on management
  • Conclusion

Part II

After reading and summarizing the research article, use the four original cultural dimensions to compare your cultural group (YCG) with a foreign cultural group of your choice. This cultural group will be referred to as the selected cultural group (SCG) throughout the various parts of this class project. Note that YCG is defined as the group that you feel has most influenced your development and identity. For most of you, YCG will be US mainstream culture. However, some of you may feel that you are most influenced by a different cultural group. For example, if you moved from Vietnam to the United States at the age of eleven years, the most dominant influence will probably be Vietnamese culture. The SCG that you choose to compare with YCG might be from any region of the world. However, you should avoid selecting broad groups, for example, Africans, Asians, or Hispanics. You need to select more specific groups, such as Liberians, Sudanese, Egyptians, Japanese, or Spaniards.

Remember that there are variations within each group; therefore, your task will be to determine the average expression. Perform the task by using the following table. Note that the dimensions are listed in the first column, the information regarding YCG is to be placed in the second column, and the information obtained on the SCG should be placed in the third column. You may use your textbook and lectures or online resources for assistance.

Review Hofstede’s original four dimensions.

Cultural Group Comparison Using Hofstede’s Dimensions

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions



Collectivism vs. Individualism

Where does your cultural group fall on the collectivism vs. individualism dimension? Fill in the information in this cell and insert the appropriate information into the remaining cells.


Power Distance



Uncertainty Avoidance



Masculinity vs. Femininity



In a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document, include the following:

  • Completed article summary table
  • Completed cultural group comparison table 


Hofstede, G. H. (1980). Culture’s consequences: International differences inwork-related values. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

Submission Details:

  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Step-By-Step Guide on PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project

Introduction to PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project

The PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project guide focuses on understanding cross-cultural differences in management using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. You will start by summarizing an academic article on cross-cultural management and then apply Hofstede’s cultural dimensions to compare your cultural group (YCG) with another selected cultural group (SCG). 

This Owlisdom How-to-guide of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project aims to enhance your comprehension of cultural influences on management practices and develop your analytical skills in cross-cultural psychology. 

Cross-cultural differences in management. Kawar, T. I. (2012). Cross-cultural differences in management. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(6), 105–111
Include a summary of the following sections:

Finding and Article Summary

This section of the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project will discuss findings and article summaries.

  • Use Google Scholar or your university library’s online database to search for the article title: “Cross-cultural differences in management” by T. I. Kawar, 2012.
  • Identify the research question or central theme of the article.
  • Summarize the purpose and scope of the study.


An article examined the influence of cultural management styles on international business partnerships. Cultural backgrounds usually impact particular domains, including attitudes, behaviors, roles, issues within society, and culturally specific implications stemming from principles, values, beliefs, and so on (Kawar, 2012). Although this core idea of culture encompasses many other qualities, the article made a distinction between the underlying idea of the inherited values, concepts, and ideal living situations that individualize culture by subgroups. 

Include a summary of the following sections:
Cross-cultural differences in multinational corporations
Cross-cultural management 

Differences in Multinational Corporations and management

This section of the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project will discuss differences in multinational corporations and management.

  • Highlight critical findings on how cultural differences impact management in multinational corporations.
  • Summarize the strategies suggested for managing cross-cultural teams effectively.


Multinational corporations need to take into account the cultural variations among their workforce from every country, including subcultures. Hofstede provided viewpoints to take into account when integrating different cultures throughout multinational organizations. Firstly, he explains how some cultures emphasize individual success more than others, indicating individualism, while others focus on society more than others, indicating collectivism (Kawar, 2012). Secondly, he describes how the way that each culture arranges and tolerates authority is referred to as power distance, and Hofstede rates it on a PDI scale of 1 to 100

Include a summary of the following sections:
Cultural intelligence
The effect of cultural values on management

Cultural Intelligence and the Effect of Cultural Values

In this section of the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project, we will discuss cultural intelligence and the effect of cultural values.

  • Explain the concept of cultural intelligence and its importance in cross-cultural management.
  • Summarize how different cultural values influence management practices.


Cultural Intelligence is the capacity to interact and collaborate with people from different cultures. It is crucial in cross-cultural management as it enhances understanding, communication, and collaboration among diverse teams, leading to better decision-making, conflict resolution, and overall organizational success in global environments. Understanding the different perspectives on time in relation to schedules, appointments, and other matters; a further aspect of time is orientation, which clarifies how time is valued—past, present, and future;


We will discuss the conclusion in this section of the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project.

  • Provide a brief overview of the article’s conclusions and any recommendations made by the author.


Putting the suggested strategies into practice will help with good communication, which is essential for working with different cultural groups. The objective is to remove barriers across cultures and adapt to the many cultural norms and values that exist in international business. Stated differently, promoting harmonious relations through cultural intelligence facilitates the growth of multinational companies.

After reading and summarizing the research article, use the four original cultural dimensions to compare your cultural group (YCG) with a foreign cultural group of your choice. This cultural group will be referred to as the selected cultural group (SCG) throughout the various parts of this class project. 

Comparing (YCG) with a  (SCG): 

  • Choose a specific cultural group for comparison. Ensure it is distinct and not too broad.
  • Research and document where your cultural group (YCG) and the selected cultural group (SCG) fall on this dimension.
  • Evaluate how each group deals with uncertainty and ambiguity.
  • Assess the dominant values of competitiveness vs. cooperation in both groups.
  • Use the information gathered to fill in the comparison table
  • YCG: Document characteristics of your cultural group.
  • SCG: Document characteristics of the selected foreign cultural group.


Hofstede’s Cultural  Dimensions

YCG- United States

SCG- Bolivia

Collectivism vs. Individualism

The U.S. is one of the most individualist countries in the world.

The belief of the Bolivian Culture is highly collective as they value loyalty

amongst each other


PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project provides a comprehensive understanding of cross-cultural management and the application of Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. Summarizing relevant research and performing a cultural comparison will give you valuable insights into how cultural values influence management practices. This PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week 1 Project enhances your research and analytical skills, preparing you for advanced studies and professional roles in international business and psychology.

In the following discussion in week two of PSY-4030, you will learn about the role of Enculturation and Technology.

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