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PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion

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Instructions of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion

Week 3 Discussion

Discussion Topic

 Due June 13 at 11:59 PM


Part 1

In the book The Mismeasure of Man, Stephen J. Gould (1996) discusses the culture behind biological determinism (i.e., the belief that the disparity in status among various groups arises from innate biological differences). He criticizes the practice of measuring intelligence as a single quantity, something that had become a common practice in the United States.

In the United States, intelligence testing became a device of power and its use led to the Immigration Act of 1924, which primarily restricted the entry of people from Southern and Eastern Europe due to their tendency to score low on the test. Unbelievably, immigrants were frequently tested in English when they arrived in the United States. Even worse, many were rejected based on the perspective that they had a dull and unintelligent appearance.

How does any of this relate to multicultural psychology?

In the modern society, people are tested all the time and certain cultural groups tend to perform worse than others on standardized tests. The end result of a poor score is not deportation; however, a poor score could limit access to higher education and other resources. In elementary school, poor test scores might even lead to negative labels and tracking, which could change the life of a child.

There is no denying that there are cultural differences with regard to education and testing. However, there are some parallels between what happened to the immigrants and what often happens to different cultural groups as they appear for aptitude or achievement tests. Many are so unfamiliar and confused when they go for testing that they are beset with anxiety. In such situations, the people are totally unfamiliar with the format of the test and the language.

In your response, address the following:

  • Analyze the impact of test familiarity and general language comprehension on standardized testing. Do certain cultural groups have an advantage because of cultural practices and exposure?
  • After taking a moment to conduct an Internet search on the scholastic assessment test (SAT) scores by socioeconomic level, describe why the socioeconomic level correlates with performance. Is there a culture associated with different socioeconomic levels?
  • Analyze whether it is fair to compare the performance of cultural groups that do not speak English with those that have a good command over the English language.


Gould, S. J. (1996). The mismeasure of man. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.

Part 2

Part 2 of this week’s discussion is about communication with a focus on language. More specifically, we will be considering how language is impacted and fueled by our culture.

Why do some people say “y’all” and others say “yous guys”? Why is a “biscuit” just food for some and for others it describes an attractive individual? Why do you ask for a “Coke”(i.e., for any type of soda) in the south and a “pop” in the north? Why does “woke” mean to wake up for some individuals and for others (i.e., adolescents) it means something completely different. The simple answer is that the differences are because of culture.

Remember, culture is not simply about where we are from. Rather, culture is comprised of all the various identities we have (e.g., age, gender, sex, ethnicity/race, religion, socioeconomics, education). All of these cultural pieces come together to help form who we are and how we express ourselves. Simply, how we express ourselves (including nonverbal communication) is culturally informed.

Within the context of culture, when we talk about language, we often use terms such as dialect, sociolect, proxemics, kinesics, paralanguage, high context/low context, power distance, bilingualism, switching registers, etc. Dialects demonstrate how our communities shape our speech patterns and are closely tied to a person’s self-identity. This is one reason that it is much more difficult for adults to change their accent: they have had the accent their whole life and to change it would seem “unnatural” and against who they are. Moreover, dialects can be an important part of inclusion within the community. However, they can present challenges and even be subject to prejudice outside of those communities. This is particularly true the more that a dialect varies from what is considered the standard language of a country.

In your response, consider the following:

With this information in mind, you are tasked with exploring the significance of culture on our language development and expression.

To do this, (1) consider your own unique culture.

  • Are there phrases, expressions, etc. that are unique to your culture?
  • What makes them unique?

Then, (2) consider the consequences of misinterpretation. This could include unique nonverbal communication, as well as spoken expressions.

  • How might miscommunication occur?
  • What might the misunderstood message be? Why?
  • How might this misunderstanding impact academic and/or professional opportunities and performances?


Drivonikou, G. V., Kay, P., Regier, T., Ivry, R. B., Gilbert, A. L., Franklin, A., & Davies, I. R. L. (2007).Further evidence that Whorfianeffects are stronger in the right visual field than the left.Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, 104(3),1097–1102.

Pixner, S., Moeller, K., Hermanova, V., Nuerk, H. C., & Kaufmann, L. (2011). Whorf reloaded: Language effects on nonverbalnumber processing in first grade—A trilingual study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 108(2), 371–382.

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Step-By-Step Guide on PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion

Introduction to PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion

The PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion is designed to help students understand the complexities of managing crisis and hostage situations. By studying historical incidents such as the 1993 WACO incident, students will explore alternative strategies and learn essential negotiation techniques for both hostage and non-hostage scenarios. 

The Owlisdom how-to guide of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion provides a structured approach to critically analyze and develop effective negotiation strategies in high-stress environments.

Analyse the impact of test familiarity and general language comprehension on standardized testing. Do certain cultural groups have an advantage because of cultural practices and exposure?

Understanding Biological Determinism and Its Impact

This section of the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion will explain biological determinism and its impact.

  • Evaluate how familiarity with test formats can influence performance.
  • Provide examples of cultural practices that give certain groups an advantage.
  • Discuss the role of language comprehension in test performance.
  • Analyze how cultural groups with different language backgrounds are affected.


Test familiarity and general language comprehension significantly influence standardized testing performance. Cultural groups that are more familiar with the format and language of these tests often have an advantage. For instance, students from households emphasizing test preparation or attending schools with robust test prep programs tend to perform better.

After conducting an Internet search on the scholastic assessment test (SAT) scores by socioeconomic level, describe why the socioeconomic level correlates with performance. Is there a culture associated with different socioeconomic levels?

Socioeconomic Level and Test Performance

This section of the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion will discuss socioeconomic level and test performance.

  • Investigate the correlation between socioeconomic status and SAT scores.
  • Discuss the cultural aspects associated with different socioeconomic levels.


Socioeconomic status (SES) significantly correlates with SAT scores. Higher SES often provides access to resources like private tutoring, advanced coursework, and test preparation materials, which can enhance performance. Conversely, students from lower SES backgrounds may lack these advantages, leading to lower scores.

Analyze whether it is fair to compare the performance of cultural groups that do not speak English with those with a good command of the English language.

Fair Comparisons in Testing

This section of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion will discuss fair comparisons in testing.

  • Assess the fairness of comparing non-English speakers to English speakers in standardized testing.
  • Consider the implications for educational and professional opportunities.


This disparity highlights the inherent biases in standardized tests favoring certain cultural groups. Consequently, non-native English speakers might underperform not due to lack of knowledge but because of language barriers and unfamiliarity with test formats, underscoring the need for more culturally inclusive testing practices.

In part 2 of the discussion, you are tasked with exploring culture’s significance in language development and expression.
To do this, (1) consider your own unique culture.
Are phrases, expressions, etc., unique to your culture?
What makes them unique?

Personal Reflection on Cultural Language

This section of the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion will discuss personal reflection on cultural language.

  • Reflect on phrases and expressions unique to your culture.
  • Discuss what makes these phrases unique and significant.


My culture’s unique phrases and expressions reflect our values and social norms. For instance, we often say “break the ice” to encourage initiating conversations in awkward situations. This phrase highlights the importance of social harmony and approachability in our culture.

Then, (2) consider the consequences of misinterpretation. This could include unique nonverbal communication as well as spoken expressions.
How might miscommunication occur?
What might the misunderstood message be? Why?
How might this misunderstanding impact academic and/or professional opportunities and performances?

Consequences of Misinterpretation

  • Examine how miscommunication can occur due to cultural differences.
  • Consider the potential misunderstood messages and the reasons behind the
  •  Discuss potential impacts on academic and professional opportunities.


Miscommunication due to cultural differences can have significant consequences. Nonverbal cues like eye contact and gestures vary across cultures; what is respectful in one culture might be perceived as rude in another. For instance, avoiding eye contact is a sign of respect in some Asian cultures but can be interpreted as evasiveness in Western contexts.

Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.

Peer Response 

According to PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week One Discussion without a hassle.

  • Ask open-ended questions that encourage further discussion and critical thinking.
  • Highlight strengths in your peers’ posts and suggest areas for improvement backed by specific examples.

Response 01

Hey Max! I appreciate your insightful analysis of the impact of test familiarity and language comprehension on standardized testing. Your point about how cultural practices can provide an advantage is spot on. Your discussion on the correlation between socioeconomic status and SAT scores is compelling. It is fascinating how socioeconomic factors influence educational outcomes. Your examples of cultural phrases were unique and highlighted the significance of cultural context in communication. However, I would love to hear more about specific strategies to address these disparities in testing and communication

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


The PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Three Discussion guide highlights the critical role of cultural understanding in psychology, especially concerning negotiation strategies. By analyzing the historical context of intelligence testing, the impact of test familiarity, and the cultural influences on language and communication, students understand how to navigate and address these issues ethically and effectively.

In the following week, week 3 of PSY-4030 will focus on providing step-by-step guides for students to learn about reviewing current research and providing a Multicultural Psychology Week Three Project of that research through an annotated bibliography.

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