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PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns

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Instructions of PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns


As individuals develop, they gradually transfer attachment-related functions from caregiver(s) to peers, ultimately relying upon other figures like close friends and/or relationships partners for comfort, support, and guidance when distressed. Attachment patterns develop over a person’s lifespan.

Because adults form attachments, discomfort can occur when there is a separation. You have likely heard of couples who wrestle with insomnia when one partner is away for the night. What about needing to leave a beloved pet with someone else while traveling? Consider, too, “empty nesters” who have difficulty filling their free time now that the kids are out of the house.

A person’s attachment patterns have a profound effect on their emotional development and wellbeing. An understanding of attachment patterns can help to inform healthy relationships and self-care.

Before answering the questions for this assignment, please read:

Kearns, T., & Lee, D. (2015). General psychology: An introductionLinks to an external site.. GALILEO, University System of Georgia: GALILEO Open Learning Materials. https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=psychology-textbooks

  • Chapter 11, “Human Development”

    • Section 17: Attachment Through the Life Course (pp. 299–313)


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



For this assignment:

Write at least 300 words addressing the following:

  • *What kind of relationship did you have with your parent(s) or primary caregiver(s) when you were young? How might this/these relationship(s) influence how you relate to others (e.g., friends, relationship partners).

  • *Most attachment research on adults focuses on attachment to romantic partners. What other kinds of things may serve as attachment figures? Do you think siblings, pets, or gods can serve as attachment figures?

  • *The value of personal independence varies across cultures. Do you think this might have implications for the development of attachment patterns?

  • Provide an example from our week’s resources to support your perspective.

  • List full details of the resource(s) you use at the bottom of your assignment.

*Please note that these questions are based on the questions on pages 309-310 of the Kearns and Lee (2015) textbook. 


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

  1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK2Assignment_LastName_Firstinitial

  2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

  3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit for review. 






This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRequired Content

50 to >43.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Submission goes in depth in responding to the prompts, including addressing the issues and bringing additional insight to the topic.

43 to >31.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Submission successfully address almost all aspects of the assignment, including full responses to the prompts.

31 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

Submission does not successfully address all aspects of the assignment. Components are missing or not fully developed.

50 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of Resources

15 to >13.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Submission makes substantial and insightful use of the week’s resources. Additional resources may also be included.

13 to >9.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Submission includes discussion of this week’s resources and the minimum requirements for references.

9 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

Submission includes little to no discussion of this week’s resources and does not meet the minimum requirements for references.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat and Writing

15 to >13.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Any spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English are minor and do not affect clear communication. Work includes one or more explicit mentions of concepts or ideas from the required sources and an effort to cite the original source was made, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

13 to >9.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Submission contains few spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English OR these deviations do not affect clear communication. Work includes at least one explicit mention of a concept or idea from the required sources, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

9 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

There are multiple spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation deviations from Standard Academic English that affect clear communication. Work does not include any explicit mention of concepts or ideas from the required sources, if specified by the assignment/discussion’s directions.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTimeliness

10 to >9.0 pts

Exemplary (Exceeds expectations)

Assignment is submitted according to posted due dates and times or late with prior consent from instructor.

9 to >7.0 pts

Proficient (Meets expectations)

Assignment is submitted within the allowed time.

7 to >0 pts

Developing (Does not fully meet expectations)

Assignment is not submitted on time.

10 pts

Total Points: 90

Step-By-Step Guide PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns

Precap from Week 2 Discussion

In our Week 2 discussion, we explored the impact of social media on human attachment, highlighting both positive and negative effects on relationships. This understanding sets the stage for analyzing how early attachment figures and patterns influence our behavior and relationships in various contexts.

Introduction to PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment

Welcome to the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns! This week, we will explore how early relationships with parents or primary caregivers influence our attachment patterns and how these patterns affect our relationships throughout life. We will also examine the role of other attachment figures and cultural influences on attachment. This Owlisdom guide will help you navigate the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns, ensuring you address all necessary components thoughtfully and thoroughly.

*What kind of relationship did you have with your parent(s) or primary caregiver(s) when you were young? How might this/these relationship(s) influence how you relate to others (e.g., friends, relationship partners)?

Relationship with Parent(s) or Primary Caregiver(s)

As mentioned in the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns instructions, I will start by explaining my relationship with my parents when I was young. After that I will discuss how this connection affects my other relationships. 

  • Describe the nature of your relationship with your parent(s) or primary caregiver(s) during your childhood.
  • Discuss how this relationship might influence your current relationships with friends and romantic partners.

*Most attachment research on adults focuses on attachment to romantic partners. What other kinds of things may serve as attachment figures? Do you think siblings, pets, or gods can serve as attachment figures?

Other Attachment Figures

Next, in the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns instructions, I will now discuss that how many other kinds of things exist that may act as attachment figures other than romantic partners. 

  • Identify other potential attachment figures besides romantic partners, such as siblings, pets, or gods.
  • Discuss the role these figures can play in providing emotional support and security.

*The value of personal independence varies across cultures. Do you think this might have implications for the development of attachment patterns?

Cultural Implications for Attachment Patterns

Then in the next section of PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns, I will write about personal independence value and talk about the influence it will have on development of various relationships.  

  • Analyze how cultural values regarding personal independence might affect the development of attachment patterns.
  • Provide examples to illustrate these cultural influences.

Provide an example from our week’s resources to support your perspective.

Example from Week’s Resources

Then in the next section of PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns, I will pick out some of the resources from our week’s resources to defend my point. 

  • Use an example from this week’s resources to support your perspective on attachment patterns and figures.

List full details of the resource(s) you use at the bottom of your assignment.

Resource Details

Finally, in the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns, I will mention all the references used in this assignment. 

  • List the full details of the resource(s) you use in APA format at the bottom of your assignment.


This How-To PSYC-1001 guide aims to assist you in navigating the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Assignment: Attachment Figures & Patterns effectively. By analyzing the roles of attachment figures and patterns and reflecting on personal experiences, you will gain valuable insights into how early relationships shape our behaviors and interactions. Engaging in thoughtful analysis and dialogue will enhance your learning experience. Good luck with your assignment!

Precap for Week 3 

In the Upcoming Week 3 discussion, we will explore the topic of developmental psychology, focusing on the stages of human development and how they influence behavior. Understanding these stages will provide a comprehensive view of how individuals grow and change over time, enriching our understanding of human psychology.

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