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PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment 

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Instructions of PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment


The intention of using social media is to bring people closer by removing the barriers caused primarily by geography. After exchanging several messages throughout the day, however, many people find they have nothing to say when they are finally face-to-face. Still others enjoy meeting new people they would never have the chance to connect with if social media and technology didn’t lower those barriers.

For this Discussion, you explore how your use of social media affects the development of your attachment to other individuals. You also examine whether the use of social media helps or hinders the development of attachment.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



Post at least a two-paragraph response to the following:

  • Describe how you use social media in your life.
  • Explain how your use of social media affects the development of your attachment to other individuals. Does it help or hinder your development of attachment to others?
  • Explain why you believe this. Use a specific example to illustrate your point.
  • Provide an example from this week’s resources to support your response.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings.


Response 1: Respond to at least one classmate who believes social media is a hinderance to attachment development using the following:

  • Offer two tips to your classmate for using social media to help develop attachments to others.

Response 2: Respond to at least one classmate who believes social media helps attachment development using the following:

 Offer your classmate two examples of how social media hinders attachment development.

Step-By-Step Guide PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment

Introduction to PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion

Welcome to the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment! This week, we will explore the impact of social media on human attachment. Understanding how digital interactions influence our relationships is crucial in today’s interconnected world. This  Owlisdom guide will help you navigate the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment, ensuring you address all necessary components thoughtfully and thoroughly.

Explain how your use of social media affects the development of your attachment to other individuals.

Influence of Social Media on Human Attachment

As mentioned in the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment instructions, I must start this task by describing how I use social media in my life and what impact does it produce on my relationship development with other people.  
  • Begin by discussing the general impact of social media on human attachment and relationships.
  • Explain how social media platforms facilitate and alter the ways people connect and interact.


Social media has significantly altered the landscape of human attachment and relationships. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter enable people to stay connected regardless of geographical barriers, allowing for continuous interaction and communication. This constant connectivity can enhance feelings of attachment by providing regular updates and opportunities for interaction. However, it also changes the nature of these relationships, often emphasizing virtual interactions over face-to-face communication. The immediacy and convenience of social media can strengthen bonds by facilitating quick and easy communication. For instance, family members living in different countries can share daily updates and maintain close relationships through video calls and messages. However, this digital interaction can sometimes lack the depth and emotional richness of in-person encounters, potentially leading to more superficial connections.

Does it help or hinder your development of attachment to others?

Positive and Negative Impacts

Next, in the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment instructions, I must evaluate and discuss the impacts which social media will have on my relationship with other individuals.  
  • Provide specific examples of positive impacts, such as maintaining long-distance relationships, reconnecting with old friends, and building online communities.
  • Discuss negative impacts, such as decreased face-to-face interactions, superficial relationships, and increased feelings of loneliness or jealousy.


Social media has several positive impacts on human attachment. It allows people to maintain long-distance relationships by providing a platform for regular communication. For example, friends and family can stay in touch through video calls, messages, and social media posts, preserving their bond despite physical distance. Social media also enables individuals to reconnect with old friends and build supportive online communities that provide a sense of belonging. On the flip side, social media can have negative impacts on attachment. The constant comparison with others’ curated lives can lead to feelings of inadequacy and jealousy. Additionally, the emphasis on online interactions can reduce face-to-face communication, leading to weaker interpersonal skills and more superficial relationships. Studies have shown that excessive social media use is associated with increased feelings of loneliness and decreased life satisfaction, highlighting the potential downsides of digital connectivity.

Explain why you believe this. Use a specific example to illustrate your point.

Personal Reflection

In the next section of the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment instructions, I must explain and use examples to show my point, as to why I believe that the above-mentioned points helps me in developing my relationship with other people. 
  • Reflect on how social media has affected your personal relationships and attachment styles.
  • Provide examples from your own experiences to illustrate these effects.


Social media has had a mixed impact on my personal relationships. On the positive side, it has allowed me to stay connected with friends and family who live far away, making it easier to share life updates and maintain our bonds. For example, regular video calls with my family help me feel connected and involved in their lives despite the distance. However, I have also noticed some negative effects. At times, I find myself spending more time interacting online than engaging in face-to-face conversations, which can lead to a sense of disconnection from those around me. Additionally, the constant stream of updates and comparisons on social media can sometimes lead to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction. Overall, while social media has its benefits, it’s important to find a balance and ensure it enhances rather than detracts from meaningful human connections.

Provide an example from this week’s resources to support your response.

Strategies to Mitigate Negative Impacts

In the next section of the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment instructions, I must explain and use the example from the sources to defend my response. 
  • Suggest strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of social media on attachment.
  • Discuss ways to balance online and offline interactions to maintain healthy relationships.


To mitigate the negative impacts of social media on attachment, it’s essential to balance online and offline interactions. One strategy is to set boundaries for social media use, such as limiting screen time and designating specific times for face-to-face interactions. Additionally, being mindful of the content consumed on social media and focusing on positive and supportive connections can help maintain a healthier online environment. Another effective strategy is to engage in digital detoxes periodically. Taking breaks from social media can help reduce dependency and allow for more meaningful in-person interactions. Encouraging open communication and addressing feelings of inadequacy or jealousy with trusted friends or family members can also help mitigate the negative emotional impacts of social media.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings and respond to at least two classmates’ postings.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of PSYC-1001. We need to provide responses for at least two other learner’s post. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.
  • Read at least two of your peers’ posts and provide a meaningful response.
  • Offer additional insights, ask questions, or suggest alternative perspectives.
  • Ensure your response is respectful, constructive, and supported by relevant sources where appropriate.

Response 1

Hi Jack, I really enjoyed reading your post. Your examples of how social media helps maintain long-distance relationships were very relatable. I also find that regular video calls with friends and family make a big difference in staying connected. Have you found any strategies that help balance online interactions with face-to-face communication? Great insights!

Response 2

Hi Jason, your discussion on the negative impacts of social media was insightful. I agree that the constant comparison with others can lead to feelings of inadequacy. Have you tried limiting your social media use or adopting any practices to mitigate these negative effects? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Excellent work!


This How-To PSYC-1001 guide aims to assist you in navigating the PSYC-1001 Week 2 Discussion: Social Media and Human Attachment effectively. By exploring the influence of social media on human attachment and reflecting on its impact on your personal relationships, you will gain valuable insights into digital interactions and their effects on our social lives. Engaging in meaningful dialogue with your peers will further enhance your learning experience. Good luck with your discussion!

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