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PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress

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Instructions of PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress

Week 4: Stress and Health


How do you know you are feeling stress? Maybe your heart pounds, you break into a sweat, your breathing feels shallow and constricted, or your stomach feels tight. Maybe your stress response is reflected in a change of behavior such as a shift in eating or sleeping habits. Whatever your experience, allowing stress to impact your life and body for a prolonged period can have a long-term impact on your health. What do you do to bring the stress responses under control? How do you regain a sense of balance when life continues to throw numerous curveballs your way?

For your Discussion, you explore the effects of stress on health. You also examine tips you can use to handle stress.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



Post a two-paragraph response to the following:

  • Describe how stress affects health.

  • Provide a specific example of a current or past stressful situation in your own life or in the life of someone you know.

  • Describe two tips for how you handle stress. Include a specific example of how you applied these tips to your stressful situation.

  • Explain how you assisted a friend or family member through a stressful event.

  • Provide an example from this week’s resources to support your response.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings.


Response 1: Respond to at least one classmate using the following:

  • Identify an idea from this week’s resources that might help your classmate address the situation they described.

Response 2: Respond to at least one other classmate using the following:

  • Using your personal experience, or a situation you have observed, share with a classmate one specific physical response to stress as a way to identify stress and then explain one stress management tip you might use to manage that stress response.

  • Due Aug 6, 2023 by 11:59pm

  • Points 90

  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

  • Attempts 1

 Allowed Attempts 2

Step-By-Step Guide PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress

Introduction to PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion

Welcome to the PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress! This week, we will delve into the topic of stress and its impact on health. Understanding how stress affects our well-being and learning effective coping strategies are crucial for maintaining mental and physical health. This Owlisdom guide will help you navigate the Week 4 discussion, ensuring you address all necessary components thoughtfully and thoroughly.

Describe how stress affects health.

How Stress Affects Health

As mentioned in the PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress instructions, I must start this task by describing the impact stress has on body and life. 

  • Discuss the physiological and psychological effects of stress on health.
  • Highlight both short-term and long-term impacts of stress on the body and mind.


Stress has significant effects on both physical and psychological health. Physiologically, stress triggers the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which prepare the body for a fight-or-flight response. While this response can be helpful in short-term situations, chronic stress can lead to a host of health problems, including hypertension, weakened immune function, and increased risk of heart disease. Psychologically, stress can contribute to anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances, impacting overall well-being.

Long-term exposure to stress can also result in behavioral changes such as overeating, smoking, or substance abuse, which further compromise health. For instance, individuals under constant stress may experience chronic fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. These symptoms not only affect personal health but also disrupt social and professional relationships, leading to a cycle of increasing stress and declining health.

Provide a specific example of a current or past stressful situation in your own life or in the life of someone you know.

Personal Stressful Situation

Next, in the course PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress instructions, I will discuss about a stressful event that has occurred in either my life or in the life of a close one. 

  • Share a specific example of a stressful situation from your life or the life of someone you know.
  • Describe the context and how the stress manifested in physical or emotional symptoms.


One stressful situation I experienced was during my final exams in college. The pressure to perform well and secure a good GPA was overwhelming. I found myself constantly anxious and unable to sleep, which in turn affected my ability to concentrate and study effectively. The stress manifested physically through headaches and digestive issues, making the situation even more challenging to manage.

My friend, Alex, went through a similar stressful period when he lost his job unexpectedly. The financial uncertainty and the pressure to find a new job quickly took a toll on his mental and physical health. He experienced frequent panic attacks, insomnia, and a significant drop in his overall mood and energy levels. Watching him struggle highlighted the profound impact that stress can have on an individual’s health and well-being.

Describe two tips for how you handle stress. Include a specific example of how you applied these tips to your stressful situation.

Tips for Handling Stress

In the next section of the PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress instructions, I will discuss about tips on how to handle stress by giving examples from my own experience. 

  • Provide two effective tips for managing stress.
  • Include a specific example of how you applied these tips to a stressful situation you experienced.


One effective tip for managing stress is practicing mindfulness meditation. During my exam period, I started dedicating 15 minutes each day to mindfulness exercises. This practice helped me stay present and reduce my anxiety levels, allowing me to focus better on my studies. Another helpful tip is regular physical exercise. I incorporated short, daily runs into my routine, which not only improved my physical health but also elevated my mood and provided a much-needed break from studying.

When Alex was dealing with his job loss, I encouraged him to try these same strategies. He began practicing mindfulness meditation, which helped him manage his panic attacks by focusing on his breathing and staying grounded in the present moment. Additionally, he joined a local gym, and the regular exercise sessions provided him with an outlet to release his pent-up stress and regain a sense of control over his situation.

Explain how you assisted a friend or family member through a stressful event.

Assisting Others with Stress

In the next section of the PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress instructions, I will explain how I helped my friend or family to overcome a stressful incident. 

  • Explain how you helped a friend or family member through a stressful event.
  • Describe the strategies you used and the outcome of your assistance.


To assist Alex through his stressful period, I provided emotional support and practical advice. We discussed his feelings and the challenges he faced, which helped him feel less isolated and more understood. I also helped him organize his job search by creating a structured plan, setting daily goals, and updating his resume. This structured approach helped reduce his anxiety and made the job search process more manageable.

Another strategy I used was encouraging him to reach out to his support network. By connecting with friends and family, Alex received additional emotional support and practical assistance, such as job leads and interview practice. This comprehensive support system played a crucial role in helping him navigate the stressful period and eventually secure a new job, demonstrating the importance of social support in managing stress.

Provide an example from this week’s resources to support your response.

Example from Week’s Resource

Finally, In the next section of the PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress instructions, I must explain and use the example from the sources to defend my response. 

  • Use an example from this week’s resources to support your perspective on the relationship between learning and behavior.
  • Cite the resource in APA format at the bottom of your discussion.


This week’s resource on stress management highlighted the benefits of mindfulness meditation in reducing stress and improving overall well-being. According to Kabat-Zinn (2003), mindfulness practices help individuals become more aware of their stress responses and develop healthier coping mechanisms. This example supports the effectiveness of mindfulness in managing stress, as seen in both my and Alex’s experiences.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings and respond to at least two classmates’ postings.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of PSYC-1001. We need to provide responses for at least two other learner’s post. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Read at least two of your peers’ posts and provide a meaningful response.
  • Offer additional insights, ask questions, or suggest alternative perspectives.
  • Ensure your response is respectful, constructive, and supported by relevant sources where appropriate.

Response 1

Hi Jacob, your description of how stress affected your health during a difficult time was very relatable. Your example of using mindfulness to manage stress was insightful. Have you found any other stress management techniques that work well for you? Great job!

Response 2

Hi Alexa, I appreciate your thorough discussion on the impact of stress and how you assisted a friend through a stressful event. Your approach to providing emotional and practical support was commendable. Do you think there are other strategies that might be effective in similar situations? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Excellent work!


This How-To PSYC-1001 guide aims to assist you in navigating the PSYC-1001 Week 4 Discussion: The Feelings of Stress effectively. By exploring the effects of stress on health and sharing personal and observed experiences, you will gain valuable insights into stress management strategies. Engaging in meaningful dialogue with your peers will further enhance your learning experience. Good luck with your discussion!

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