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PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders

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Instructions of PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders

Week 5: Disorders and Therapy

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Sometimes, individuals use the terminology of psychological disorders in a casual way (e.g., characterizing someone with attention-deficit disorder or obsessive compulsive disorder without formal diagnosis). Using such language in a casual way minimizes the impact of a true diagnosis and those living with the disorder. These specific and technical terms are used in everyday language without understanding their full impact.

Even trained and licensed professionals must take great care when considering and selecting an appropriate diagnosis for a client. While diagnosis of a psychological disorder can help a person to obtain the most suitable treatments, some professionals argue that a diagnostic label can be stigmatizing. Perhaps society’s increasing awareness of the field of psychology will help to reduce the stigmatization of those who experience—and struggle with—mental health disorders.

For your Discussion, you will explore a disorder that interests you and examine how it is identified by professionals. You will also consider the pros and cons of diagnosis and the advantages and disadvantages to using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

To begin, scan Chapter 13 of Kearns, T., & Lee, D. (2015) text to discover a psychological disorder that interests you.

Kearns, T., & Lee, D. (2015). General psychology: An introductionLinks to an external site.. GALILEO, University System of Georgia: GALILEO Open Learning Materials. https://oer.galileo.usg.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=psychology-textbooks

  • Chapter 13, “Psychology Disorders” (pp. 379–464)

Then read the following two articles:

Barth, F. D. (2019). How important is a psychiatric diagnosis?Links to an external site. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-couch/201907/how-important-is-psychiatric-diagnosis

Fritscher, L. (2020). Advantages and disadvantages of the Diagnostic Statistical ManualLinks to an external site.. https://www.verywellmind.com/dsm-friend-or-foe-2671930


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 



Post a two-paragraph response to the following:

  • Describe the psychological disorder you selected.

  • Explain how the psychological disorder is identified by professionals.

  • What are some of the pros and cons of a person receiving an official diagnosis?

  • What are some of the advantages and disadvantages to using the DSM?

  • Provide an example from one of this week’s resources to support your response.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings.


Response 1: Respond to at least one classmate using the following:

  • Describe in what ways the disorder you chose is similar or different to the disorder your classmate discussed.


  • Describe whether you agree or disagree with your classmate’s view on the pros and cons of diagnosis or the advantages and disadvantages to using the DSM. Explain why.

Response 2: Respond to at least one other classmate using the following:

  • Describe any insights you gained from reading about the disorder your classmate described that expands on the description your classmate posted.

  • Due Aug 13, 2023 by 11:59pm

  • Points 90

  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

  • Attempts 1

 Allowed Attempts 2

Step-By-Step Guide PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders

Introduction to PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion

Welcome to the PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders! This week, we will delve into the diagnosis of psychological disorders, examining how professionals identify and classify these conditions. Understanding the diagnostic process and its implications is crucial for developing effective treatment plans and supporting individuals with psychological disorders. This Owlisdom guide will help you navigate the Week 5 discussion, ensuring you address all necessary components thoughtfully and thoroughly.

Describe the psychological disorder you selected.

Describe the Psychological Disorder

As mentioned in the PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders instructions, I must start by understanding and selecting the psychological disorder. 
  • Select and describe a specific psychological disorder, including its main symptoms and characteristics.
  • Provide a brief overview of how this disorder affects an individual’s daily life.


I have selected Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) as the psychological disorder for this discussion. MDD is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest or pleasure in nearly all activities. Individuals with MDD often experience significant changes in appetite and sleep patterns, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt. These symptoms can severely impact daily functioning, making it difficult for individuals to maintain relationships, perform at work or school, and engage in social activities. MDD affects every aspect of an individual’s life, from their emotional well-being to their physical health. The pervasive nature of the disorder can lead to a cycle of negative thoughts and behaviors, further exacerbating the condition. Understanding the characteristics and impact of MDD is crucial for developing effective treatment strategies and providing appropriate support to those affected.

Explain how the psychological disorder is identified by professionals.

Identification by Professionals

Next, in the PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders instructions, I will discuss how the selected psychological disease is recognized and identified by health care professionals. 
  • Explain the process by which professionals identify and diagnose the selected psychological disorder.
  • Discuss the tools and criteria used in the diagnostic process, such as clinical interviews and assessment scales.


Professionals identify and diagnose Major Depressive Disorder through a comprehensive assessment process. This typically involves clinical interviews to gather detailed information about the individual’s symptoms, history, and functioning. Mental health professionals use standardized diagnostic criteria from the DSM-5, which outlines specific symptoms and duration required for a diagnosis of MDD. Additionally, assessment scales such as the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) or the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) are often used to quantify the severity of depressive symptoms. The diagnostic process aims to rule out other potential causes of the symptoms, such as medical conditions or substance use, to ensure an accurate diagnosis. By gathering comprehensive information and using standardized tools, professionals can provide a clear diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan tailored to the individual’s needs.

What are some of the pros and cons of a person receiving an official diagnosis?

Pros and Cons of an Official Diagnosis

In the next section of the PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders instructions, I will discuss somes of the pros and cons of having access to official diagnosis. 
  • Discuss the benefits of receiving an official diagnosis, such as access to treatment and support.
  • Highlight potential drawbacks, including stigma and the risk of misdiagnosis.


Receiving an official diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder has several benefits. It provides a clear explanation for the individual’s symptoms, which can be validating and relieving. An official diagnosis also grants access to evidence-based treatments, such as medication and psychotherapy, and support services that can improve the individual’s quality of life. Additionally, a diagnosis can facilitate communication and understanding between the individual, their family, and healthcare providers. However, there are potential drawbacks to receiving an official diagnosis. One significant concern is the stigma associated with mental health diagnoses, which can lead to discrimination and social isolation. Furthermore, the risk of misdiagnosis is a concern, as it can result in inappropriate treatment and prolonged suffering. It is crucial to approach the diagnostic process with care and ensure that the diagnosis is accurate and based on a thorough assessment.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages to using the DSM?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the DSM

In the next section of the PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders instructions, I will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing DSM, in order to diagnose a psychological disorder. 
  • Outline the advantages of using the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) in diagnosing psychological disorders.
  • Discuss the limitations and criticisms of the DSM, such as its categorical approach and potential for over-diagnosis.


The DSM provides several advantages in diagnosing psychological disorders. It offers a standardized framework for identifying and classifying mental health conditions, which promotes consistency and reliability in diagnoses across different professionals and settings. The DSM also facilitates research and communication by providing a common language for discussing psychological disorders. However, the DSM has limitations and criticisms. Its categorical approach can oversimplify the complexity of mental health conditions, leading to rigid classifications that may not fully capture the individual’s experience. Additionally, the DSM has been criticized for its potential to pathologize normal variations in behavior and for contributing to over-diagnosis. These limitations highlight the need for a nuanced and individualized approach to diagnosis and treatment.

Provide an example from this week’s resources to support your response.

Example from Week’s Resource

Finally, In the next section of the PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders instructions, I will explain and use the example from the sources to defend my response. 
  • Use an example from this week’s resources to support your perspective on the relationship between learning and behavior.
  • Cite the resource in APA format at the bottom of your assignment.


One of this week’s resources discussed the importance of accurate diagnosis in treating psychological disorders. According to the American Psychological Association (2020), accurate diagnosis is essential for effective treatment planning and improving patient outcomes. This resource emphasizes the need for thorough assessment and consideration of the individual’s unique circumstances in the diagnostic process.

Read a selection of your classmates’ postings and respond to at least two classmates’ postings.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of PSYC-1001. We need to provide responses for at least two other learner’s post. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.
  • Read at least two of your peers’ posts and provide a meaningful response.
  • Offer additional insights, ask questions, or suggest alternative perspectives.
  • Ensure your response is respectful, constructive, and supported by relevant sources where appropriate.

Response 1

Hi John, your description of Major Depressive Disorder was very detailed and informative. I appreciated your discussion on the pros and cons of receiving an official diagnosis. Have you encountered any specific strategies that help mitigate the stigma associated with mental health diagnoses? Great job!

Response 2

Hi Justin, I found your explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of using the DSM very insightful. Your emphasis on the need for a nuanced approach to diagnosis was compelling. Do you think there are alternative diagnostic frameworks that could address some of the DSM’s limitations? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Excellent work!


This How-To PSYC-1001 guide aims to assist you in navigating the PSYC-1001 Week 5 Discussion: Exploring Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders effectively. By exploring the process and implications of diagnosing psychological disorders, you will gain valuable insights into the challenges and benefits of mental health diagnosis. Engaging in thoughtful analysis and dialogue will enhance your learning experience. Good luck with your discussion!

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