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PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament

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Instructions of PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament


What does an infant need in addition to food and physical care? Early relationships with caregivers are also extremely important. If an infant does not form a secure attachment, how might that affect their development in infancy and later in life? How can caregivers respond in a way that promotes a secure attachment? How may an infant’s natural response to the world (temperament) influence how a primary caregiver responds to their needs?

Think about the following scenario:

Helen was born of average size and weight. Helen was an easy baby. She cried when she was hungry or cold or needed some attention but slept through the night by the time that she was 4 months old. She adapted to change easily. Her mother worked full time. Helen’s father worked long hours, and when he was home, he was too tired to help with Helen’s feeding, diapering, and nighttime needs. Helen’s mother fed her regularly but did not think that when Helen cried after only 2 hours that she could possibly be hungry again, so she ignored some of Helen’s cries. As Helen got older, her father began to spend more time with her—mainly in play. Helen’s mother rarely played with her. During the day when Helen’s mother worked, Helen was taken care of by her aunt. Her aunt spent a lot of time playing with, singing to, and rocking Helen when she needed to be comforted.

In this Assignment, you will analyze Helen’s temperament and the sensitivities and histories of her caregivers. You will also predict Helen’s attachment style and consider what factors influence the development of attachment styles.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this Assignment.

Required Readings

Required Media

Optional Resources

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 6, “Cognitive Development in Infancy,” and Chapter 7, “Social and Personality Development in Infancy.”
  • Review the article, “Introduction to the Special Section on Attachment Theory and Psychotherapy.”
  • Review the interactive media about “Attachment.”
  • Think about Helen’s experience (scenario from the Assignment introduction) and what you can discern about her temperament.
  • Consider how each of the caregivers in Helen’s life demonstrated their love. Think about how responsive the caregivers were to her needs.
  • Consider the possible attachment style (secure, avoidant, ambivalent, or disorganized-disoriented) that may have resulted from a combination of Helen’s temperament and the sensitivity of the care giving.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Provide an analysis of both Helen’s temperament and of the sensitivity of her caregivers.
  • Explain what the research suggests about how Helen’s caregivers’ own attachment histories may influence how they interact with her.
  • Predict Helen’s attachment style. Be sure to explain how Helen’s temperament influences her attachment style and support your prediction.
  • Provide clear justification for your conclusions regarding the factors that influence the development of attachment styles.

Note: Support the responses within your Assignment with evidence from the course Learning Resources. Provide a Reference List for resources you used for this Assignment. Title page and Reference List do not count toward the 2- to 3-page paper length. Use APA style for in-text citations and references.


Submit your Assignment by Day 7.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

  1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK2Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial
  2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.
  3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.








This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of both Helen’s temperament and of the sensitivity of her caregivers.

15 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

11 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation of what the research suggests about how Helen’s caregivers’ own attachment histories may influence how they interact with her.

15 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

11 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrediction of Helen’s attachment style with an explanation of how Helen’s temperament influences her attachment style and support your prediction.

10 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

8.5 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

7.5 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

6.5 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear justification for your conclusions regarding the factors that influence the development of attachment styles.

10 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

8.5 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

7.5 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

6.5 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing

10 pts


Writing is clear and organized with few or no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling (MUGS). There is a preponderance of original writing (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing). Information from the Learning Resources is fully provided and correctly documented with citation(s) and reference(s) in correct APA style.

8.5 pts


Writing is mostly clear and organized with few MUGS errors. Writing is original (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing). Information from the Learning Resources is mostly provided and correctly documented with citation(s) and reference(s) in correct APA style.

7.5 pts


Writing is somewhat clear and organized with some MUGS errors. Most writing is mostly original (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing) but may rely on the use of some direct quotations. Information from the Learning Resources is partially provided and/or incorrectly documented with citation(s) and/or reference(s), and/or citations(s) and reference(s) do not follow correct APA style.

6.5 pts


Writing is mostly unclear and disorganized and/or contains many MUGS errors. There is an overuse of direct quotations and/or ineffective paraphrasing. Information from the Learning Resources is significantly lacking and/or is incorrectly documented and/or citation(s) and reference(s) do not follow correct APA style.

0 pts


Writing is mostly unclear and/or mostly disorganized and/or contains many MUGS errors. There is an underuse of original writing and an overuse of directly quoted content. Information from the Learning Resources is absent and/or is not cited or referenced in any way.

10 pts

Total Points: 60

Step-by-step guide on PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament

Introduction to PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament 

This Owlisdom How-To guide of PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament involves analyzing the attachment and temperament of a child named Helen based on a given scenario. You will explore how her temperament and the sensitivity of her caregivers influence her attachment style. The goal is to understand the factors that shape attachment development and predict Helen’s attachment style based on theoretical insights.

  • Begin by providing an overview of attachment theory and its significance in understanding personality and interpersonal relationships. Introduce the scenario involving Helen and explain the purpose of the analysis.


Attachment theory, established by John Bowlby and further elaborated by Mary Ainsworth, suggests that early interactions with caregivers form the basis of attachment styles that persist throughout life, influencing personality and interpersonal relationships. In considering Helen’s scenario, we investigate how her temperament and caregivers’ responsiveness likely influenced her attachment style.

Provide an analysis of both Helen’s temperament and the sensitivity of her caregivers.


In this section of PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament, we will discuss Helen’s temperament analysis.

Analysis of Helen’s Temperament

  • Describe Helen’s temperament based on the provided information. 
  • Highlight key characteristics that define her temperament.

Helen’s temperament can be described as “easy.” It is characterized by regular sleeping and eating habits, mild-moderate intensity of emotional expression, and a generally positive mood. She demonstrates adaptability to new situations and manages well with changes in her environment. Such temperamental traits usually facilitate positive interactions with caregivers, as they are typically easier to soothe and elicit more consistent caregiving responses (Davila & Levy, 2006).

Sensitivity of Caregivers

In this section of PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament, we will discuss caregivers’ sensitivity.

  • Evaluate the sensitivity and responsiveness of Helen’s caregivers, focusing on her mother, father, and aunt. 
  • Discuss how their behaviors impact Helen’s development.


Helen’s primary caregivers display varying degrees of sensitivity. Although her mother provides for her basic needs, she does not consistently respond to her signals, especially when Helen cries due to hunger more frequently than expected. The lack of responsiveness might not nurture an optimal emotional connection. Conversely, Helen’s father, initially absent, later engages with her primarily through play, which can be a positive interaction but may not fully compensate for his earlier detachment or the emotional nurturing typically associated with consistent caregiving. Helen’s aunt, who cares for her during the day, seems to provide a high level of responsiveness and emotional engagement, including playing, singing, and comforting, which are critical for secure attachment development.

Explain what the research suggests about how Helen’s caregivers’ attachment histories may influence how they interact with her.


In this PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament section, we will discuss the caregivers’ attachment histories.

  • Explain how the attachment histories of Helen’s caregivers might influence their interactions with her. 
  • Consider potential attachment styles they may have experienced in their own childhoods.


The caregivers’ own attachment histories can significantly influence their interactions with Helen. For instance, if Helen’s mother experienced an avoidant attachment style as a child, she might unconsciously replicate this by being less responsive to Helen’s needs. Research suggests that parents’ unresolved attachment disorders or histories of emotional neglect can lead to less sensitive and more detached parenting practices (Davila & Levy, 2006).

Predict Helen’s attachment style. Be sure to explain how Helen’s temperament influences her attachment style and support your prediction.


  • Based on the analysis of Helen’s temperament and caregiver sensitivity, predict her likely attachment style. 
  • Explain how her temperament influences this prediction.


Given Helen’s generally easy temperament, she has the potential to develop a secure attachment style, mainly due to her interactions with her aunt, who provides her with consistent, sensitive, and responsive care. However, her parents’ varied responsiveness, particularly her father’s initial emotional unavailability and her mother’s inconsistent responses, might complicate this outcome. Helen may thus develop an attachment style that leans towards ambivalence, where she shows vital attachment behaviors but remains uncertain about the reliability of her caregivers.

Provide clear justification for your conclusions regarding the factors that influence the development of attachment styles.


This section of PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament will discuss factors influencing attachment styles.

  • Provide a clear justification for your conclusions regarding the factors influencing Helen’s attachment style. 
  • Support your analysis with relevant research.


The development of attachment styles is profoundly influenced by the interplay between a child’s temperament and caregiver responsiveness. An easy temperament like Helen’s typically evokes positive responses from caregivers, promoting a secure attachment style. However, the consistency of these responses is crucial. Helen’s experiences illustrate how mixed responses from multiple caregivers can influence attachment style outcomes (Feldman, 2022). The sensitive caregiving from her aunt may buffer against her parents’ less optimal caregiving responses, highlighting how multiple caregivers can contribute differently to attachment outcomes.


In this section of PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament, we will discuss the conclusion.

  • Summarize the key points of your analysis. 
  • Emphasize the importance of caregiver sensitivity and attachment histories in shaping a child’s attachment style.


To sum up, while Helen’s easy temperament generally predisposes her to a secure attachment style, the mixed levels of sensitivity and responsiveness from her caregivers could lead to an ambivalent attachment style. Caregivers need to understand how their attachment histories and current emotional availability affect their interactions with children. For Helen, consistent and emotionally responsive caregiving from her aunt provides a foundation for secure attachment, potentially mitigating less responsive care from her parents. The scenario underscores the complexity of attachment development, influenced by a dynamic interaction between child temperament, caregiver behavior, and the broader caregiving environment. Supporting this analysis, the research underscores the importance of early attachment experiences in shaping social and emotional development, advocating for interventions that enhance caregiver responsiveness to foster secure attachment styles in children.


By following these guidelines of PSYC 2002 2-2 Attachment and Temperament, you will be able to effectively analyze the attachment and temperament of a child, predict their attachment style, and justify your conclusions based on theoretical insights and research evidence. In the next module of PSYC 2002, we will explore 3-1 Discussion


Davila, J., & Levy, K. N. (2006). Introduction to the special section on attachment theory and psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(6), 989–993. https://doi.org/10.1037/0022-006x.74.6.989 

Feldman, R. S. (2022). Child development (9th ed.). Pearson.

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